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Blast in Westridge, Rawalpindi

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Think of it this way.

They obtained Shahadat at the hands of the enemies of Islam in a Masjid, during Jum'a prayer, possibly while in Sajda. That, my friends, is a death of great honor. To die for Allah, while worshiping Him, is a death only the likes of Hazrat Hussain (RA) obtain. I hope I am as lucky as these men.

this is very true....

They departed the world way too soon, especially the young ones --who are the future to this country.

May Allah SWT grant them with Jannat and may their souls (like all the other souls) rest in eternal peace.

Best way to avenge their deaths is to finish this mess once and for all. Show no mercy to the ill-wishers and enemies of Jinnah Saab's Pakistan.

Every drop of spilt blood of the shaheeds of our nation are what can only make us stronger and more determined, and make our national flag wave in the skies with eternal honour.


@ Abu Zulfiqar.

Sir i need your opinion on adopting this technalogy...

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@ Abu Zulfiqar.

Sir i need your opinion on adopting this technalogy...

-09rw1g1bOo[/media] - FutureWeapons: X-Net Vehicle Arrest System

I have heard about weapons systems like these. Would be good for VBIEDs when the security forces have deemed that the occupant of a vehicle is disobeying orders to stop. But the time from when you deem that car a threat to the time you roll out this system would be too short.

I'd be for it --but it isnt so applicable to our needs. Remote feature is pretty neat though.

It still doesnt solve the problem of suicide bombers who are on foot.

in fact, (regrettably) there is no technology that can help you pinpoint a suicide bomber until it is too late. You can only look for warning signs (nervous expressions, unusually heavy articles of concealing clothing, and other odd behaviour)

This is especially applicable to Pakistan, in larger cities like Rawalpindi which are densely populated.

I think for the big cities of Pakistan, some of the checkposts and areas with long non-winding roads near sensitive buildings could do with some of these. But they probably cost a lot.

The trick is to have quick reaction and spot VBIEDs heading towards their targets BEFORE they reach, and firing through the windshield of the car.

Even this wont guarantee that the suspect wont pull the cord and detonate his explosives.

this is why they use suicide bombing....it is the most effective and deadly weapon for them.

best way to counter this is not high tech weapons. It is to find out the SOURCES of the explosives and weapons; find out who is providing guest houses for the terrorists, and dealing with them accordingly
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To my brothers and sisters in Karachi --- tell me about the security measures being taken there. It has been a long time since my last visit there.

Brother the security measures taken in Khi are the same as any other big city in Pakistan,but it is nothing like Isb where you see check points after every 500 meters. You will see concrete blocks infront of Armed forces installations, hotels and other govt buildings. Whatever differences i might have with MQM I will appreciate them for their progressive work in Khi. We see a more vigilant and active police force, they are pro-active instead of being re-active, with the help of the intelligence apparatus ofcourse.

May Allah keep all of us safe. It is a sad day for Pakistan, innocent children killed in a mosque for no reason. Whoever doing this is only making us stronger.

May the Souls of all the innocent people killed Rest in Peace, Ameen.
I have heard about weapons systems like these. Would be good for VBIEDs when the security forces have deemed that the occupant of a vehicle is disobeying orders to stop.

I'd be for it.

But it still doesnt solve the problem of suicide bombers who are on foot.

in fact, (regrettably) there is no technology that can help you pinpoint a suicide bomber until it is too late. You can only look for warning signs (nervous expressions, unusually heavy articles of concealing clothing, and other odd behaviour)

This is especially applicable to Pakistan, in large cities like Rawalpindi which are densely populated.

I think for the big cities of Pakistan, some of the checkposts and areas with long non-winding roads near sensitive buildings could do with some of these. But they probably cost a lot.

The trick is to have quick reaction and spot VBIEDs heading towards their targets BEFORE they reach, and firing through the windshield of the car.

Even this wont guarantee that the suspect wont pull the cord and detonate his explosives.

this is why they use suicide bombing....it is the most effective and deadly weapon for them.

Yes unless we develop an airborne (UAV)consistant surveillance system which can detect metal/heat signature attached to a human body or in a vehicle for senstive locations , but still it would not solve the problem for public places.
It high time for big Army offices (part of GHQ) to leave Rawalpindi for good and move to a control place, far from civilians and keep a electric wall around them, no more soft targets for TTP.
Rawalpindi setup is a security nightmare as it's over over populated.

This has been my position for a long time. The Army needs to go back into its introverted outlook of the 60s and 70s. People had no idea what went on inside of the cantonments as these were in a world all their own. With commercialization of cantonment areas, this close-knit feeling and real security of a cantonment has been lost.

In times of CoIN operations, it is all the more important to have these distances between civilian population and the armed forces just because what the Army can do in its own environ cannot be implemented in areas where doing so would impact the livelihoods of 10 different people.
I think what has happened with the killing of children is something that Muslim Khan had asked his people to do during the earlier phase of the Swat operations. Intelligence had intercepted his message in Pashtu in which he had asked his people to go and kill the families of the soldiers fighting in Swat.

