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BNP will write 'true history' of 1971: Khaleda

So why leave it and settle so far?

That too in a country that created Israel and the dreaded Mossad? ;)

What are you talking about? After spending most of my life in the UK I came and settled in Bangladesh ...
MBI Munshi is really saying he does not want a neutral account of the war because he wants to peddle his ridiculous book and jamaaati propaganda that indians in pakistani uniforms raped bangladeshis.

His obvious lack of objectivity and intellectual honesty does not come as a surprise though.
So, let me understand this correctly, according to president of one political party, the history is biased since it does not portray certain members of the other political party in bad light.This statement is immediately followed by another statement that they will write their own history.Even if I assume that all this is correct, what is the possibility that this new version of history will not be biased? Will it be acceptable to all unanimously? A true leader would rather call for an independent committee reviewing the subject matter, if indeed capturing the truth is the objective.
I grew up in the UK and the cookie jar thing was a total set up ...

Academics and intellectuals in the West were all leftist liberals at that time.

I do not need lessons from you in objectivity ...

She is an Indian that is speaking the truth and is taking the risk of being ostracized by her own people ...

So what if they are ? It doesnt answer my question nor do you even have a answer. Just a lame duck as always.
Let's see what the real BD history regarding 1971 'war'
Note for the thick brained: This is called sarcasm

1. Since the AL folks just came from India and did not fight, it means, these were the refugees. Most refugees were Hindu. So.... :ashamed:
2. The real villain in the 71 war was the Indian Armed Forces
3. The Indian armed forces infiltrated Hindu militants that killed and raped millions of Bangladeshis err sorry East Pakistanis and Bihari Pakistanis.
4. The entire Bengali intelligentsia was bribed by India and under the influence of shirk. They supported India's evil designs against the peaceful rehabilitation efforts launched by the Pakistan Army on March 25 (Operation Searchlight).

Historians should be sent to Pakistan to study Pakistan Studies about the real reasons of the disturbance and how Hindus played a role in it. The real freedom fighters were the Razakars who fought against tyranny of anti Islamic forces etc etc.

- That's real history for you.

Let's also check 'Sharmila Bose'. This is not sarcasm.

1. First please do go through her posts in Al Jazeera of all places :laugh: - Sarmila Bose - Profile - Al Jazeera English
This is where she is a regular. :D

2. http://www.bricklanecircle.org/uploads/Flying_Blind.pdf - Read this for a point to point puncturing of Bose's claims.

3. She has posted not a balanced view - but the Pakistani perspective.
Zeitlin, Arnold (November 17, 2013). "Thoughts on Dead Reckoning"

. The Daily Star. Retrieved 16 December 2013

4. she misquoted her interviewees and other academics that she cites as reference - Mohaimen, Naeem (3 October 2011). "Flying Blind: Waiting for a Real Reckoning on 1971"
5. Bose has been criticized for her biased nature -
Sobhan, Zafar. "Bose is more Pakistani than Jinnah the Quaid". The Sunday Guardian. Retrieved 16 December 2013.

Zia, Afia (12 January 2012). "Reading and writing 1971". The Express Tribune. Retrieved 20 December 2013.

Bose is enthusiastic in her admiration for the commanding general of the Pakistan forces during 1971 war in East Pakistan, Lt. Gen. Niazi, whom she describes as having a "distinguished past and a tragic fate." However, this conflicts even with Pakistani General's view about Niazi's character (not his career as a general). According to PakistaniBrigadier F.B. Ali, "'Tiger' Niazi was a disgrace to the uniform. He was a fraud, a lecher and a coward. When he was General Officer Commanding (GOC) 10 Division, it was well known in the garrison (I was there) that his staff car would often be found standing in Heera Mandi (Lahore's red light district). As GOC EP he used to go around visiting troops and asking JCOs: how many Bengali women have you raped? When discussing his surrender with the Indian general, he tried to ingratiate himself by telling dirty jokes."
- Zeitlin, Arnold

All in all, Sharmila Bose is -
i. An Islamist of the first degree.
ii. A true and fanatic anti Hindu
iii. A crusader against India in every way

She has also promoted for US arms for Pakistan :tup: For all anti Hindus and anti Indians - she is a gem.

