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Blast in Westridge, Rawalpindi

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he passed a few garbled comments after a grenade blast

it may well have been a terrorist, but then again could just be one intent and non reactionary civilian ...who knows

I tried to listen to the words again and again and i gussed it was English wordings.
Time to to randomly kill taliban prisoners including their top captured janwars and cut their bodies up and feed it to pigs. And put it on TV.

At leat these three bastards need to be chopped up and made into a pile of rott i n g flesh being eaten by maggots , boardcast live on TV

(Ghair)Muslim Khan

Abdullah Shah Mehsud

'Maulvi' Umer

its disgusting to see them even breathe the air of Pakistan! :angry::angry:
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Clearly, there are exceptions and will continue to be for some time - just like the serving and retired Army officers recently arrested for interfacing between LeT and the suspected terrorist Headley currently in FBI custody.

Frankly, I'd advise you guys to not be so SMUG about your 'clearance procedures'! At the end of the day, you don't need a zillion traitors to create mischief.

NEW YORK: Some serving and ex-military officers are among five people arrested in Pakistan in connection with the LeT plot to carry out a major terror attack in India using American national David Coleman Headley, reports New York Times.

Pakistani authorities had arrested as many as five other people in connection with the Lashkar-e-Toiba plot in recent weeks including some former and current Pakistani military officials, said the New York Times.The paper quoted an official who has been briefed on the investigation as saying that those arrested remain in custody, but it was unclear what role they played in the expanding plot.

Headley, 49, and Tahawwur Hussain Rana, 48, who were arrested last month by FBI are accused of plotting terror attacks on behest of LeT against India and a Danish newspaper.

That shows we're being proactive in many ways in detaining people who have even a hint of a connection. Except for one guy, the rest were released after investigation.

There were rumors that PA was throwing bodies of captured talibs from helicopters in Swat. I don't know if they were true or not, but I hope it starts happening.

At the very least throw "muslim" khan, "ghazi" force members from a 3 story building repeatedly. I would pay money to view a video of this.
Clearly, there are exceptions and will continue to be for some time - just like the serving and retired Army officers recently arrested for interfacing between LeT and the suspected terrorist Headley currently in FBI custody.

Frankly, I'd advise you guys to not be so SMUG about your 'clearance procedures'! At the end of the day, you don't need a zillion traitors to create mischief.

NEW YORK: Some serving and ex-military officers are among five people arrested in Pakistan in connection with the LeT plot to carry out a major terror attack in India using American national David Coleman Headley, reports New York Times.

Pakistani authorities had arrested as many as five other people in connection with the Lashkar-e-Toiba plot in recent weeks including some former and current Pakistani military officials, said the New York Times.The paper quoted an official who has been briefed on the investigation as saying that those arrested remain in custody, but it was unclear what role they played in the expanding plot.

Headley, 49, and Tahawwur Hussain Rana, 48, who were arrested last month by FBI are accused of plotting terror attacks on behest of LeT against India and a Danish newspaper.

ISPR cleared the issue and told NO serving officer is involved, rather i believe one retired Major is involved who is in custody. So repeating the same old initial news is of no use.
At leat these two bastarts need to be chopped up and made into a pile of ******* flesh being eaten by maggots , boardcast live on TV

(Ghair)Muslim Khan

Abdullah Shah Mehsud

its disgusting to see them even breathe the air of Pakistan! :angry::angry:

Let's not forget "Malvi" Omer, former spokesmen of TTP. We have him too.
I tried to listen to the words again and again and i gussed it was English wordings.

Why are you two making conspiracies about the filmed attack !!!

The attack went on for a long time during which a resident got a chance to film it ... thats it !!!

There is no use of arguing over it.
Innah Lillah wa Innah Elayhi Rajioon

After reading the list over and over again, I realized very sad facts.

3. Lieutenant Colonel Fakhar
13. Child Sadaul Hassan S/O Lieutenant Colonel Fakhar

23. Child Name not known S/O Colonel Kaleem Zubair
29. F/O Colonel Kaleem Zubair

May Allah accept their sacrifice and give strength to the families.

May Allah also bless us with command over our anger and patience so that we don't cross limit in our revenge, there has to be a difference between us and them.
Why are you two making conspiracies about the filmed attack !!!

The attack went on for a long time during which a resident got a chance to film it ... thats it !!!

There is no use of arguing over it.

Whatever i am more interested in the noises in the video and the language someone is saying something.

The man said something and i am trying to figure out what language it is
The JIHADI Network the military establishment created in the 80s and more importantly nurtured in the 90s has come back to haunt it. We fed the snake and the serpent has come back to bite us.


Do not ever pursue policy goals on the backs of pseudo-religious mercenaries infused with salafi ideology ever again!!!


The TTP/LeJ/JM jihadis terrorists are like rabid dogs. We must kill all these dogs and their scumbag handlers to protect the people from the disease. There is no rehab option for the dogs or their handlers.

Dude, I must admit, I have become your fan, no wonder you have been thanked so many times in just 400 post.
It seems either a RPG or a grenade launcher as the thumpp is pretty loud. but confirmation would be nice.

It may be that, BUT had it been a RPG the launching thud should have been louder and the blast that occurred in result was not of an RPG or a grenade, because both of these dont produce such fiery blasts.

The blast was like a very small Napalm and grenade dont have enough HE/incendiary to produce that, moreover RPG is meant to defeat armor with hollow charge and wouldn't create such a fire ball.

Though the blast sound was loud enough to confirm that it sure was HE and not just incendiary.

i still may be wrong as i was unable to follow the entire episode today, moreover the video is just too shaky and shot from far distance.
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Whatever i am more interested in the noises in the video and the language someone is saying something.

The man said something and i am trying to figure out what language it is
Can you post the video again. Cant find it.
I often have encountered the word martyrdom and sacrifice after these incidents whether in india or pakistan... i beg to differ they did not sacrifice their lives... they were butchered by some some crazy, fanatic ba*****s who are so brainwashed that they dont realize any thing.. this makes these criminals even more dangerous...
how can anybody kill in the name of religion....just unimaginable for me....
The language is Punjabi, after the blast, you can see a body falling down from the above floors, the voice comments in Punjabi, that "he has fallen from above", then you can hear intermittent screams as some one is in extreme pain, just before the footage terminates, the comments made are, again in Punjabi, "He must be dead now" .

Hope i am wrong, but my conclusion is the video was filmed by the attacker's accomplices.
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