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Blast in Westridge, Rawalpindi

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What a heart breaking news?

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon.

May Allah give them an easy and pleasant journey and shower blessings on their grave. Ameen!

My hearts goes to the families. It’s so sad that how readily these suicide bombers are available in Pakistan.

The Islam that I know clearly states,’ Save a Life, Save All Humanity—Take a Life, Kill All Humanity’.

I am unable to grasp how these criminals, who claim to be Muslims, can kill other Muslims not only in the name of Allah but also in the house of Allah? Does anyone have an answer?

Please refrain from any argument and let’s pray for the deceased's.
actually there are many reports by Pakistani army and ISI brass this war had started two-three years before 9/11, they had seen a dramatic change in the tribal region being occupied by the foreigners. You can watch a few of Jirga episodes where Saleem Safi calls such individuals on weekly basis and they all have confirmed that is phinomenon had to happen regardless of bush's war.

Another thing, ttp taliban have accepted the responsibility of the attack on the masjid. They have on numerous occasions made public their stance that they dont consider the Pakistani people to be muslims if they're not fighting with them, we are kufars to them our masjids are not masjids so they will attack us even in majsid. This is from a captured suicide bomber, his interview was aired, and muslim khan taped phone conversation.

So this answers your question how a muslim can murder another in a mosque. Simple, they dont consider us muslims. So it's about time you open your eyes, too bro. But ok, i'll agree with you on this though, when you said they're not muslims. You know what, they really aren't muslims, they're not even human, they may call themselves muslims but we shouldn't consider them muslims anymore.

Exactly - these jihadi scumbags are not real muslims....they follow the Salafi ideology - modern day Khwarijis.
Even if what you claim is true, soon if the Talibs send somebody to the military and say, "Give us a few nukes, and we won't blow up your families" what kind of response will they get? If not cooperation, then guards may simply flee, leaving the Taliban to collect the treasure they seek.

Am I crazy? A year ago how many Pakistanis envisioned waves of terror bombings in Rawalpindi?
Yes, you're crazy. Everyday, our under equipped policemen, security guards, military police, FC, rangers stand at makeshift check posts checking vehicles and people not knowing if thee next person will be a suicide bomber or not. Our highest ranking officials have been attacked not only today but well before as well. Did they give up their jobs and run away? Our soldiers ride around in freaking open pickups knowing full well an IED could get them. do they refuse to go out in patrols? In fact it is remarkable that the only desertions have happened in the untrained tribal khasadar forces and previously in some units of the FC who did not have proper objectives or support.

And forget a year ago, Pakistan has been seeing terrorism since at least the 90's.
I don't have your faith in Pakistani incompetence. Even if what you claim is true, soon if the Talibs send somebody to the military and say, "Give us a few nukes, and we won't blow up your families" what kind of response will they get? If not cooperation, then guards may simply flee, leaving the Taliban to collect the treasure they seek.

Am I crazy? A year ago how many Pakistanis envisioned waves of terror bombings in Rawalpindi?

Pakistan army is highly professional and capable to handle our nukes, they also know how to tackle highly coordinated attackes and also expecting this type of few attackes because game plan of raw and mosad and al qaeada is near to end in FATA.
We are coming to catch you rats....
We can sustain the loss....

Just a request:

As I stated in my post # 196, Please refrain from any silly comments and argument, and let’s pray for the deceased's. This is not the time for argument.
distressing news! It's important to hunt down all extremists in Pakistan
I must admit that I always feel that Pakistan handles terrorist better then Indian's. My feeling is that it is the system there that helps them, anything happens Army comes in picture (Not sure if they have to ask permission like in India). In india even if 50 Army personal are standing and 1 terrorist comes they need permission from state government to act. Can someone help me understand your system.
What equally breaks my heart is the fact that kids are being used to wage these attacks. They are being indoctrinated and brainwashed to even attack Mosques -- on Jumah namaz.

What Islam and what culture condones this behaviour? None.

Its high time that all religious schools be taken under the governement control and close religious schools who are involved in such activity.
What a heart breaking news?

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon.

May Allah give them an easy and pleasant journey and shower blessings on their grave. Ameen!

My hearts goes to the families. It’s so sad that how readily these suicide bombers are available in Pakistan.

The Islam that I know clearly states,’ Save a Life, Save All Humanity—Take a Life, Kill All Humanity’.

I am unable to grasp how these criminals, who claim to be Muslims, can kill other Muslims not only in the name of Allah but also in the house of Allah? Does anyone have an answer?

Please refrain from any argument and let’s pray for the deceased's.

this conflict has nothing to do with the enforcement of any kind of Islam.

they even targetted the Islamic University, and some of those killed may have been ultra orthodox followers.

these attacks dont discriminate.....they are just meant to embarass Pakistan and bring despair.

Maybe these terrorists are so stupid that they dont realize 170 million people are united against them.

Handful of these assholes can cause damage and kill. But they will never deter us from fighting for our country. Inshallah all those who help, support, or even speak highly of these cowards will be caught alive, or they will be killed by gunfire.

And i dont anticipate the barrels of the guns to cool down anytime soon. Not until the last terrorist is killed with the last bullet.
Its high time that all religious schools be taken under the governement control and close religious schools who are involved in such activity.


but at this point, i think we are dealing more than with just madrassah students. This is a more trans-national issue; and certain elements from certain enemy countries are providing a lot of the support for these anti-Pakistan "jihadys"

No religion told uneducated men to send kids to blow up mosques and other targets.

TTP yazidis will drown soon Inshallah.

If we even find one hint of evidence of involvement of lal temple goons in this or any other attack, we should simply blow up the houses of Umme Hassan and Abdul Aziz. Giving advanced notice to those inside should be left to the discretion of local CO.
My question got unanswered second time, guess it is not worth a try.
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