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Blast From The Past. !

Unexpectedly Zia grabbed Rajiv from the arm and took him to one side away from the media and other people present and said something to the Indian PM. Historians tell us that as Zia returned to board his plane, Rajiv Gandhi had visibly turned pale with his shoulders drooping. Zia-ul-Haq had only disclosed this conversation with a close friend. The secret was only revealed when the same friend wrote Zia's memorabilia.
Apparently Zia informed Rajiv, that "if all the Muslims in Pakistan are killed, there will still be plenty of Muslims left all over the world but if all of the Hindus in India are killed, that will be the end of the Hindu race".
Zia followed up by telling Rajiv, "Don't force me to the point where we end up killing all the Muslims of Pakistan and all the Hindus of the world". The historians further add that before Zia's plane had landed back in Pakistan, Indian troops were pulling back from the border.

how did he intend to wipe out all the indians from the face of this planet????

last i checked pakistan did not have nukes when he was around and any conventional war would run out of steam much much before it wiped out all indians from this world.
Not only Saudi Arabia, Islam will survive in all of Middle East, Europe, North & South America, Africa, Central Asia, East Asian countries, etc.. Do you even know how many Muslim majority countries are there in the world.

So? All Pakistanis would have been dead. 150 million plus of your countrymen dead, it doesnt matter to you?:blink:

You are just happy that Islam survives! This attitude, I assure you would not be found in all those other muslim majority states that you mentioned. Sure, they would love Islam, but they dont think like you.

Hinduism and Sikhism would suffer the most because all your sacred sites are in the subcontinent and almost all Hindus & Sikhs reside & originate from India only the Indian expatriates living in other countries wont suffer.


All our holy sites are in the Middle East and there will still be more or close to a billion Muslims if there's a nuclear war between Pakistan & India.

Yes. And you think its victory, eh?:argh:
@ bharat
looks like you are new to this forum.. get used to it....
you have not even heard their future plans......you will go pale by laughing and wondering... do some people think before they write or its just a yoga for fingers....

Yoga for fingers!! I liked that one.;)
Guys, call it a joke, chest thumping or just imaginative, but just answer this, in 2002, India amassed close to a million troops on the border for almost one year. During this period IA suffered around 350 casualties through accidents, not to mention the vast amounts of farmlands laid wasted through mining . Apparently it was the biggest deployment of forces since 1971. Any idea as to why did India unilaterally decided to withdraw with out Pakistan blinking or a shot being fired.!!!! ??????
BTW, the comments regarding All Indian Hindus and Pakistan Muslims were first made by a former Indian leader.
Check your history before behaving like a cat on a hot tin roof.
what a hilarious article !!!!!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

man i culd nt stop laughing...my stomach hurts...

this must be the most comic article i have ever seen

Mahatma Gandhi made prophecies...!!!!!My god !!!:blah::blah:

U made my day man.....Thanq

P.S: Iam actually forwarding this link to my frenz(non-pakistanis)...they shuld read this 1...they shuld have a gr8 laugh...not everyday we see such a "eye-opening" sites..:cheesy:

Great. Also send them links about GHAZWA-E-HIND. Why dont you send these two links to entire hindu population across the world. Its healthy to laugh and I am giving you multiple opportunities here :agree:

and More content for you to laugh now. Please pass this suff on and let everybody enjoy ;)

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Lolz personal attack is not gonna help my friend and for your kind attention I don't hate Pakistan or Muslims or any people here..And my age is 26 going to be 27 i may be younger than you or elder..

I am saying this windjammer your mentioning of what claims to be Zia's is only a joke..Do you really think a Prime Minister of any country will become so afraid of pathetic remarks like this???these kind of stories can be found in both side of the border some are for moral booster some are for fun..Its better to take it as a joke than discussing it in a public forum
My dear, you have never offended me, so why should i be personal,
As you are adamant, hence recall that this confrontation took place before both countries declared their nuclear status although world had it's doubts. The General in a way merely told the Indian PM, "Behave or the Subcontinent is a toast".
The General in a way merely told the Indian PM, "Behave or the Subcontinent is a toast".

So, Indian PM backed away?!
So, Indian PM cared about India getting toasted, while your general didnt care about the plight of Pakistan?!:what:
So, Indian PM backed away?!
So, Indian PM cared about India getting toasted, while your general didnt care about the plight of Pakistan?!:what:
It was India which initiated the confrontation, Pakistan was only responding in kind.
any ways thats thing of past.. so lets not try to undermine eachother by telling who said what and turning each thread into inflamatory one....
read wht nostradamus has predicted the most famous seer about hindu india, that it will destroy the creed of muhammed forever and sooner or later it will happen.

nice article (slightly off topic)
Islam Watch - "Pakistani Golden Eggs of Rotten Islam" by Amar Khan
This also trifle off topic but none the less both Indian and Israelis getting their ***** whipped. Enjoy.:smitten:



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Do you seriously think people as significant and busy as the General of the third largest army in the world, have time to pay attention to such '**** n' bull' as you posted here, even if in the lighter vein?

I am sorry to say that your fcuking so called 3rd world army's chief (the ranking is your mind's invention) is having a foot and mouth disease or his dick is fcuking his mind. He should know that a war is a war and there is no such thing "limited war" as he said.

Simply pay heed to attention that what We (Muslims) were able to do with Russia in Afghanistan, Don't bother us otherwise we will again fcuk your army and rule the India for another 1000 Years.

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