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Blast in Hazar Gunji Market, Quetta

90% of terrorist activities this year are from Balochistan

FC Balochistan along with other security agencies need to work on a comprehensive security plan for Balochistan

Current policy is simply not enough

A purely defensive / reactionary policy never works.

The enemy that supports these mercenary terrorists needs to know that there is a cost to such actions.

Many like me have been crying & lamenting so much for so long about the atrocities committed by the Islamic extremists (TTP, LeJ etc.) that now I have few tears left to shed and no words left to describe my feelings about the butchery of the innocent civilians that is being going on in my country for more than a decade.

No government is worthy of being called a government if it fails to provide a safe environment for its citizens. Regret to say that PTI is also as bad as the previous ones, and if that was not enough; understand KPK PTI gov’t has allocated another Rs 30-million for the nursery of Taliban, the Haqqania seminary.

But of course, Kaptaan has no time to look after the Law & order; he is too busy trying to rope in the opposition!

Only Allah knows when Pakistanis will be able to truly enjoy a period of peace?
now Pakistan should strike inside Afghanistan without distinction. It sad that these terrorism doesn't stop. Worst part Hazara are constant victim of terrorism. I knew after humiliation from Pak , India will strike some soft target.
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90% of terrorist activities this year are from Balochistan

FC Balochistan along with other security agencies need to work on a comprehensive security plan for Balochistan

Current policy is simply not enough
We need to beef up ISI in the region, why is our intel failing in the region?
yes millions of people in this country who believe killing people who differ with them in religion is a just cause.

Thanks to the mullahs
But brother its you and I who send our mentally/physically disabled kids to madrassas and the normal ones to Schools.So from the day one they have inferiority complex.We need good religious scholars same like economist engineers etc. Religion has been left to these lunatics who are using it to take revenge on outside world.
These attacks are by India through proxies and are direct result of current situation with Rafales and Modi Govt.

Since that report has came up it has shaken the Indian Armed Forces, Modi Goverment and there 5th pilar ..and they are still shaking!

So Ajit doval will resort to same tactics use paid kharjis of Afghanistan to do the Job.

These times have never came in our lifetime...They are facing a united Pakistan there is no shia or sunni..all are Pakistani. So enemy is enticing sectarian attacks..kill as many as you want Ajit you will make Pakistan more stronger!
We need to beef up ISI in the region, why is our intel failing in the region?

ISI is already ruling Balochistan. You need to live there for a month and you'll know they're the Kings of that region. They pick up anyone they want, dump anyone they want. Politicians can't act without their approval. Balochistan is a heavy stronghold of the ISI. The only problem is that ISI isn't interested to curb sectarianism there. Release of Ramzan Mengal is an example.
Good day for RAW, NDS as well as PDF's resident takfiris @BATMAN @Suff Shikan @Retired Troll

When are you and your mentors going to send target killers to kill whom you lable as Takfiri?

Fact is, i didn't even open the news this morning.
In any case if there's an act of terrorism, rest assure IRGC is behind it.
At least this is the history of all the attacks in Pakistan, admitted by arrested IRGC puppies and RAW officers.

The only problem is that ISI isn't interested to curb sectarianism there.
So in the end separatism is boiling down to sectarianism!
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8 people killed in Quetta blast targeting Hazara community: police
Syed Ali ShahUpdated April 12, 2019
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Rescue teams, police and Frontier Corps personnel have reached the site of the blast. ─ DawnNewsTV

At least eight people were killed and several others injured in a blast in Quetta's Hazarganji area on Friday morning.

Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Abdul Razzaq Cheema confirmed the death toll and told DawnNewsTV that the blast was targeting members of the Hazara community.

Seven of those killed were members of the Hazara community, while one Frontier Corps soldier was martyred in the attack, DIG Cheema said.

Read more: Targeted killing of Hazaras


Police fear the death toll may rise. The wounded are being shifted to Bolan Medical Complex for medical treatment, police sources said.

Rescue teams, police and Frontier Corps personnel have reached the site of the blast. The area has been cordoned off, and entry of outsiders to the spot has been restricted.

The Hazara community has been disproportionately targeted by sectarian violence as they are easily identifiable due to their distinctive physical appearance.

A report released by the National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) last year stated that 509 members of Hazara community were killed and 627 injured in various incidents of terrorism in Quetta from January 2012 to Dec 2017.

NCHR official Fazeela Alyani had earlier said that all these lives were lost in Quetta. According to the NCHR, targeted killings, suicide attacks, and bomb blasts have inflicted harm to daily life, education, and business activities of ethnic Hazara community members in Balochistan's largest city.

Alyani had also explained that the fear and intimidation forced Hazaras to migrate to foreign countries, while target killings forced Hazara students to abandon their studies.

Balochistan has seen at least three others blasts in different areas over the last month, with varying targets.

Four policemen were targeted in an improvised explosive device (IED) blast in Quetta, while an IED blast targeting a passenger train in Balochistan's Dera Murad Jamali killed four people.

At least two people were killed and 11 others injured in a bomb blast in a Panjgur bazaar.

This is a developing story that is being updated as the situation evolves. Initial reports in the media can sometimes be inaccurate. We will strive to ensure timeliness and accuracy by relying on credible sources such as concerned, qualified authorities and our staff reporters.

Indian funded and sponsored terrorism hits innocent citizens of Pakistan again while the international community remains silent. May Allah bless the martyrs and give their families strength to deal with this loss.
Good day for RAW, NDS as well as PDF's resident takfiris @BATMAN @Suff Shikan @Retired Troll
And there are many many more, including some so called professionals/mods here, who creep out of the hiding when ever they get an opportunity. For them, its either like this one user who wished in a ME thread for the"shia pigs" to be culled, or they wish shias to become second class citizens at the very least. They do not know how to do it, but boy do they wish for it.

And then there are their role models who don't only talk the talk but also walk the walk, a bloody example of which we saw yesterday. Why to only harp about the alleged crimes of Kulbushan and likes when the very people with the extremist mindset following murderous ideology are to be found amidst us.
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And Pakistan still silently , watching Indian 18 consulate along Pakistan border , all involve in terrorist activities . But first attack was on July 1985 during Zia era and was done by extremist element of Afghan jahad. It started and never end since. Majority of terrorist emerge from Afghan refugee camps near airport. Where huge number of foreign funded madrassah , which continuously produce extremist elements. But, govt never shut them down. Mustung still the hotbed of extremism .
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