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Bomb Blast in Crowded Daata Darbar (Shrine), Lahore

What a sad day. The closure of the langar means thousands, literally thousands will be left without a meal today, some without a single meal today.

I have to say that Salman Taseer put it aptly. Even Ranjeet Singh never touched Data Darbar.

The fact this has happened for the first time in 927 years is a shame on all of us wherever we come from.
I just want Jinnah's Pakistan back, is that too much to ask. No more idiotic laws, sectarian violence, declaring other non Muslims and what not.

It has to be that way or there is no way.

Will never happen. The minute an honourable person who wants to work for the betterment of the nation (instead of lining his pockets) steps into office; you can bet your house he won't be alive to see another day.

There are too many stakeholders in Pakistan at the moment (both internal and external) and none of them want to see their investments crumble.
Please edit the title of this thread. Its "Daata Darbar" and not "Dada darbar"
If any civil politician ever attempts to do that will suffer the same fate as BB . We might have to follow much drastic route.

What can be those routes sir??? Democracy is a very complex system and it will take years for the electoral process to mature...Just see almost every Pakistani term Zardari as Mr. 10% yet he is your president chosen by People of Pakistan....One of the most important Reason is : sympathy vote due to BB death....Now i am sure people will not choose him next time if sympathy was the main reason but then what are the other choices??? If not him then Nawaz Sharif will come...He is alleged to be number two corrupt....

To get rid of Zaradari people will end up choosing another thug...In short it will take a significant time for electoral process to mature and when people will start voting for performers rather than sweet talkers...I think this is one field where India is lucky....Our civilian authority is beyond doubt on military which resulted in un-interrupted democracy from 6 decades(with one year as black spot)....This has resulted in a better and mature voter and that's why you do see - Muslims,Sikhs, Christians heading top most offices including President and Prime Minister....

I hope Pakistan gets an uninterrupted civilian control....Slowly but surely voter will get mature and leaders would be forced to perform...Non-performers will be thrown out....To me that would be historic moment for Pakistan....
I talked to a journalist friend who went to Data Darbar today and he said that a whole bunch of people were trying to convince the policemen on guard there to let them distribute the food somehow. Of course, they could not allow it and neither were they allowed to do it anywhere nearby fearing another attack on a congregation of people.

He was telling me how he saw an eight something old man crying outside the Darbar. The old man was left at the steps of the shrine as a toddler, raised by the custodians of the shrine and has lived there for every single day he remembers.

What a sad day for this country. My resolution at least has been broken. This is too much violence and too much hate to tackle. In no other country could Maulana Muhammad Ahmad Ludhianvi roam free. In no other country could Maulana Masood Azhar continue to receive patronage from organs of the state. In no other country could Maulana Azam Tariq get elected to Parliament from jail only months after his party got declared as a terrorist organization. In no other place could a hate-monger like Hafiz Saeed roam free. In no other place could people like Maulana Sami ul Haq become Senators and be allowed to roam free even when dozens of suicide bombers have been precisely identified as being from the biggest terror outfit Madrassa, Jamia Darul Uloom Haqania of Akora Khatak. Isn't it ironic that Sami ul Haq's Senate page lised then (and now as previous Senators' page) in his acheivements the book "Qadiyan se Israel tak" (From Qadiyan to Israel). So much hate and so much intolerance.

I personally am broken today. Never felt this broken by any terrorist event, which is itself a testament to how non-emotional have we become to such events and personally I considered my reactions to have become quite inhumane as well. I am broken beyond any measurable standard of grief.
T-Faz just [posted an article saying that Whabis are vehemently against the Sufi Version of Islam, does it rings any bells?

plus here you go....

- Sleeping With the Enemy

-Original US govt. Docs providing links of Saudi Royal family's financial links with Al-Qaeda

I dont doubt there are many links in Saudia Arabia with the Taliban including the royal family, but 99.9 percent of the terrorism in Pakistan comes from Pakistan and Afghanistan, its a really a far reach to blame some one else.
not possible for the next 20-30 years at least,

we need to eliminate poverty, educate our childrens and bring revolution in order to achieve such goals. Education is the only way to bring Jinnah's Pakistan back

And that requires long period

When Jinnah can create Pakistan even with so much opposition, you can be rest assured that this can happen too.

