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Blast in Westridge, Rawalpindi

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Nothing is more worse in this world than that parent who looses his/her child. I know because I've seen my mother, it's been 15 years since my seven year old sister's death, all of us have moved on but she still secretly holds on to her purse, her belongings and her pictures and looks at them in our absence. Time heals many wounds but this is such wound for a mother that even time doesn't help much. I pray that Allah grants them sabar in life to cope with this grief. In-Allah-Ha Ma-us-sabreen. Allah saber kernay walon ke satth hai.

First of all, sorry to hear about your dear sister. I'm sure she is resting in a happier and better place, peacefully.

What equally breaks my heart is the fact that kids are being used to wage these attacks. They are being indoctrinated and brainwashed to even attack Mosques -- on Jumah namaz.

What Islam and what culture condones this behaviour? None.

From now on, we shouldnt even REFER to them as Islamist or Islamic terrorists. These are just criminals and terrorists. They are blood thirsty. They know that their fellow terrorists and handlers are being thrashed in FATA/NWFP and other areas. They cannot fight conventionally because they know they will get the guts thrashed out of them.

as i said earlier, this isnt a war of TTP vs. Army. This is TTP vs. the men women and children of Pakistan. They know know bounds, and they have no honour.

After today, we REALLY need introspection. We need a neighbourhood watch system, similar to what they do down in Karachi.

People --regardless of occupation, or background or whatever -- they must report suspicious behaviour to the security agencies.

This may have also been planned in Orakzai, like the blast at Naval HQ.

GHQ, PAF Complex and DEPO and all other high profile places in and around twin cities and all potential targets throughout the country -civilian and military - should be placed on extremely high alert. We are at war! People of all walks of life need to be on the edge and on the lookout at all times, and report any suspicious people.

May Allah bless and protect this country from evil, lies, fungus and drought.


The person who recorded the video is answering the question. Check it out.
Again, this is what he says after the blast, person appears to fall,

Oh, Ou outon piya ththa hi,

After the screams,

"Houn mera khayal bundh kar".

As if telling the camera person to pack up.
The language is Punjabi, after the blast, you can see a body falling down from the above floors, the voice comments in Punjabi, that "he has fallen from above", then you can hear intermittent screams as some one is in extreme pain, just before the footage terminates, the comments made are, again in Punjabi, "He must be dead now" .

Hope i am wrong, but my conclusion is the video was filmed by the attacker's accomplices.

I had asked the guy who posted the video and this was his reply.

findmuiz (40 minutes ago)

I was on my way to the mosque when the first blast happened. AFter that I stayed in my home and filmed the videos.

One of the witnesses a retired Captain, while giving an interview on Dawn News said that the attackers after the assault ran away and tried to hid in homes and he said they climbed up houses and were firing at security forces who did a very well job in neutralizing them before they ran away. And this video can be showing one of the militants being hit by some RPG kind of thing and he is falling down.

It seems there was no suicide blast in the Mosque, rather only grenades and point blank firing was being done, as the same Captain said that the militants held the people from their hairs, dragged them and shot them point blank. And the roof of the mosque coming down was due to a grenade which was thrown towards the people praying on the upper story but by luck it got stuck in something on the roof and blew bringing the some part of the roof down.

The person who recorded the video is answering the question. Check it out.

I tried my best but could not figured it out what he is saying.

How he is answering questions?
I had asked the guy who posted the video and this was his reply.

findmuiz (40 minutes ago)

I was on my way to the mosque when the first blast happened. AFter that I stayed in my home and filmed the videos.

One of the witnesses a retired Captain, while giving an interview on Dawn News said that the attackers after the assault ran away and tried to hid in homes and he said they climbed up houses and were firing at security forces who did a very well job in neutralizing them before they ran away. And this video can be showing one of the militants being hit by some RPG kind of thing and he is falling down.

It seems there was no suicide blast in the Mosque, rather only grenades and point blank firing was being done, as the same Captain said that the militants held the people from their hairs, dragged them and shot them point blank. And the roof of the mosque coming down was due to a grenade which was thrown towards the people praying on the upper story but by luck it got stuck in something on the roof and blew bringing the some part of the roof down.

Are there other videos too?

You talked to him through youtube account???
And the screams in the video are of the residents of the area or inhabitants of the flats who got scared due to the intensity of the blast or shock of all the things happening.
I had asked the guy who posted the video and this was his reply.

findmuiz (40 minutes ago)

I was on my way to the mosque when the first blast happened. AFter that I stayed in my home and filmed the videos.

One of the witnesses a retired Captain, while giving an interview on Dawn News said that the attackers after the assault ran away and tried to hid in homes and he said they climbed up houses and were firing at security forces who did a very well job in neutralizing them before they ran away. And this video can be showing one of the militants being hit by some RPG kind of thing and he is falling down.

It seems there was no suicide blast in the Mosque, rather only grenades and point blank firing was being done, as the same Captain said that the militants held the people from their hairs, dragged them and shot them point blank. And the roof of the mosque coming down was due to a grenade which was thrown towards the people praying on the upper story but by luck it got stuck in something on the roof and blew bringing the some part of the roof down.
Thanks dear for clearing that up, because a lot of fingers are pointing to be an inside job, like an attacker was already inside the Mosque with plenty of ammo. Media is quoting as two of them did blew them self up, but i guess that's irrelevant. The place has a good CCTV system, the footage will reveal the reality.
And the screams in the video are of the residents of the area or inhabitants of the flats who got scared due to the intensity of the blast or shock of all the things happening.

That or the scumbag who got wasted died painfully.
i look forward to getting news on pictures & identity of these terrorists.
The language is Punjabi, after the blast, you can see a body falling down from the above floors, the voice comments in Punjabi, that "he has fallen from above", then you can hear intermittent screams as some one is in extreme pain, just before the footage terminates, the comments made are, again in Punjabi, "He must be dead now" .

Hope i am wrong, but my conclusion is the video was filmed by the attacker's accomplices.

You are quite right.

i'll only add that something brownish fall from within the trees (may be an animal-but what would that animal, quite large it was). The screams to me seems of women crying and the wall these Saraiki speaking dudes were talking it seemed that they knew what exactly was going on!

i mean how can you be so calm while commenting and then saying, hun mera khayal aye o mar gaya hosi!!
Thanks dear for clearing that up, because a lot of fingers are pointing to be an inside job, like an attacker was already inside the Mosque with plenty of ammo. Media is quoting as two of them did blew them self up, but i guess that's irrelevant. The place has a good CCTV system, the footage will reveal the reality.

Prob is that in the initial moments, many variants of the stories emerge as everything is in chaos. You can't get a clear picture in the first few hours, by tomorrow the picture would be very clear as ISPR still has to release what really happened, as they are still investigating. But what i have found out is that 2 guys attacked first, when they were engaged, 2 other went into the mosque and did the mayhem, but before blowing themselves up they did threw hand grenades did as much damage as possible, before blowing themselves up and they did not came from the mall road area, rather it seems they crosses over some wall nearby which was separating this area as behind this area there is a huge area where civilian population lives too.

So in a day or two things would be pretty much cleared.

A very very sad incident, 2 fathers and their sons lost their lives at the same time. Most of the children were less then 15 years or just above 10 in other words, may Allah give these murderers the saza they deserve with a 1000 times more severeness. They have made a lot of families lives destroyed.
RIP to all departed souls.

Have any terrorists been caught or did the police release any sketches of the militants ?
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