Befitting her nature, in her interview she said this
An interview with Sarmila Bose, author of the book on the 1971 Bangladesh War, Dead Reckoning - Rediff.com News

"My book is not about India's involvement. However, we haven't heard the stories of the Indians who were involved in covert operations in Bangladesh that year. It would be fascinating if these participants would publish or speak about their activities -- we would all learn a lot about the realities of the war if they did."
..and yet she claims this to be a balanced real history. :rofl:
What good this re-written history will do to Bangladesh (or India or Pakistan for that matter)? it will only polarize the Bangladeshi society even more than what it is now. What has happened has happened and it cant be corrected now. Bangladeshis have to look forward now, set aside their differences and work for the betterment of their country. Bangladeshis as I know of (after reading their history and meeting a number of them) are fiercely nationalistic people.

It is a misconception that Bengal wanted to go with Pakistan. They opted for it only because Bengali leaders (Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy and others) couldn't get the east Bengal on-board (due to Hindu majority) for the creation of a United Bengal. What happened in 1971 was inevitable, rest is talk.
the historical narration does not necessarily have to be scientific truth. but NOT having the hegemony of one-sided politicized interpretation can be closest we can get to having a realistic account rather than a near fictional one. and Muslim Bengal definitely "wanted to go" with United Pakistan (the other option would be to be part of India). the sole intention didn't have to be for 'joining' the NW Muslim regions (that became W. Pak), but to be a separate Muslim region from secular-Hindu India. so going with U. Pakistan meant East Bengal and NW regions could also be two self-governing wings. what happened in 1971 was not inevitable. because it was not just separation of the two Pakistans. covert ops by India to fuel agitation in E. Pak and some of the violence, and then a run over by Indian forces meant different things, it cannot be justified
A group of eminent Military Historians from West should be allotted this job.It will be farce if Military History is infested with ludicrous party politics.

Why would one need Western Historians??

The war happened on 1971 and there are enough people who can share their narratives.
It's funny that jammati's depend on some 12 year old kid's assessment that is based on random accounts of Pakistani generals decades later - who are supposedly the perpetrators to rewrite their revisionist history.
your "jamaatis" are also the people who directly witnessed the 1971 crisis or come from families that did. and narratives different from Indian govt/BAL ones may look "revisionist" to you but as a person who is familiar with a lot of firsthand accounts from people who lived in 1971 and as someone who grew up on Indian/BAL versions, i come across Bose and similar works as the fairest narratives of the 1971 events.
Why would one need Western Historians??

The war happened on 1971 and there are enough people who can share their narratives.
Western narratives based on individual accounts from all the four parties involved to make it an authentic document for Historical archives. The ludicrous approach like Death Reckoning and its popularity among certain section in Bangladesh demands a neutral account. Indians can do it but it will not be wholly accepted by all the sects.Hence, military Historians who have enough experience in dealing with such matters are ideal for this job;not some biased pseudo Historian like Sharmila Bose who have put her gear back and forth million times, accepted her fault on many occasion proving how incapable she is in writing a decent account.
Let's see what the real BD history regarding 1971 'war'
Note for the thick brained: This is called sarcasm

1. Since the AL folks just came from India and did not fight, it means, these were the refugees. Most refugees were Hindu. So.... :ashamed:
2. The real villain in the 71 war was the Indian Armed Forces
3. The Indian armed forces infiltrated Hindu militants that killed and raped millions of Bangladeshis err sorry East Pakistanis and Bihari Pakistanis.
4. The entire Bengali intelligentsia was bribed by India and under the influence of shirk. They supported India's evil designs against the peaceful rehabilitation efforts launched by the Pakistan Army on March 25 (Operation Searchlight).

Historians should be sent to Pakistan to study Pakistan Studies about the real reasons of the disturbance and how Hindus played a role in it. The real freedom fighters were the Razakars who fought against tyranny of anti Islamic forces etc etc.

- That's real history for you.

Let's also check 'Sharmila Bose'. This is not sarcasm.

