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Boko Haram video of Nigeria kidnapped schoolgirls: Heads bowed and covered, captive girls chanted th

Neither do I give a shyte about what some lame Arab thinks, nor care what you have or don't have against any ethnic group, and how "hostile" you are or want to be, tent-head. Your lot seems to be pre-programmed to counter posts with either religious ramblings, or "insults", or both. :lol: Just don't include India in your sickening, backward, extremist posts, desert-dweller.

I do whatever I please my conquered and swarthy little rat/cow piss eating and drinking "Indian" or the irrelevant ethnic group/caste that you belong to but are too ashamed to mention here. As long as there is nothing wrong with my statement. I only reply to similar insults. This is the ME section. We talk about everything we want to. Indians have no business here since no topic deals with their poor and overpopulated swamp.
I do whatever I please my conquered and swarthy little rat/cow piss drinking "Indian" or the irrelevant ethnic group/caste that you belong to but are too ashamed to mention here. As long as there is nothing wrong with my statement. I only reply to similar insults. This is the ME section. We talk about everything we want to. Indians have no business here since no topic deals with their poor and overpopulated swamp.

Hahaha, desert dweller, have you run out of "insults" already? You're a sickening soul who just needs to learn to keep India out of his disgusting religiously-motivated posts.

p.s: you seem to be obsessed with cow and rat piss. Then again, most Arabs like gettin' it dirty with farm animals, and as I've now learned, rodents too. :lol:
Hahaha, desert dweller, have you run out of "insults" already? You're a sickening soul who just needs to learn to keep India out of his disgusting religiously-motivated posts.

p.s: you seem to be obsessed with cow and rat piss. Then again, most Arabs like gettin' it dirty with farm animals, and as I've now learned, rodents too. :lol:

That are just your cultural practices. Some of your people even eat humans and shit. To get closer to their "God (s)".:lol:

Anyway the British education system that your British conquerors gave you seem to be really bad. Did they never teach you where the fertile crescent is lying? You know the Middle East and Arab world. You know the place where agriculture was first practiced and animals first domesticated and major corps first cultivated.
That are just your cultural practices. Some of your people even eat humans and shit.

Anyway the British education system that your British conquerors gave you seem to be really bad. Did they never teach you where the fertile crescent is lying? You know the Middle East and Arab world. You know the place where agriculture was first practiced and animals first domesticated and major corps first cultivated.

Blah blah I don't give a shyte. You're none of that today, you Saudi Arabian trash. You can't bring India into your vile posts and expect nothing, tent-wearer. Haha
Blah blah I don't give a shyte. You're a moron. You can't expect to bring India into your vile posts and expect nothing, tent-wearer. Haha

Keep crying because I counter your nonsense with historical facts and because you have a hard time accepting facts. So which shitty caste/irrelevant ethnic group do you belong to? Or are you one of those Hindus that are eating humans and shit just to finish off the meal with warm cow piss?

Please tell us about it.
Keep crying because I counter your nonsense with historical facts and because you have a hard time accepting facts. So which shitty caste/irrelevant ethnic group do you belong to? Or are you one of those Hindus that are eating humans and shit?

Please tell us about it.

How about - I just don't care about your rambling. All you can talk about is religion, you desert-dwelling Bedouin. LMAO
How about - I just don't care about your rambling. All you can talk about is religion, you desert-dwelling Bedouin. LMAO

Why are you ignoring my questions my little swarthy rat/cow eating/drinking "Indian" or whatever irrelevant ethnic group or shitty caste that you belong to?

Am I talking about religion or just countering your diarrhea and ignorance?

Does it really hurt that much to live in a third world country that has the highest amount of poor people and the highest amount of badly treated women? Either due to extreme poverty, discrimination, violence, rape, sexual harassment, prostitution, acid attacks or female infanticide? You make your pick. The British tried their best but they ultimately failed.

Probably while we have talked a few dozens of Indian women have either been murdered or raped. Probably in BOOOMBAAAY alone.
Why are you ignoring my questions my little swarthy rat/cow eating/drinking "Indian" or whatever irrelevant ethnic group or shitty caste that you belong to?

'Cause I don't care about your questions. Never did. Never will. You mean nothing to me. As far as I'm concerned, you're a lowly, desert-dwelling, tent-wearing, scumbag from Saudi arabia. :)
'Cause I don't care about your questions. You mean nothing to me. As far as I'm concerned, you're a lowly, desert-dwelling, tent-wearing, scumbag from Saudi arabia. :)

I am of mixed origins my little swarthy rat/cow eating/drinking "Indian" or whatever irrelevant ethnic group or shitty caste that you belong to. I like that short sentence. It's really great. Makes you all desperate.:)

Does it really hurt that much to live in a third world country that has the highest amount of poor people and the highest amount of badly treated women? Either due to extreme poverty, discrimination, violence, rape, sexual harassment, prostitution, acid attacks or female infanticide? You make your pick. The British tried their best but they ultimately failed.

