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Boko Haram kills 300, abducts 11 more girls.

Till the time that doesn't happen, I believe the work of the African Union mission in Somalia has been commendable and should be replicated in Northern Nigeria.

But they keep coming back and the world's losing its patience pretty fast, I do sense a complete run out of patience pretty soon.
and we will say the same to moderate hindus - who remain silent over the genocide of Muslims and Christians in india

Your instinct to draw parallels where none exist is quite understandable. Let me explain some things:

1) Plenty of hindus DID and DO condemn the killing of muslims or christians if it happens.

2) Muslims are overzealous in not only condemning, but also violently protesting any time their faith has been hurt - when a novelist writes a book or when cartoons are printed or a rumour spreads of a quran desecration halfway across the planet, bombings and killings take place across the muslim world. But on the other hand, when islamic terrorists do horrible things to living people including children (and not just printing something on a piece of paper), does any protest or condemning happen?

Now maybe you understand why the world questions your priorities. Or maybe not - your instinct might still make you make futile attempts to create false equivocations.

On topic, from my own view, **** all these religious disputes and point scoring - somebody, anybody, PLEASE get those children back safely. I can't imagine the sort of hell they must be going through right now.
your logic (or perhaps lack thereof) is twisted, flawed and self contradictory

Yeah , that's it. Now that you have made this customary statement, you can now peacefully go to sleep while Islamic radicals slaughter hundreds by the day as has been going on for a long long time.

There is much more that non-jihadist Muslims need to do , if they care about defeating this menace at all.

and there's no such thing as hindutva-motivated terrorists who engage in violence and militancy

yeah - speaking of sleep, i think you could do with some....go lay down on your chaar-pai
i am not a psychologist but even if it is reactionary, it has much lesser signature than the crimes against Muslims going around in the world. Every other Muslim territory is facing foreign occupation or living under the fear of one happening. Having said that i also condemn acts such as those.

Most crimes against Muslims have been committed by Muslims themselves. That has been true throughout history and that is true today as well.

your logic (or perhaps lack thereof) is twisted, flawed and self contradictory

and there's no such thing as hindutva-motivated terrorists who engage in violence and militancy

yeah - speaking of sleep, i think you could do with some....go lay down on your chaar-pai

Yes there are murderous Hindus as there are in every religion. The difference is in scale and frequency.

If you are telling me that the scale and frequency of violence being committed by Hindus of the world is the same or even close to what Muslims are committing , than you know you are lying. Be honest to yourself at least.

No need to get personal and angry. Calm down and think objectively.
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Most crimes against Muslims have been committed by Muslims themselves. That has been true throughout history and that is true today as well.

That's a media propaganda against Islam. Muslims are a growing population and Non-Muslims are afraid of it that's why they are spreading lies/ too much spot light against us to stop this enormous spread.
If human population keeps rising there will food shortage. There will be problems. Greed, lust, jealously will kill 2 billion people

Seriously , man you need to get over with your obsession of food shortage. It's a myth there is no food shortage. There is only mismanagement and greed killing people not the production of food .
That's a media propaganda against Islam. Muslims are a growing population and Non-Muslims are afraid of it that's why they are spreading lies/ too much spot light against us to stop this enormous spread.

yup those 200 girls are out on picnic with those boko-haram guys.....sheesh western media.

your logic (or perhaps lack thereof) is twisted, flawed and self contradictory

and there's no such thing as hindutva-motivated terrorists who engage in violence and militancy

yeah - speaking of sleep, i think you could do with some....go lay down on your chaar-pai

ok lets do one thing.....since 1900 you give me all the terrorist activities by hindus and ill give you all the activities by muslims...fair.
yup those 200 girls are out on picnic with those boko-haram guys.....sheesh western media.
Is 200 a magic number?
i mean this is first time i have seen worldwide coverage of girls kidnapped without any other proof of torture or rape.
Yeah, like 'superpower' China, or Russia. They should get in there and get their hands dirty..........for once.:china:
Yeah America(Yankees) are dying due to burden of huge debt they have collected,its time that "superpower China" should do justice to its superpower status and save Nigeria from these barbarians by sending there army from floating casino which they brought from Ukraine:china:

That's a media propaganda against Islam. Muslims are a growing population and Non-Muslims are afraid of it that's why they are spreading lies/ too much spot light against us to stop this enormous spread.
LOL,Muslims are growing due to there breeding tendencies,The no. of people converitng to Islam from other religion is more or less equal to the number of people leaving Islam and adopting other religion.

Time to see reality my freind instead of teming everythng as propoganda.
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Is 200 a magic number?
i mean this is first time i have seen worldwide coverage of girls kidnapped without any other proof of torture or rape.

You mean the girls are not kidnapped, and what proof do you want ? See, you are the true face of Islam, if it had been a christian /hindu kidnapping even 4 girls you would have been over the moon but here you are defending bloody boko haram.To all those people who ask themselves whats wrong with the world , why they blame them....this is why.People like you trivialise even such heinous crimes by muslims.
I am wondering who the **** funds these organizations like Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, Al Shabbab etc.

That's a media propaganda against Islam. Muslims are a growing population and Non-Muslims are afraid of it that's why they are spreading lies/ too much spot light against us to stop this enormous spread.

The girls kidnapped are from a Muslim dominated region in Nigeria. Boko Haram is an islamist group. Al Shabbab from Somalia is an islamist group which kills Somalis who are again Muslims. TTP is an islamist group which kills Pakistanis who are again Muslims. Al Qaeda is active in Yemen, Iraq and now Syria who is killing scores of people who are again followers of Islam.

So what is he lying about? :confused:
You mean the girls are not kidnapped, and what proof do you want ? See, you are the true face of Islam, if it had been a christian /hindu kidnapping even 4 girls you would have been over the moon but here you are defending bloody boko haram.To all those people who ask themselves whats wrong with the world , why they blame them....this is why.People like you trivialise even such heinous crimes by muslims.

Did he claim that his view represented an Islamic view?? The First Lady of Nigeria who is a Christian also reflected a similar view. Why don't you stfu about "Islam or Muslim this or that" and stick to the topic on hand
That's a media propaganda against Islam. Muslims are a growing population and Non-Muslims are afraid of it that's why they are spreading lies/ too much spot light against us to stop this enormous spread.
Media propaganda or not - the decline of Muslim population in Africa is perhaps alarming to you. You should focus on the humanitarian aspect though, instead of highlighting Islam here. If you consider Boko Haram to be a liability that is.



I am just showing the other face of the coin not supporting any kind of violence. After all it takes all the guts inside one to take arm or blow himself up. A week ago nobody knew anything about Boko Haram and now they are a symbol of fear across the world and guess what that's what they wanted to achieve.
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