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BNP will write 'true history' of 1971: Khaleda

History written by BAL and the Indians about 1971 have all been one-sided. Bose provides some balance to the distorted narrative provided by Indian propaganda.
History is NOT written by Awami Leaguers. Account of a lot of Bangladeshi Intellectuals irrespective of their political affinities who lost their kin in the atrocity do also count which the BNP and their alliances pathetically ignore, reject in most of the cases as "propaganda" pieces which is absolute moral debauchery from you. What Sharmila Bose tried was to build up a revisionist theory which failed to see both side of the coins and ended up in some hilarious conclusions. You want to stick to her assumptions it's your choice but when I, Personally read history about '71 war I read Pakistani Army Officer's account too some of which Bose had deliberately omitted because it did not go parallel with her version of "revisionist" theory.

Bose's book is not the first of its kind and have been supported by many Bangladeshis who themselves went through the 1971 crisis. why you even care about this matter, not just lambaste a very well-researched work that is thousand times more reliable than Indian government accounts (aka propaganda), is self explanatory

I am not here to prove who is right and who is wrong but I believe the real fragmented accounts are still to be put into one pieces.Bose might be true in some part but she is not Bible's last words.
History is NOT written by Awami Leaguers. Account of a lot of Bangladeshi Intellectuals irrespective of their political affinities who lost their kin in the atrocity do also count which the BNP and their alliances pathetically ignore, reject in most of the cases as "propaganda" pieces which is absolute moral debauchery from you. What Sharmila Bose tried was to build up a revisionist theory which failed to see both side of the coins and ended up in some hilarious conclusions. You want to stick to her assumptions it's your choice but when I, Personally read history about '71 war I read Pakistani Army Officer's account too some of which Bose had deliberately omitted because it did not go parallel with her version of "revisionist" theory.

I am not here to prove who is right and who is wrong but I believe the real fragmented accounts are still to be put into one pieces.Bose might be true in some part but she is not Bible's last words.

For several decades we have heard one side of the story. It is time we heard the other. The BAL and the Indians have had their 15 minutes now for the other side to present their case.
For several decades we have heard one side of the story. It is time we heard the other. The BAL and the Indians have had their 15 minutes now for the other side to present their case.

To any reader interested in academic subjects, there is no "this side that side" history. This is why I do not care what BNP or Awami's version of war is. I don't disagree with the atrocity committed by Mukti Bahini but at the same time I despise how these revisionist historians tend to undermine the preludes of war. So, I simply don't care how BNP will come out their "True" version of war because to me it will obviously be crippled with partiality.
To any reader interested in academic subjects, there is no "this side that side" history. This is why I do not care what BNP or Awami's version of war is. I don't disagree with the atrocity committed by Mukti Bahini but at the same time I despise how these revisionist historians tend to undermine the preludes of war. So, I simply don't care how BNP will come out their "True" version of war because to me it will obviously be crippled with partiality.

A convenient arguments that sustains the status qou of AL and Indian distorted history.
A convenient arguments that sustains the status qou of AL and Indian distorted history.
Never denied it. At the same time Indians do not have any obligation to fetch the world the real history. It's strange that Bangladesh lacked a modestly educated academic to come up with an authentic unbiased account for all with solid evidences.
so how many rapes is it gonna be, 5-50 million?
Never denied it. At the same time Indians do not have any obligation to fetch the world the real history. It's strange that Bangladesh lacked a modestly educated academic to come up with an authentic unbiased account for all with solid evidences.

The reason possibly that a modestly educated academic has not been employed to come up with an authentic unbiased account for all with solid evidences is because the AL and India would not like the result. If the BNP sponsored such a project the AL and Indians would scream bias.
The reason possibly that a modestly educated academic has not been employed to come up with an authentic unbiased account for all with solid evidences is because the AL and India would not like the result. If the BNP sponsored such a project the AL and Indians would scream bias.

Not true my friend . Anyways who has given the "most balanced" account , in your opinion ?
No body. Not a single book comes with complete neutral account Azlan Bhai. Do you suggest me any book which I believe will cover the entire saga without any bias? Excuse my ignorance, but am not aware of it.
No body. Not a single book comes with complete neutral account Azlan Bhai. Do you suggest me any book which I believe will cover the entire saga without any bias? Excuse my ignorance, but am not aware of it.

Don`t you think that we should concentrate more on "Objective Evidence" ?? The stories related to the alleged "Bengali Genocide" are greatly exaggerated .....
Don`t you think that we should concentrate more on "Objective Evidence" ?? The stories related to the alleged "Bengali Genocide" are greatly exaggerated .....
I already agreed with this fact many days ago that the figures are way exaggerated. What I despise is the revisionism from BNP-Jamat quarter who claims it was Indians who raped Bangladeshis in Pakistani uniform!! Now that's ridiculous and I would have believed it if somebody have had produced a single "worthy to believe" evidence.

What I was saying was eminent Military Historians under a neutral observance should be granted permission to Indian,Pakistani and Bangladeshi Military archives and write a unbiased version of '71 war. British Historians today have no prejudices to deny the rape committed by Allied troops in Tokyo.And we too should read history from a decently professional source without any unwanted falsified nationalistic prejudice.
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