Probably while we have talked a few dozens of Indian women have either been murdered or raped. Probably in BOOOMBAAAY alone.
I am of mixed origins my little swarthy rat/cow eating/drinking "Indian" or whatever irrelevant ethnic group or shitty caste that you belong to. I like that short sentence. It's really great. Makes you all desperate.:)

Does it really hurt that much to live in a third world country that has the highest amount of poor people and the highest amount of badly treated women? Either due to extreme poverty, discrimination, violence, rape, sexual harassment, prostitution, acid attacks or female infanticide? You make your pick. The British tried their best but they ultimately failed.

Probably while we have talked a few dozens of Indian women have either been murdered or raped. Probably in BOOOMBAAAY alone.

Yawn. Got more? I've had a great Tuesday night so far. Make it better, mate.
Another victory for Boko Haram and their online sympathizer who has managed to derail a discussion on their vile acts by slinging random slurs.
Yawn. Got more? I've had a great Tuesday night so far. Make it better, mate.

Well, it looks like our tent-wearing bestiality expert, ran out of steam a lot faster than his tiny brain/veiled school system could come up with words ... That's standard for Arab retards across the board. As usual, It's all talk over in the peninsula. :lol:
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Nigerian Defence Chief Says Kidnapped Girls Located
World | Associated Press | Updated: May 27, 2014 04:42 IST


Photo Courtesy: Associated Press

Nigeria's chief of defence staff Air Marshal Alex S. Badeh, centre, speaks during a demonstration calling on the government to rescue the kidnapped girls of the government secondary school in Chibok, in Abuja, Nigeria, Monday, May 26, 2014.

Abuja, Nigeria: Nigeria's military has located nearly 300 school girls abducted by Islamic extremists but fears using force to try to free them could get them killed, the country's chief of defence said Monday.

Air Marshal Alex Badeh told demonstrators supporting the much criticized military that Nigerian troops can save the girls. But he added, "we can't go and kill our girls in the name of trying to get them back."

He spoke to thousands of demonstrators who marched to Defence Ministry headquarters in Abuja, the capital. Many were brought in on buses, indicating it was an organized event.

Asked by reporters where they had found the girls, Badeh refused to elaborate.

"We want our girls back. I can tell you we can do it. Our military can do it. But where they are held, can we go with force?" he asked the crowd.

People roared back, "No!"

"If we go with force what will happen?" he asked.

"They will die," the demonstrators responded.

That appeared to leave negotiation the sole option, but a human rights activist close to negotiators said a deal to swap the girls for detained Boko Haram members was agreed last week and then scuttled at the last minute by President Goodluck Jonathan.

The activist who is close to those mediating between Boko Haram extremists and government officials said the girls would have been freed last week Monday.

Jonathan had already told British officials that he would not consider an exchange. The source spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

Nigeria's military and government have faced national and international outrage over their failure to rescue the girls seized by Boko Haram militants from a remote northeastern school six weeks ago.

President Jonathan was forced this month to accept international help. American planes have been searching for the girls and Britain, France, Israel and other countries have sent experts in surveillance and hostage negotiation.

The U.S. State Department had no immediate comment on the reports about the missing Nigerian girls.

Jonathan's reluctance to accept offered help for weeks is seen as unwillingness to have outsiders looking in on what is considered a very corrupt force.

Soldiers have told The Associated Press that they are not properly paid, are dumped in dangerous bush with no supplies and that the Boko Haram extremists holding the girls are better equipped than they are.

Some soldiers have said officers enriching themselves off the defense budget have no interest in halting the five-year-old uprising that has killed thousands.

Soldiers near mutiny earlier this month fired on the car of a commanding officer come to pay his respects to the bodies of 12 soldiers who their colleagues said were unnecessarily killed by the insurgents in a night-time ambush.

The military also is accused of killing thousands of detainees held illegally in their barracks, some by shooting, some by torture and many starved to death or asphyxiated in overcrowded cells.

More than 300 teenagers were abducted from their school in the town Chibok on April 15. Police say 53 escaped on their own and 276 remain captive.

A Boko Haram video has shown some of the girls reciting Quranic verses in Arabic and two of them explaining why they had converted from Christianity to Islam in captivity. Unverified reports have indicated two may have died of snake bites, that some have been forced to marry their abductors and that some may have been carried across borders into Chad and Cameroon.

Boko Haram - the nickname means "Western education is sinful" - believes Western influences have corrupted Nigerian society and want to install an Islamic state under strict Shariah law, though the population 170 million people is divided almost equally between Christians and Muslims.
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