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Blast From The Past. !

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Which goes to prove, if it was needed, all Indian policies and doctrines are Pakistan oriented. Talk about living in a nut shell.
Kiddo, you have assumed that those military doctrines constitute 'ALL' of Indian policies. Those doctrines, in fact, are what would be 'horses for the courses'.

In any case, whether or not 'all' Indian policies are Pakistan centric is unrelated to the topic at hand. Your thread, but you, yourself can't stick to your own topic. Pathetic.
Kiddo, you have assumed that those military doctrines constitute 'ALL' of Indian policies. Those doctrines, in fact, are what would be 'horses for the courses'.

In any case, whether or not 'all' Indian policies are Pakistan centric is unrelated to the topic at hand. Your thread, but you, yourself can't stick to your own topic. Pathetic.
What have we got here, Brains of Bombay, ?
Calling it a bed time story, i wonder who was digressing instead of digesting, well sunshine it seems this bed time story kept you awake.
What have we got here, Brains of Bombay, ?
Calling it a bed time story, i wonder who was digressing instead of digesting, well sunshine it seems this bed time story kept you awake.
...and the OP continues to be a bed time story in spite of all the 'I-said-it-therefore-it-is-true' chest thumping.

You haven't provided a shred of evidence that it is not. Now go play with your crayons.
hey guys i got scared after reading this post.we should not have gone to kargil war :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Hilarious story. Gave me a chuckle, thanks.

You haven't provided a shred of evidence that it is not. Now go play with your crayons.

Evidence? It shall be provided at a "suitable time".
...and the OP continues to be a bed time story in spite of all the 'I-said-it-therefore-it-is-true' chest thumping.

You haven't provided a shred of evidence that it is not. Now go play with your crayons.
It's no ones fault if you got up on the wrong side of the bed,
Evidentially you people are oblivious to Subcontinent's history and the very victim of your own main stream propaganda.
In a scenario which eventually accumalates to MAD, the chest thumping theory is of no grandeur. Alas a reality check is suggested to enhance your limited knowledge and mind set.
They say you can't describe Sun rise to a blind person.
It's obvious the character in the footage was planted by the frivolous Indian media to dampen PM's spirit but the full version you can see the General gave as good as he got and the poor Indian cum politician was left bewildered.

Thats true....how many examples u put across to u ppl..it will not enter ur brains....this person was planted by indian media !!!!..
man u r great !!!!:smitten:
k...Abdul kalam was also fake person....Azharuddin was also fake....
isnt it?? 3 muslim head of states..wer also fake....and not to forget hundreds of muslim bollywood stars loved by millons of hindus..
may be they r hindus in disguise of muslims :woot:

and I have seen the whole video...Musharaff didnt no wat to say..he was blabberring something...Oh sorry !!! may be u understood wat he said...we indians(hindus+muslims+sikhs+christians+etc..) didnt...

Get a life man !!!:argh:

try telling a better story nxt time.. :hitwall:

No doubt ur country is so much deep S*** now..
As i said you can't explain certain realities to certain individuals and you being no exception. Your rant is nothing more than desperation so not worth my time.
Anyways here is the clip from the footage where Musharaff answers the planted and briefed Muslim politician. And watch his reaction.

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Dude...to ur perspective musharaff is a hero..to ours..he is not...

and reg musharaff..if u have seen the whole program u would have seen the whole prgm(coz i have seen it),he was so helpless he didnt no wat to say to some questions..

eg:A lady of kashmiri pandit origin asked him a question about kahmiri pandits will ever be able to return to their land..he was acting as if he didnt know anything about kashmiri pandits...

what a classic actor..may be he should be in bollywood..he would have become a star...and to ur rants that muslims r facing prblm in india..the following is the quote from an article by M.J Akbar(who is one of the distinguished journalists in india and he is a muslim)

"On the day that terrorists attacked Sri Lankan cricketers, I had a previously arranged speaking engagement at a university in Delhi before largely Muslim students. I began with the suggestion that every Indian Muslim should offer a special, public prayer of thanks to the Almighty Allah for His extraordinary benevolence - for the mercy He had shown by preventing us from ending up in Pakistan in 1947. The suggestion was received with startled amusement, instinctive applause and a palpable sense of sheer relief."

A flawed idea - The Siege Within - MJ Akbar - Opinion - Home - The Times of India

so stop talking about indian muslims..
As i said you can't explain certain realities to certain individuals and you being no exception. Your rant is nothing more than desperation so not worth my time.

r u describing urself??

see all ur posts in this thread...looks like so..
Blast from the past, Zia past is not too much past. Lets go more into the past.

