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Boko Haram kills 300, abducts 11 more girls.

Somebody needs to invade Northern Nigeria and fix these Boko Haramis once and for all.

Perhaps an African Union mission supported by foreign powers , similar to the one in Somalia would be good idea , along with Local Nigerian forces of course.

They defeated Al-Shabaab in Somalia, they can replicate that in Northern Nigeria.
yup its a good industry... if it can work in Afghanistan, Pakistan , Malaysia and Sudan then why not in rest of Africa.
Halal dollars converted from Halal Riyals.

Khadmain Jihad Sherfain
spreading misery in the world since the discovery of oil

I know they have been in the business a long time, in many parts of the world. But seriously - abducting hundreds of schoolgirls and selling them into sexual slavery, and openly boasting about it?:hitwall:

WTF is going on, where is the Nigerian military, where is the African Union's peacekeeping forces, where are UN peacekeepers, why is nobody doing anything about it?

This did not even come completely out of the blue, like 9/11 - these demented a-holes have been attacking school and college students and burning churches for quite some time now. Last year they stormed into a college dormitory and sprayed bullets into sleeping students, killing and wounding hundreds.

Sadly, nobody seems to care. I find this lack of outrage disturbing. As I said before, when a plane is hijacked (or lost over sea), the entire world chats and speaks and writes and tweets and prays about it. Hundreds of schoolgirls being held hostage and quite possibly raped and brutalized right now, and does it make the front page of any newspaper or media? Nope.

Some lives are more important than others, clearly.
No news should be done on Boko Haram on this forum or it will get deleted just like one got deleted where @boomslang ( or someone else , not sure) went hiroshima and nagasaki on people of a specific belief .

Wasn't me, chief.

...Perhaps an African Union mission supported by foreign powers ,

Yeah, like 'superpower' China, or Russia. They should get in there and get their hands dirty..........for once.:china:
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I know they have been in the business a long time, in many parts of the world. But seriously - abducting hundreds of schoolgirls and selling them into sexual slavery, and openly boasting about it?:hitwall:

WTF is going on, where is the Nigerian military, where is the African Union's peacekeeping forces, where are UN peacekeepers, why is nobody doing anything about it?

This did not even come completely out of the blue, like 9/11 - these demented a-holes have been attacking school and college students and burning churches for quite some time now. Last year they stormed into a college dormitory and sprayed bullets into sleeping students, killing and wounding hundreds.

Sadly, nobody seems to care. I find this lack of outrage disturbing. As I said before, when a plane is hijacked (or lost over sea), the entire world chats and speaks and writes and tweets and prays about it. Hundreds of schoolgirls being held hostage and quite possibly raped and brutalized right now, and does it make the front page of any newspaper or media? Nope.

Some lives are more important than others, clearly.

Bunch of african girls not worth the attention (their thinking),even i am suprised by the lack of discussion / concern about this.It must have been what..a week since the girls have been abducted.Just imagine what has happened to those girls since....daily rape,physical abuse all by these damm islamist.Lets call them what they are.Why is not there a rally of moderate muslims protesting them,for them a bunch of danish cartoons by a non-believer was more offensive than these heinious acts by someone who claims to follow their religion.And then they ask the rest of the world making stupid puppy eyes.....why the world hates us? Think we are dangerous.Because the fcking world sees everyday examples of these people who claim to follow your religion,bcos the world sees less reaction from your religion leaders condemnation of them while they are busy condemning salman Rushdie for death, blow up agencies over danish cartoons...something very very wrong with Muslims.
Islam does not preach any kind of violence.
boko haram, TTP, al Nusra front of Syria -- these are all the ugly faces of the same coin

As long as the moderate Muslims going to keep quite about such assholes ... every heinous crime done by random muslims is going to be attributed to every common muslim.

and we will say the same to moderate hindus - who remain silent over the genocide of Muslims and Christians in india
Islam does not preach any kind of violence.

Yeah , that's it. Now that you have made this customary statement, you can now peacefully go to sleep while Islamic radicals slaughter hundreds by the day as has been going on for a long long time.

There is much more that non-jihadist Muslims need to do , if they care about defeating this menace at all.
They defeated Al-Shabaab in Somalia, they can replicate that in Northern Nigeria.

defeated Al Shabaab? when did that happen - I thought these rats were indestructible? - there was news that 8000 fresh fighters from Pakistan have made their way to Somalia, i am certain we haven't seen the last of Al Shabaab yet.

Somebody needs to invade Northern Nigeria and fix these Boko Haramis once and for all.

And, that for Americans unfortunately has to be America to lead the fight.
defeated Al Shabaab? when did that happen - I thought these rats were indestructible? - there was news that 8000 fresh fighters from Pakistan have made their way to Somalia, i am certain we haven't seen the last of Al Shabaab yet.

Yes. Defeated may be an over-statement, but beaten back certainly. They are weaker than ever and have lost control over most of Somalian territory when at one point they were directly ruling Mogadishu.
boko haram, TTP, al Nusra front of Syria -- these are all the ugly faces of the same coin

and we will say the same to moderate hindus - who remain silent over the genocide of Muslims and Christians in india
I concede your point ... but this is about little girls. The day you would tell me how some RSS or VHP fella threatened to sell the non hindu girls. I would be the first one to put a foot up such over zealous bigots's *** in my country. It's not a point scoring post. I just expressed my helplessness at helping out these poor girls. no flame bait or anything else.
Yes. Defeated may be an over-statement, but beaten back certainly. They are weaker than ever and have lost control over most of Somalian territory when at one point they were directly ruling Mogadishu.

There isn't an example of an end to these rats unfortunately - they get more manpower and funds keep pouring in from other sources. The only true end would be a nuke or two on the serpents lair.
Yeah , that's it. Now that you have made this customary statement, you can now peacefully go to sleep while Islamic radicals slaughter hundreds by the day as has been going on for a long long time.

There is much more that non-jihadist Muslims need to do , if they care about defeating this menace at all.
i am not a psychologist but even if it is reactionary, it has much lesser signature than the crimes against Muslims going around in the world. Every other Muslim territory is facing foreign occupation or living under the fear of one happening. Having said that i also condemn acts such as those.
There isn't an example of an end to these rats unfortunately - they get more manpower and funds keep pouring in from other sources. The only true end would be a nuke or two on the serpents lair.

Till the time that doesn't happen, I believe the work of the African Union mission in Somalia has been commendable and should be replicated in Northern Nigeria.
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