1. First please do go through her posts in Al Jazeera of all places :laugh: - Sarmila Bose - Profile - Al Jazeera English
This is where she is a regular. :D

2. http://www.bricklanecircle.org/uploads/Flying_Blind.pdf - Read this for a point to point puncturing of Bose's claims.

3. She has posted not a balanced view - but the Pakistani perspective.
Zeitlin, Arnold (November 17, 2013). "Thoughts on Dead Reckoning"

. The Daily Star. Retrieved 16 December 2013

4. she misquoted her interviewees and other academics that she cites as reference - Mohaimen, Naeem (3 October 2011). "Flying Blind: Waiting for a Real Reckoning on 1971"
5. Bose has been criticized for her biased nature -
Sobhan, Zafar. "Bose is more Pakistani than Jinnah the Quaid". The Sunday Guardian. Retrieved 16 December 2013.

Zia, Afia (12 January 2012). "Reading and writing 1971". The Express Tribune. Retrieved 20 December 2013.

Bose is enthusiastic in her admiration for the commanding general of the Pakistan forces during 1971 war in East Pakistan, Lt. Gen. Niazi, whom she describes as having a "distinguished past and a tragic fate." However, this conflicts even with Pakistani General's view about Niazi's character (not his career as a general). According to PakistaniBrigadier F.B. Ali, "'Tiger' Niazi was a disgrace to the uniform. He was a fraud, a lecher and a coward. When he was General Officer Commanding (GOC) 10 Division, it was well known in the garrison (I was there) that his staff car would often be found standing in Heera Mandi (Lahore's red light district). As GOC EP he used to go around visiting troops and asking JCOs: how many Bengali women have you raped? When discussing his surrender with the Indian general, he tried to ingratiate himself by telling dirty jokes."
- Zeitlin, Arnold

All in all, Sharmila Bose is -
i. An Islamist of the first degree.
ii. A true and fanatic anti Hindu
iii. A crusader against India in every way

She has also promoted for US arms for Pakistan :tup: For all anti Hindus and anti Indians - she is a gem.

Befitting her nature, in her interview she said this
An interview with Sarmila Bose, author of the book on the 1971 Bangladesh War, Dead Reckoning - Rediff.com News

"My book is not about India's involvement. However, we haven't heard the stories of the Indians who were involved in covert operations in Bangladesh that year. It would be fascinating if these participants would publish or speak about their activities -- we would all learn a lot about the realities of the war if they did."
..and yet she claims this to be a balanced real history. :rofl:
nice compilation of links criticizing Bose, although you don't even need to dig for them on the internet and expectedly so. so all one needs to do to become anti-India and anti-Hindu is publish a more realistic narrative of the 1971 crisis different from Indian "official" versions?
Western narratives based on individual accounts from all the four parties involved to make it an authentic document for Historical archives. The ludicrous approach like Death Reckoning and its popularity among certain section in Bangladesh demands a neutral account. Indians can do it but it will not be wholly accepted by all the sects.Hence, military Historians who have enough experience in dealing with such matters are ideal for this job;not some biased pseudo Historian like Sharmila Bose who have put her gear back and forth million times, accepted her fault on many occasion proving how incapable she is in writing a decent account.

We have seen how West manipulated Indian History and spread their own B.S theories like AIT.

People still cannot figure out the facts about Indus valley civilization and its scriptures even now.

Better way is to set up an independent body to know the things happened during 1971 war. This body should consists of people from all sides.

West always try to maintain their hegemony on the east no matter what the consequences are. One of the things they do is manipulation of facts.
nice compilation of links criticizing Bose, although you don't even need to dig for them on the internet and expectedly so. so all one needs to do to become anti-India and anti-Hindu is publish a more realistic narrative of the 1971 crisis different from Indian "official" versions?
Thanks :agree:
You did not read her articles, neither did you check the references. All you have done is call the versions - Indian, without checking that I had specifically filtered most Indian sources out, keeping only Pakistani and other foreign sources.
I also mentioned a note for the thick heads. Think you did not read that. :coffee:

That said - if you want a more Islamized Bangladesh, I totally support it. Even if you undo the 71 thing, I am okay. I just want the illegals in my country to be catapulted to your side if need be, by any means necessary. The process has begun, RSS has got tremendous support from West Bengal's border districts. You are most welcome to build a Land of the Pure ver2.0. :tup:
I just want an electrified Pakistan like fence in the East, that's all. Do all you want in there.
We have seen how West manipulated Indian History and spread their own B.S theories like AIT.

