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Boko Haram terrorists kidnap 8 more girls, hours after leader issues threat

The voice against those islam terrorists are just too faint to be heard. It need to be much louder and clearer to the world.

Well this is your opinion. May be you watch too much fox news in USA. Anyways Islamic clerics have condemned Boko Haram explicitly and clearly.

Saudi Arabia's top cleric says Nigeria's Boko Haram smears Islam| Reuters

The relationship between China and those muslim countries are mostly business oriented. China has enjoy a very good relationship with Israel as well.

None of those muslim countries dare to interfere China's internal policy towards her own muslim population. Otherwise, China will not have such a good mood towards any country that dare to interfere. Don't trust me??? Dare any of those muslim leaders quote quran with any Chinese leaders??? They had better not since Chinese people do not give a fxxk to that. China is a secular country and we want to maintain her that way till the end.

As for I myself being lunatic or not, well, I consider myself perfectly normal. I would like to maintain China stability at any cost. For those terrorists, I do not give a fxxk which religions they are from, if they want to make a fuss by being terrorists, they had better prepare themselves for the harshest punishment in the universe.

As for Syria, I would rather to keep Assad at power rather than those taliban related terrorists. Those western countries are just so stupid enough to support them knowing they are potentially the next OBL.

You're just a raging lunatic with an intellectual capacity of a six year old. It is quite obvious that everyone here has clearly answered your questions and yet you act like the low life little asshole you are.

So continue to believe whatever you want, but the picture you are painting isn't as black and white as you make it seem

and by the way, do you know who is supporting the terrorist in Syria, Libya , KSA, etc?

Furthermore, since you're spewing all this venom towards Muslims. Why don't you protest against your own government for having good relations with every single Muslim nation on this planet?
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For Khamenei, I do not want to comment on him since he is very controversial.

However, he being the grand ayatollah, his comments should have at least guided a lot of shia muslims. However, what a disappointment is that instead of issuing fatwa against boko haram, OBL, talibans and etc, he is way more interested in keeping the fatwa against Salman Rushdie, though I know the previous one issued such fatwa.

It seems that whoever the muslim leaders are, they are more interested in fighting those outsiders than cleansing their own messes.

We've been fighting with them at least for 25 years , since Taliban was created by C.I.A in Afghanistan and we've continued this job till now . what do you think is happening in Syria?Iraq? Lebanon? we are fighting with them .... but what we witness is these bastard are being supported by America and its allies .... and to put an end to this tragedy you don't need to kill all of them but you need to fight with ignorance ....
About Ayatollah KHamenei you can whatever you want from his website : khamenei.ir/
For Khamenei, I do not want to comment on him since he is very controversial.

However, he being the grand ayatollah, his comments should have at least guided a lot of shia muslims. However, what a disappointment is that instead of issuing fatwa against boko haram, OBL, talibans and etc, he is way more interested in keeping the fatwa against Salman Rushdie, though I know the previous one issued such fatwa.

It seems that whoever the muslim leaders are, they are more interested in fighting those outsiders than cleansing their own messes.

First of all, calm down ...It's a well-said profound phrase that "Actions speak loader than words" as I said we are fighting with them.
As far as Fighting with killers and terrorists is a must this matter doesn't need a fatwa to be done. It's crystal clear those who kidnap innocent girls to sell them as sex slaves are enemy of humanity and every individual being on this planet gotta confront them. You need pass the so-called process of fatwa when you don't know the answer of a question base upon Islamic thoughts ...
"Actions speak loader than words"???

What a joke here. From the way the so-called islam is practiced today, every people see it crystal clear.

First of all, calm down ...It's a well-said profound phrase that "Actions speak loader than words" as I said we are fighting with them.
As far as Fighting with killers and terrorists is a must this matter doesn't need a fatwa to be done. It's crystal clear those who kidnap innocent girls to sell them as sex slaves are enemy of humanity and every individual being on this planet gotta confront them. You need pass the so-called process of fatwa when you don't know the answer of a question base upon Islamic thoughts ...
as an example we dont call buddhists as a cult nor we call them terrorists just because they are massacring muslims in myanmar .

just to show you a glimps of their barbarism : GRAPHIC PIC , made a link for it :


Mate, that pic is of the people who died during the Qinghai province earthquake in China. The monks are just helping with the burial and clean up. Nothing to do with barbarism or Buddhism or Burma or Muslims.

The voice against those islam terrorists are just too faint to be heard. It need to be much louder and clearer to the world.

The relationship between China and those muslim countries are mostly business oriented. China has enjoy a very good relationship with Israel as well.

