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Blast reported in a mosque in Peshawar - 56 dead and 196 injured. This is developing story.

well we successfully fought the same creatures which Soviet and after that USA and nato combined could not fight with having all the technology in the world .They have undergrounds cities, live in caves can travel from afg to Pak by numerous underground cave path so their surveillance is difficult.In 1971 mukti bahini fought us with the same gurella fighting forest tactics like naxals you know fight in forest is a little bit difficult and in the end we have to give the country to these bengalis who we were hunting down but as far as India is concerned the nagas t tamils sikhs bengalis and dealing all that kind of different species with lifting all their balls to make them intact is not everyone's job a shameless creature could bow to all that species like you to remain as a country I mean look at you all kinds of species gathered and eating each other.... what a joke of a country you are and after all that calling yourself secular haha

There must be underground routes.

Even in Mexico the cartels built underground networks which bypassed the border to the US.

Seeing as there has never been news on finding any underground tunnels means they have never looked.
You won't with the kind of military leadership Pakistan has the sad privilege to have.

We are the world's most laughable cry babies.
Just words and cries...hiding facts, coverups, and .....more of the same bullshit...we shall break the back..
Whole security apparatus should be fired starting from Army chief, ISI, IB, and IGP KPK.

US has successfully blocked almost all attempts after they created Homeland Security to which all agencies submit to.
But in Pakistan, institutional glory is Supreme.
Hor Chopo.
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And then released that head of TLP. And killed dozens of TTP is a sad comparison when TTP has killed dozens too, isnt it?

Yeah released the head of TLP since that is the right thing to do. How many days and months or years your mass murderer PM spent in jail. Can you please remind me again?

As for TTP. Well it is a terrorist organization so it has killed many and paid the price for it and that all happened under Imran Khan as PM
cctv footage captures the moment the peshawar suicide bomber arrives at the imambargah with two accomplices screengrab

CCTV footage captures the moment the Peshawar suicide bomber arrives at the Imam Bargah with two accomplices.

PESHAWAR: The Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) has unearthed the terrorists’ plot wherein a suicide attack on imambargah in Peshawar's Kocha Risaldar area claimed the lives of at least 56 people and injured nearly 200 others on Friday.
It was a bloodbath in Peshawar today. The figures are very high. This needs to be taken very seriously.
cctv footage captures the moment the peshawar suicide bomber arrives at the imambargah with two accomplices screengrab

CCTV footage captures the moment the Peshawar suicide bomber arrives at the Imam Bargah with two accomplices.

PESHAWAR: The Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) has unearthed the terrorists’ plot wherein a suicide attack on imambargah in Peshawar's Kocha Risaldar area claimed the lives of at least 56 people and injured nearly 200 others on Friday.
The picture reminds me of the church bombings in Sri Lanka a few years ago. I believe that was also traced to ISIS. :undecided:
The picture reminds me of the church bombings in Sri Lanka a few years ago. I believe that was also traced to ISIS. :undecided:

IS has accepted responsibility

Name of the suicide bomber as per IS press statement is "Jalaibib al Kabuli" which means the bomber is from Kabul Afghanistan
IS has accepted responsibility

Name of the suicide bomber as per IS press statement is "Jalaibib al Kabuli" which means the bomber is from Kabul Afghanistan
This is the most terrible and brutal group that the world has seen. Hope this bombing does not encourage them to expand in South Asia

Blast occurred during Friday prayer. Shia mosque as per some media channels. Happens when Australia playing in Pakistan.

5 reported killed. Dead count to increase further. As per initial reports, it was a suicide attack.

Until Pakistan doesn't kick ALL afghans out if Pakistan, we will continue ue to have those problems.........:(
IS statement. From the name it is clear that the bomber is Afghan

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