I don't much care about who is behind these bastards, but both the tools and the masterminds need to be paid back in kind.
This has been my position for a long time. The Army needs to go back into its introverted outlook of the 60s and 70s. People had no idea what went on inside of the cantonments as these were in a world all their own. With commercialization of cantonment areas, this close-knit feeling and real security of a cantonment has been lost.

In times of CoIN operations, it is all the more important to have these distances between civilian population and the armed forces just because what the Army can do in its own environ cannot be implemented in areas where doing so would impact the livelihoods of 10 different people.

In those days Karachi was the capital, What is now Isloo/Pindi area was much less populated than it is now.

Now of course many people from outside cities, and even many of the Afghan refugees came and settled and turned it into a more crowded urban city. The population of twin cities from 1970s onwards has just MUSHROOMED

Rawalpindi can't be locked down because of its porous location. Thousands of routes from different parts come in to the city and security can't be deployed on every single entry point; though it seems that this is also what is going on.

Every time i come to Isloo or Pindi i am seeing new barriers and checkpoints set up.

If I had to choose a new location and I had the power to do so, I would maybe choose E-10, though i dont know if it's big enough to accomodate

me personally -- i agree that GHQ should be moved elsewhere. Plan is in the 'Pipeline', at least for higher ranking staff.
Talk logically

no body intrested to stand with Pakistan Army and ISI today why ??

First define policies man first define your forigen and inner policies we dont have proper policy.

Define WOT BS policy first
Define What pakistan want (logically because people have no trust on Army and on our leaders)
Define what is WOT is that WOT or Destroy pakistan
Define What is going on from last 10 years in balchistan what FC and military dOing thr ?
Define this why Musharaf killled bughti

There is billions of Question in people of pakistan. No body intrested even to listhing gop bullshits.

There is not Usaama bin ladin cartoon exsist there is no Al-Qaeda Call of duty game clan exsist. First GHQ terrrorist captured by secuirty and thn release him on bs rehman malik call ?? and you guyz say PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN STAND WITH GOP ?? man define first policies not bullshits. Today Army recover its position btw people of pakistan but lack of trust btw people of pakistan and gop because as a pakistan and civlian i have no trust on gop. GOP sell pakistan for just few $$ first condem drone whats after when US offical informed that we are doing this as colaboration with GOP. Look after this statement bu US officals all further drone strikes inside Pakistan THERE IS NO CONDEM from GOP side ??? thats what reality.

Swat operation conducted by Army not GOP because In our country Govt have ZERO power over military. Military do what ever with his own decision not GOP. Zardari have so called 52-B (Just on paper) he dont have gutz to use this law. UNDERSTAND ESTABLISHMENT.

Noone intreseted to stand with gop and with thr decisions because 10000 bn$$$ loan bn of $$$ money of poor people in our leaders banks and whenever if US or any sort of WAR start against pakistan i will bet on this our leaders leave pakistan immedialty so first

Define policies..

We are not in very bad place qoute my words

"Without PAkistan appproval US, INDIA no one can do anything in this region we are IN THE MIDDILE OF SOUTH ASIA we have lack of peole who use brain who have strong mind to tackle such issues we owned most corrupted people in the world (in GOP).

Without PAkistan approval US never ever entered in SOUTH ASIA, without PAkistan approval even India cant do anything because India clushes with all of her neighbours including China, Indo, Bangla, Srilanka and Pakistan and pakistan have superb relation with China, Srilanka, Bangladesh.

Our superty in this region more thn India in technical point of view. Just israel with India (who is also using india on the name of superb friend bad times come towards india as well just waiting for MMRCA and other weapon deals this oldy goldy game of US to first offer weapons anyway come to the point. The point is we need leaders who have some BRAIN we need educated poeple seriously we are all the time and in every event we are on very very strong position PAKISTAN IN THE MIDDILE OF THIS WHOLE REGION!
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US condemns mosque attack in Pakistan

WASHINGTON — The United States condemned Friday's deadly attack on a mosque in Pakistan, saying it highlights the need for Washington to support Islamabad in fighting a "common" enemy.

"These attacks highlight the vicious and inhuman nature of this enemy whose true target is the democratically elected government of Pakistan and the security of all Pakistanis," State Department spokesman Ian Kelly told reporters.

The "awful attacks" underscore the "need for us to support the government of Pakistan as they fight this... common enemy and this common challenge that we have," he added.

"We will continue to support them as... they fight this terrible scourge."

Kelly expressed sympathy for the attack's victims, as well as for the friends and family of those killed. He said the State Department had no information of any Americans hurt in the attack.
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

LAHORE: Claiming responsibility for Friday’s attack, the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) said the Parade Lane mosque was similar to Masjid-e-Zarrar built in Madina by the munafiqeen, and was “demolished on the orders of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)”. Talking to BBC, TTP chief Waliur Rehman Mehsud said his men attacked senior army officers. “Our militants attacked the military officers (our primary target) and we will continue to attack the army,” he said, adding that the civilians killed in the attack were relatives of army personnel and their deaths “did not matter”. daily times monitor
May God give strength to the families of the victims and have mercy on them.

Are there any reports where the attackers were from? From the tribal areas or local Punjab based TTP groups?
if its anything like manawan incident, could be afghans....

we wont find out till positive id is made on the dead terrorists
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