People still cannot figure out the facts about Indus valley civilization and its scriptures even now.

Better way is to set up an independent body to know the things happened during 1971 war. This body should consists of people from all sides.

West always try to maintain their hegemony on the east no matter what the consequences are. One of the things they do is manipulation of facts.
Both are different things my friend. The theories,whether the Aryans invaded,migrated or they originated here in India are completely based on assumptions and are prone to mistakes. Still nobody knows the actual truth until genetics come up with a comprehensive answer. But equating Military history with ancient history to question the capacity of Western historians is an erratic approach. As I said, plenty of German and British historians do write history without any bias and see it from a complete academic point of view.They do not hesitate to accept the atrocity committed by their armies.Military Historians in this subcontinent still have not shown that much of courage so far,I guess which makes their analysis prone to partiality.Everybody can not be Agha H Amin.That needs guts to be.
The Daily Star – March 30, 2014

BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia yesterday claimed Awami League men in 1971 only crossed the Indian border but did not join the Liberation War.
“The Awami League keeps talking about the spirit of Liberation War but they did not witness the war; they did not fight in the battlefield; they don't know what war is,” Khaleda said at the biennial convention of a section of Federal Union of Journalists at the Jatiya Press Club.
She added AL men who claim to be freedom fighters just crossed the border.
Urging newsmen and educationists to write the "real history” of the Liberation War, she said, "The younger generation should know the real history."
The BNP chief said her party will take an initiative to write the “true history”.
Khaleda, also the leader of 19-party alliance, claimed the ruling AL is feeding the people with “false information” on the Liberation War.
Criticising the government for speaking against war criminals, she said there are anti-liberation elements in Hasina's party.
In this regard, she mentioned AL leader Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir. “He had served Pakistan government till the end of the war. Why he is free now? He should remain in jail on war crimes charges.”
Without naming HM Ershad, Khaleda said he had come to Bangladesh during the Liberation War but went back to Pakistan again. But this man has been made special envoy to the prime minister.
The former PM even said Bangladesh's existence is now in name only as the country is run from somewhere else.
People of a particular country are working in Bangladesh, she added. “They [foreigners] are working here even without work permits, without renewing visas. The government is rehabilitating foreigners keeping our own people unemployed.”
She further said the country's independence has become meaningless at present.
Terming the government "illegal", the former PM said it was now urgent to oust it. She called upon Opposition Leader Raushan Ershad to quit the “illegal parliament” after offering an apology to the people.
Criticising the March 26 programme titled “Lakho Konthe Sonar Bangla”, Khaleda said: "The national event spending a hundred crore taka was of no use. It was organised by hiring people with money. A Guinness record can't be made this way.

BNP is coward party. It won't do a jack if it ever come back to power. BNP speak strong against Bhartis aggression when in opposition yet goes to rat hole when in power. No one like double standards. No one.

"We will launch a movement that won't require money to bring people. That mass upsurge will itself create a Guinness record by overthrowing this government."
She added a movement will be launched for a fresh national poll under a non-party administration after the final phase of the upazila elections ends tomorrow.

Yeah, sure. can BNP talk the talk and walk the walk. I have my doubt.

Khaleda also said all pro-nationalist journalists will get job once her party comes to power. “In the past, we made mistakes; we did not do much for journalist. But we have learnt from the mistakes. Jobs and employment will be ensured for all pro-nationalist media persons.”

I remember a quote from BNP's former secretary general Abdul Mannan "BNP doesn't need media support, BNP has people support". This was the mentality of BNP's top leaders and this is the reason why BNP's paying the price today. They got no one to speak behalf of them. BNP losing the battle due to Awamis media terrorism.

I hope BNP get second chance and look after true nationalist. Not those double face snaked they fed in the past.
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