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BNP will write 'true history' of 1971: Khaleda

What good this re-written history will do to Bangladesh (or India or Pakistan for that matter)? it will only polarize the Bangladeshi society even more than what it is now. What has happened has happened and it cant be corrected now. Bangladeshis have to look forward now, set aside their differences and work for the betterment of their country. Bangladeshis as I know of (after reading their history and meeting a number of them) are fiercely nationalistic people.

It is a misconception that Bengal wanted to go with Pakistan. They opted for it only because Bengali leaders (Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy and others) couldn't get the east Bengal on-board (due to Hindu majority) for the creation of a United Bengal. What happened in 1971 was inevitable, rest is talk.
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I already agreed with this fact many days ago that the figures are way exaggerated. What I despise is the revisionism from BNP-Jamat quarter who claims it was Indians who raped Bangladeshis in Pakistani uniform!! Now that's ridiculous and I would have believed it if somebody have had produced a single "worthy to believe" evidence.

What I was saying was eminent Military Historians under a neutral observance should be granted permission to Indian,Pakistani and Bangladeshi Military archives and write a unbiased version of '71 war. British Historians today have no prejudices to deny the rape committed by Allied troops in Tokyo.And we too should read history from a decently professional source without any unwanted falsified nationalistic prejudice.

"In war, truth is the first casualty" !! The atrocities committed by Indian backed Mukti Bahini in 1971 were similar to those committed by PA backed religious extremist militias (the Razakars, Al-Badr and Al-Shams) .. Like 1947 , 71 too was a dark chapter of our history when humans suffered ... We should try to forget , and move on !!
Why from the West? Western historians have tended to take the Indian propaganda line and are not objective. A case in point is The Blood Telegram which makes Indians look like saints facing a callous Nixon White House.

The telegram is contemporary and takes into account facts on the ground.

The Nixon white house was callous at the time in ignoring your rapine and genocide.

Not sure why you want to condone your own genocide!
The telegram is contemporary and takes into account facts on the ground.

The Nixon white house was callous at the time in ignoring your rapine and genocide.

Not sure why you want to condone your own genocide!

No I have read the Telegram and the book by Gary Bass and it is clear that the people in the State Department had no idea how malevolent the Indians really were. Both Nixon and Kissinger were right on their opinion about India.
Blood Telegram is a thousand more authentic than Bose's book because it is written by a white guy? Haven't you Indians gotten over your inferiority complex and see only superiority in whiteness. There is nothing in what you say that suggests the Blood Telegram is better than Dead Reckoning. You have merely expressed your opinion without evidence. In 40 years the BNP and AL have agreed on nothing and you think they will unanimously agree to hand over the job to a neutral body consisting of white people. I think not.

Sharmila Bose a 12 year old kid in 71 - I am sure she was mature enough to really know what was happening - not.
Sharmila Bose a 12 year old kid in 71 - I am sure she was mature enough to really know what was happening - not.

Sharmila Bose did her research when she is matured, not when she was teen aged. Who are you kidding here with fickle indian deception?
Sharmila Bose a 12 year old kid in 71 - I am sure she was mature enough to really know what was happening - not.

So people should not write history because they were too young or not yet born at the time of the events!!!! o_O
Sharmila Bose did her research when she is matured, not when she was teen aged. Who are you kidding here with fickle indian deception?

Yeah decades after the events that actually took place and based on some random interviews with Pakistani generals in Pakistan - yeah I believe your crap.

So people should not write history because they were too young or not yet born at the time of the events!!!! o_O

Not revisionist history - that goes against the reality.
Yeah decades after the events that actually took place and based on some random interviews with Pakistani generals in Pakistan - yeah I believe your crap.
Who gives a crap what you indians believe? only thing you are and will be good at churning lie, deception and propaganda.
Revisionist history is required when the original history is full of crap.

It's funny that jammati's depend on some 12 year old kid's assessment that is based on random accounts of Pakistani generals decades later - who are supposedly the perpetrators to rewrite their revisionist history.
It's funny that jammati's depend on some 12 year old kid's assessment that is based on random accounts of Pakistani generals decades later - who are supposedly the perpetrators to rewrite their revisionist history.

A 12 year old kid who later acquired degrees from Oxford and Harvard and did immense research on the 1971 war. I have done a lot of research using mostly Indian sources and have come to the same conclusion.
A 12 year old kid who later acquired degrees from Oxford and Harvard and did immense research on the 1971 war. I have done a lot of research using mostly Indian sources and have come to the same conclusion.

Bose's study has been criticized by various historians and academics for numerous inaccuracies and excessive reliance on Pakistani military and government sources. Researchers have accused her of flawed and biased methodology, historical revisionism and downplaying war crimes.

In several cases, she misquoted her interviewees and other academics that she cites as reference. Bose is enthusiastic in her admiration for the commanding general of the Pakistan forces during 1971 war in East Pakistan, Lt. Gen. Niazi, whom she describes as having a "distinguished past and a tragic fate." However, this conflicts even with Pakistani General's view about Niazi's character (not his career as a general). According to PakistaniBrigadier F.B. Ali, "'Tiger' Niazi was a disgrace to the uniform. He was a fraud, a lecher and a coward. When he was General Officer Commanding (GOC) 10 Division, it was well known in the garrison (I was there) that his staff car would often be found standing in Heera Mandi (Lahore's red light district). As GOC EP he used to go around visiting troops and asking JCOs: how many Bengali women have you raped? When discussing his surrender with the Indian general, he tried to ingratiate himself by telling dirty jokes."
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