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BLF terrorist killed in IBO in Kelkour Panjgur

It's been brutal for the BLF, BRA etc we also hit them in Afghanistan with targeted assassinations by the ISI and took out some big fish

They downside to this success is that the terrorists are desperately looking for a response so we have to be in our toes

but with PTI in charge we have been relentless against the terrorists
what a waste of young lives they should be alive . i think gov should start a grand balochistan dialogue and start a new began may be its help
what a waste of young lives they should be alive . i think gov should start a grand balochistan dialogue and start a new began may be its help
No sir wrong ... if you are naraz from someone you don't start killing them with ak47 and RPGs you saw what these pigs did to FC convoy if they are not given their rights then instead of killing people they should come out and ask for rights come to Islamabad in large numbers present your agenda to PM army chief president and law makers that's how you get rights not by killing innocent civilians and military they are a burden on this land of ours..........
No sir wrong ... if you are naraz from someone you don't start killing them with ak47 and RPGs you saw what these pigs did to FC convoy if they are not given their rights then instead of killing people they should come out and ask for rights come to Islamabad in large numbers present your agenda to PM army chief president and law makers that's how you get rights not by killing innocent civilians and military they are a burden on this land of ours..........
i know and am against this but we have to stop it not only by guns but also by dialogue . there should be some start man . kab tak khoon behta ray ga pakistaniyo ka ? . sometime you need multiple approaches to solve an issue . we have to hear other side too and try to solve it . yes balochistan need more funds and projects specially schools hospitals and township . they lok like midlle ages towns of ghosts . if you google them . if that stupid sardars failed to deliver its fed gov duty to provide people rights . just keep fighting is not a solution .
what a waste of young lives they should be alive . i think gov should start a grand balochistan dialogue and start a new began may be its help
i know and am against this but we have to stop it not only by guns but also by dialogue . there should be some start man . kab tak khoon behta ray ga pakistaniyo ka ? . sometime you need multiple approaches to solve an issue . we have to hear other side too and try to solve it . yes balochistan need more funds and projects specially schools hospitals and township . they lok like midlle ages towns of ghosts . if you google them . if that stupid sardars failed to deliver its fed gov duty to provide people rights . just keep fighting is not a solution .
that is what the gov did for a long time which had success but eventually those psuedo communist socialist who are employees of india and the west will choose to be enemies puppets on a string. they are happy being given promises that they will somehow get a chunk of the meat from the slain camel but they will get nothing if God forbid they succeed.
that is what the gov did for a long time which had success but eventually those psuedo communist socialist who are employees of india and the west will choose to be enemies puppets on a string. they are happy being given promises that they will somehow get a chunk of the meat from the slain camel but they will get nothing if God forbid they succeed.
its really funny these communists are still beating a dead drum of communism . but we have to fix our home to . look at turbat 2nd largest city how its look like how quetta is neglected as a whole blochistan need total revolution of development sir . we have to fix the real basic issues before pointing fingers .

These lot belonged to an organisations that literally picked up Sindhi and Punjabi people and gunned them down in cold blood. They (BLF) are the worst of the lot.

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its really funny these communists are still beating a dead drum of communism . but we have to fix our home to . look at turbat 2nd largest city how its look like how quetta is neglected as a whole blochistan need total revolution of development sir . we have to fix the real basic issues before pointing fingers .
no, these are nothing like the communist of the old. the old communist were aligned with the soviets and their bread and butter came from the soviets. these pseudo communist then were orphaned after the end of the cold war. however today their bread and butter comes from the yanks or the west. they are like the leftist party in the west.

gone are the rights for the worker like the symbol hammer and sickle to be replaced with identity LGBTQ+ politics.

I am very optimistic as the progress in the province is moving along and now the battle is between the progress and those who claim to be progressive leftist but destroy and hinder progress.

someone tell them that China is red too, but that memo hasn't reached them or nida kirmani.
and then USA sunk in other trap of wars lost trillions in useless wars and china took advantage . same happened with USSR .

They came out of their civil war stronger than ever. We face no such situation. I could understand if they acted with some honour but these c*nts (BLF) killed innocent workers in cold blood i.e. gunned them down.
They got what was coming and they're fast running out of men and options.
I do agree with your sentiments that more should be done, and the root cause of such militancy tackled, but remember these guys believe that no non-Baluch should even be in the region. You can't negotiate with that.

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