None of those muslim countries dare to interfere China's internal policy towards her own muslim population. Otherwise, China will not have such a good mood towards any country that dare to interfere. Don't trust me??? Dare any of those muslim leaders quote quran with any Chinese leaders??? They had better not since Chinese people do not give a fxxk to that. China is a secular country and we want to maintain her that way till the end.

As for I myself being lunatic or not, well, I consider myself perfectly normal. I would like to maintain China stability at any cost. For those terrorists, I do not give a fxxk which religions they are from, if they want to make a fuss by being terrorists, they had better prepare themselves for the harshest punishment in the universe.

As for Syria, I would rather to keep Assad at power rather than those taliban related terrorists. Those western countries are just so stupid enough to support them knowing they are potentially the next OBL.

again lunatic,

you are ranting about something that we have no quarrel over. No one here supports the Western backed terrorists in Syria, Libya, etc. No one here believes in interfering in China's business and no one here believes supports the terrorists using Islam for their personal agenda?
so what what are you ranting about ?
Again, as I said all this has to do with Wahabiism. Go bark at them and not blame all Muslims and Islam.

First of all, calm down ...It's a well-said profound phrase that "Actions speak loader than words" as I said we are fighting with them.
As far as Fighting with killers and terrorists is a must this matter doesn't need a fatwa to be done. It's crystal clear those who kidnap innocent girls to sell them as sex slaves are enemy of humanity and every individual being on this planet gotta confront them. You need pass the so-called process of fatwa when you don't know the answer of a question base upon Islamic thoughts ...

why are you wasting your time with this lunatic?
Why don't you STFU???

I am not talking to you. As for your shallow mind thinking none of the so-called muslim members here support terrorists within China, you must be fxxking crazy.

Have you read those posts where quite a few muslim members show their sympathy and supports over those uighurs terrorists instead of those Chinese citizens dead in the attack???

What you have said is as ridiculous as saying the fault for WWII in Germany was only at Hitler, nobody else. You must be fxxked up idiot.

So STFU and do not follow my posts.!!! Go back to your sh!t hole in north korea.

again lunatic,

you are ranting about something that we have no quarrel over. No one here supports the Western backed terrorists in Syria, Libya, etc. No one here believes in interfering in China's business and no one here believes supports the terrorists using Islam for their personal agenda?
so what what are you ranting about ?
Again, as I said all this has to do with Wahabiism. Go bark at them and not blame all Muslims and Islam.

why are you wasting your time with this lunatic?
Allying with Russia? You both are in two different directions. Whether it is geopolitics, economics, trade, status, ideology.. they are totally different from you.

You are used to getting military assistance, they are used to a different thought; you love jihad, they have tamed it; you hate us, they are our largest strategic parnters .

There are many such examples.
Please show respect. The Islam that I follow doesn't allow anything like this.
As near as I can tell, if someone who claims to be Muslim is successful at any endeavor targeting non-Muslims then he is considered to have Allah's blessing. If that wasn't the case, other Muslims would intervenes intervene to champion non-Muslim victims of Muslim violence (like the Israelis) rather than invent rationalizations that get their co-religionists off the hook.

The difference, then, is that the Boko Haram leader had the power to do what he did and you do not; if you did have the power, you'd do it yourself, rather than resort to stopping Boko Haram.

Doubtless that's why the Nigerians have resorted to calling in the Americans and Israelis rather than Boko's co-religionists. What would a Muslim like yourself possibly do? Claim that it's better to be a Christian, Jew, or animist than to be a Muslim and follow Boko Haram?
Why don't you STFU???

I am not talking to you. As for your shallow mind thinking none of the so-called muslim members here support terrorists within China, you must be fxxking crazy.

Have you read those posts where quite a few muslim members show their sympathy and supports over those uighurs terrorists instead of those Chinese citizens dead in the attack???

What you have said is as ridiculous as saying the fault for WWII in Germany was only at Hitler, nobody else. You must be fxxked up idiot.

So STFU and do not follow my posts.!!! Go back to your sh!t hole in north korea.

calm down little puppy !

perhaps this is the first time you're using a computer, but I replied to your post because you replied to mine...

as far as everything else you said, I won't respond to a person with a mindset of 5 year old. ...

Even your own countrymen on PDF despise you and think you are crazy! So again, know your place lunatic
To a fxxk up worshiping the fat idiot lil' kim, why would I waste any time again? :rofl:

calm down little puppy !

perhaps this is the first time you're using a computer, but I replied to your post because you replied to mine...

as far as everything else you said, I won't respond to a person with a mindset of 5 year old. ...

Even your own countrymen on PDF despise you and think you are crazy! So again, know your place lunatic
So? to those who worship evils, sympathize terrorists, they are enemy of China.

I don't think you know what you're talking about... wipe the drool from your mouth a take your meds
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