Nostradamus whose prediction are quite well known and which have come true says the following regarding the sanatan dharma, hindu dharm and that of Islam

For Hindus especially, Nostradamus ought to be a hero of immense cheer. The Frenchman never visited India. In point of time, his forecasts were published well before Akbar became the Moghul ruler in Delhi. But, despite the great distance of time and space, Nostradamus clearly foresaw the rise of a mighty all-conquering Hindu nation. Its birth is close at hand. The seer predicts that a resurgent India will burst forth upon its former oppressors and destroy them completely. The beginning of this terrible revenge will be in the seventh month of 1999.

Meanwhile, he predicts, after seven years of furious warfare, the ******* will be totally wiped out. There will be no trace left of either Mecca or Medina. Somanath will be avenged a billion times over. The creed of Muhammad will vanish forever.

Though the time and date of Third world war is gone, but 3rd world war will happen sooner or later and the dates might have been wrongly interpreted by those who study Nostradamus's predictions

And do not worry we will see to it it comes true. You guys have zero credibility in the world market and stop shouting at the top of your voice we have nukes,

when russia invaded afghanistan, they had nukes, US had nukes when they fought the wars against iraq, vietnam....wht did their nukes do nothing.

So kido stop dancing over "we have nukes" it doesnt bother india in anyways, the GOP has done a good job over nuke propaganda media "we have nukes so india cant attack us"

Indians are not aggressors, but if the need arise we will use it & there wont be any pakistan on the world map, only India and allies

"Indians are not aggressors" I am not saying this, the PAF head says so.

Interesting: Ex-Pak Air Marshal Nur Khan: dawn.com/2005/09/06/nat2.htm

Interesting: Ex-Pak Air Marshal Asghar Khan: dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/the-newspaper/columnists/16-ardeshir-cowasjee-wise-words-from-an-old-warrior-hs-04
Dude...to ur perspective musharaff is a hero..to ours..he is not...

and reg musharaff..if u have seen the whole program u would have seen the whole prgm(coz i have seen it),he was so helpless he didnt no wat to say to some questions..

eg:A lady of kashmiri pandit origin asked him a question about kahmiri pandits will ever be able to return to their land..he was acting as if he didnt know anything about kashmiri pandits...

what a classic actor..may be he should be in bollywood..he would have become a star...and to ur rants that muslims r facing prblm in india..the following is the quote from an article by M.J Akbar(who is one of the distinguished journalists in india and he is a muslim)

"On the day that terrorists attacked Sri Lankan cricketers, I had a previously arranged speaking engagement at a university in Delhi before largely Muslim students. I began with the suggestion that every Indian Muslim should offer a special, public prayer of thanks to the Almighty Allah for His extraordinary benevolence - for the mercy He had shown by preventing us from ending up in Pakistan in 1947. The suggestion was received with startled amusement, instinctive applause and a palpable sense of sheer relief."

A flawed idea - The Siege Within - MJ Akbar - Opinion - Home - The Times of India

so stop talking about indian muslims..
May i remind you, the thread has nothing to do with Musharaff hence stop your pathetic attempt in derailing the topic.
No doubt ur country is so much deep S*** now..

My country may be in some despair due to the willful policies of our politicians but talk about your self as over 600 million of you s*** on your country every day hence yous are sinking in your own excrement,
And now the famous moto, Shining India has been transformed into,

SH****** INDIA.
May i remind you, the thread has nothing to do with Musharaff hence stop your pathetic attempt in derailing the topic.

Stop whining and read what u write...u talk abt India and pakistan problem as if its hindu-muslim problem..what u cant even understand the muslims in india do not consider u as their savior..,,,musharaffs topic was by-product of that discussion...ur pathetic comments that muslims are oppressed in india fell flat on your face(see my above post):rofl::hitwall:..thats y now u say that its my pathetic attempt to derail the topic....so if u want to bash india,..do so..bt dont make it a religious war...u will be responded in kind....:smitten:

My country may be in some despair due to the willful policies of our politicians but talk about your self as over 600 million of you s*** on your country every day hence yous are sinking in your own excrement,
And now the famous moto, Shining India has been transformed into,

SH****** INDIA.

Thanks for info...
yes we have 600 million ppl living india who are poor..
bt atleast we are trying to get out of that..and by gods will..we will do that...atleast we dont make comments like ur leaders..."we will eat grass bt we will have a nuclear bomb"...looks like u ppl r eating grass and running around US with ur begging bowls and then cursing them..

and dont worry about our S***..if 600 million ppl S*** in indus river and we open our dam gates ..what will happen to pakistan???:devil:

cant even imagine..:cheesy::sick:

P.S:moderators,plz excuse me for this offtopic debate..bt had to respond to this religious BS..
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