But it all depends on Allah, we have to go through what is in our destiny.
Will never happen. The minute an honourable person who wants to work for the betterment of the nation (instead of lining his pockets) steps into office; you can bet your house he won't be alive to see another day.

There are too many stakeholders in Pakistan at the moment (both internal and external) and none of them want to see their investments crumble.

Many of my family members are as honourable as they come and just between one generation, they have more than a 100 years worth of service to the Pakistani government. Though they were restricted from achieving the highest positions but they survived many days even with abrupt corruption and amoral practices in their sectors.

My grandfather could not reach the position he was in scope for because he was too sincere and honest. Had my family taken bribes they were offered, my household would not have been so financially strained.

But I am damn proud that they helped those they can to the best of their ability and never ever did anything illegal. There are many more like this, just working in the background in much lower positions they ought to be in.

All we need is one shot at turning the tables and returning to what we were meant for.
This is quiet horrific indeed. When I traveled to Lahore, I visited this place as well. It is quiet crowded and the area on a whole is jam-packed with people. It makes me feel worst given that I myself was present at this place not too long ago and then to find out that such a tragedy has struck. I hope Pakistan liberates itself from such happenings. They only serve to seep further discord within the people.
When Jinnah can create Pakistan even with so much opposition, you can be rest assured that this can happen too.

But it all depends on Allah, we have to go through what is in our destiny.

Jinnah had large support of today's Pakistanis, everybody was standing besides him for the cause of Independant Pakistan. Now its not a case, if anybody would go after implementing Jinnah's ideologies ignoring the will of the public he will only be digging his/her grave with his own hands.

We have to start this revolution by educating the poor peoples of our country and bringing awareness of these issues among them, otherwise our politicians and so-called scholars will continue fooling our illeterate public and continue representing our country and making things more worse.
I just want Jinnah's Pakistan back, is that too much to ask. No more idiotic laws, sectarian violence, declaring other non Muslims and what not.

It has to be that way or there is no way.

Not happening, that is the way world is, Great leaders are poster boys, implementators are always evil. In India Congress I uses Mahatma Gandhi for votes they are not even close to him.
What a sad day. The closure of the langar means thousands, literally thousands will be left without a meal today, some without a single meal today.

I have to say that Salman Taseer put it aptly. Even Ranjeet Singh never touched Data Darbar.

They are doing to service to God & Humanity :rolleyes:

What a Shame :tsk: :tsk:
I personally am broken today. Never felt this broken by any terrorist event, which is itself a testament to how non-emotional have we become to such events and personally I considered my reactions to have become quite inhumane as well. I am broken beyond any measurable standard of grief.

This is exactly what these thugs wants to do they want us to break , remember we are 160million and these rats are only few hidden among us , Lets keep the good work of identifying them and counter their sh*ty ideaology & finish this junk, not give up on their cowardly acts.
Jinnah had large support of today's Pakistanis, everybody was standing besides him for the cause of Independant Pakistan. Now its not a case, if anybody would go after implementing Jinnah's ideologies ignoring the will of the public he will only be digging his/her grave with his own hands.

Jinnah had support that was limited to certain Pakistani's, the only complete support came from Ahmadies and Agha Khani's.

  • Bacha Khan and his party were against Pakistan.
  • Fakir of Ipi and his people were against Pakistan, he referred to the Mulsim League as 'Bastion of Qadiyanism'.
  • A significant number of Baloch were against Pakistan.
  • A significant number of Sindhi's were against Pakistan.
  • The religious groups (Maulana Maududi and Madani's people) of India which later migrated to Pakistan were against Pakistan.
  • Majlis-e-Ahrar were against Pakistan.

Quite large number of people were in fact against Pakistan but Jinnah made it happen and these people quashed. But the weak leaders we had since allowed these groups to emerge again and challenge the country they did work for in the first place.
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