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Blast in Westridge, Rawalpindi

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This act of violence must be avenged and Insha Allah it will be

Just like the attack on GHQ triggered the butt kicking in South Waziristan , I have a gut feeling that there will be reprecussions for this attack as well and the strikes against terrorists will now be even more intesified.

Let these cowardly faceless bastards know that Pakitstan will hunt and kill every last on of them.

And let the enemies of Pakistan also know that we are fully aware about their ill intentions towards our counry and they too shall pay the price for spilling blood in our streets!

By God's will , we will over come ALL the odds that are stakced against us.

Pakistan Zindabad
It high time for big Army offices (part of GHQ) to leave Rawalpindi for good and move to a control place, far from civilians and keep a electric wall around them, no more soft targets for TTP.
Rawalpindi setup is a security nightmare as it's over over populated.
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Yes I heard they used a ladder to breach the wall, which proves some recce must have been carried out. It's a very sad day indeed, however what's worrying is these people don't load up in say Waziristan and just drive down to Peshawar, Lahore or Rawalpindi, it's obvious they have safe houses all over stuffed with all the ammo they need. That is the enemy within.

this is why we need a neighbourhood watch type program. This will require citizen volunteer work.

I am not in favour of civilian vigilantes roaming the streets with guns clubs and sticks......but we need to boost our intelligence in urban and suburban areas.

The motoryclists who attacked Brig. Ahmed in Islamabad were said to be renting a house built on illegal encroachment of land.

Who is renting out houses to people...more importantly, who is ALLOWING these illegal encroachments of land?

MQM is doing SOMETHING right in Karachi/Sindh --- because (knock on wood) they have been largely spared from this violence.
The chidlren were deliberately targetted there is a voice intercept of (ghair)muslim khan talking about killing children of Army officers when operation in Swat was going on and what they did here is exactly that.

Revenge is a universal code , its time the cave monkies of waziristan who think they are thekedars of Islam find out about it , the Pakistani way!
It high time for big Army offices (part of GHQ) to leave Rawalpindi for good and move to a control place, far from civilians and keep a electric wall around them, no more soft targets for TTP.
Rawalpindi setup is a security nightmare as it's over over populated.

If you want my honest opinion --- not only i agree with you - but also this applies to other potential "targets" like Navy War College (Lahore).

We have a family home in Bawa Park in Upper Mall Lahore just meters away from a certain branch of a certain agency (which i dont want to disclose by name here).

they took excellent measures there; blast barriers, changed traffic pattern such that all through traffic cannot make left or right turns near the building etc.

This needs to be applied for all military and other sensitive buildings and checkpoint areas.

end the illegal encroachments of land; and also re-patriate the Afghan refugees -too many of whom are just trouble makers in my opinion.

I could go on and on -- but rest assured - we have a capable Armed Forces and they know what are the requirements, what are the short-falls etc.

Not everyone knew that enemy would stoop so low as to bomb an Islamic holy place of worship; but now again we are reminded what kind of lanaat we are dealing with
The chidlren were deliberately targetted there is a voice intercept of (ghair)muslim khan talking about killing children of Army officers when operation in Swat was going on and what they did here is exactly that.

Revenge is a universal code , its time the cave monkies of waziristan who think they are thekedars of Islam find out about it , the Pakistani way!

That mean the planer of this terror act must have the place under observation, which means there are rats inside the army base ?
The chidlren were deliberately targetted there is a voice intercept of (ghair)muslim khan talking about killing children of Army officers when operation in Swat was going on and what they did here is exactly that.

Revenge is a universal code , its time the cave monkies of waziristan who think they are thekedars of Islam find out about it , the Pakistani way!
It's interesting they saved all their assets for when army started SWA op and BM did not help out Radio FM in his hour of need.
there is no doubt in my mind that they "Scoped out" the area and knew it fairly well

has nothing to do with "insiders"....we shouldnt even discuss such theories.

It merely required brainwashed kids with basic athletic ability and knowledge of how to handle firearms. Once they were over the fence, it was just a question of being willing to look at people in the face while they worship and open fire.

there is no doubt in my mind that they "Scoped out" the area and knew it fairly well

has nothing to do with "insiders"....we shouldnt even discuss such theories.

It merely required brainwashed kids with basic athletic ability and knowledge of how to handle firearms. Once they were over the fence, it was just a question of being willing to look at people in the face while they worship and open fire.


Sir it is a painful reality that this thing has happend in the Most holiest place , but lets think this way " is it not enough to open the eyes of the Nation about these so called Jihadists" ?

you might remember , Qila al maut ( death castle) and its fidaies who killed hundrers of top class muslim scholars and military leaders .
That was a fitna and this is a Fitna too...

We better wake up they would not last very long:pakistan::pakistan: Inshallah
my house is right next to that masjid...i always pray there when i go back to pakistan...man dont even wanna look at the news...if i could find a taliban or a RAW agent right now i swear to god id rip their effing guts out
my house is right next to that masjid...i always pray there when i go back to pakistan...man dont even wanna look at the news...if i could find a taliban or a RAW agent right now i swear to god id rip their effing guts out

I feel the same , infact many feel the same way and there is a need for some action

Perhaps a citizen led effort to locate a terrorist safe house in Rawalpind/Islamabd followed by a full fledged massacare.

I think there is enough anger that such a thing just might happen
To my brothers and sisters in Karachi --- tell me about the security measures being taken there. It has been a long time since my last visit there.
I feel the same , infact many feel the same way and there is a need for some action

Perhaps a citizen led effort to locate a terrorist safe house in Rawalpind/Islamabd followed by a full fledged massacare.

I think there is enough anger that such a thing just might happen

man i dont understand they should just give a warning to people in waziristan to clear that are and then nuke the whole pak afghan borden...burry these talibani cunts under the same rocks they use to hide frikin lowlives
man i dont understand they should just give a warning to people in waziristan to clear that are and then nuke the whole pak afghan borden...burry these talibani cunts under the same rocks they use to hide frikin lowlives

you have to understand, most of the Waziris are fiercely patriotic people.

we need to cut the hand of those that are arming and supporting these groups...

the foot soldiers (the kids they send to do the dirty work) are only the pawns. The people indoctrinating and brainwashing them, arming them etc those are the ones we must thrash with iron fist and no mercy.

we cant use nuclear weapons on our own people, that would compound the problems 100-fold. I think we've seen enough bloodshed of innocent people. We must think quickly, but rationally as well brother!

Even the most hard-hearted people show emotion during troubling times that we are facing. But we cannot let it affect our judgement or strategy in the area.

we are dealing with guerilla fighters who are being well-armed.....time to cut the hand(s) that are feeding them

most important thing is that country is united against terrorism, and supporting Armed Forces against these evil, misguided people. Government may be lame ducks, but we are not!
Think of it this way.

They obtained Shahadat at the hands of the enemies of Islam in a Masjid, during Jum'a prayer, possibly while in Sajda. That, my friends, is a death of great honor. To die in the Path of Allah, while worshiping Him, is a death only the very lucky ones receive. It is an honor previously bestowed on men of such high caliber as Hazrat Hussain (RA), it must not be taken lightly.

I hope I am as lucky as these men, I really do.
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