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Blast From The Past. !


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
We are all currently witnessing what can only be termed as Indian Saber rattling. Current scenario with the talk of nuclear equation reminds us of the crisis in mid 80s, long before the nuclear Ginny was let out of the bag. It was Spring of 1986 and Rajiv Gandhi's belligerent attitude had left both armies of India and Pakistan, eye ball to eye ball. At the same time both countries were playing Cricket in India. The cool and calculated General Zia capitalized on the situation and showed desired intentions to watch the match thus the event became famously known as "Zia's Cricket Diplomacy". However at the end of the day and due to protocol requirements Rajiv Gandhi turned up at the airport to see off Zia, but there was no let up in his manner. Unexpectedly Zia grabbed Rajiv from the arm and took him to one side away from the media and other people present and said something to the Indian PM. Historians tell us that as Zia returned to board his plane, Rajiv Gandhi had visibly turned pale with his shoulders drooping. Zia-ul-Haq had only disclosed this conversation with a close friend. The secret was only revealed when the same friend wrote Zia's memorabilia.
Apparently Zia informed Rajiv, that "if all the Muslims in Pakistan are killed, there will still be plenty of Muslims left all over the world but if all of the Hindus in India are killed, that will be the end of the Hindu race".
Zia followed up by telling Rajiv, "Don't force me to the point where we end up killing all the Muslims of Pakistan and all the Hindus of the world". The historians further add that before Zia's plane had landed back in Pakistan, Indian troops were pulling back from the border.

"if all the Muslims in Pakistan are killed, there will still be plenty of Muslims left all over the world but if all of the Hindus in India are killed, that will be the end of the Hindu race".

What an idiot !!!expected such a foolish arguement

Zia-ul-Haq was a president of pakistan of pakistan or muslims..

These pakistanis will never learn..they still think they r the representatives of muslims of all over the world...

For them,its always hindus vs muslims...

see this ,,..and open ur eyes...

these ppl still cannot see...the person who led the pokhran-2 was a muslim...!!!
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What an idiot !!!expected such a foolish arguement

Zia-ul-Haq was a president of pakistan of pakistan or muslims..

These pakistanis will never learn..they still think they r the representatives of muslims of all over the world...

For them,its always hindus vs muslims...

You are jumping the gun alas read before you weep,
If India nukes Pakistan, the majority of those killed will naturally be Muslims and in India it will be mostly Hindus that are annihilated, and that is a fact Zia pointed out.


Do you seriously think people as significant and busy as the General of the third largest army in the world, have time to pay attention to such '**** n' bull' as you posted here, even if in the lighter vein?

Zia's infamous process of 'Islamization of Pakistan' in itself was in part an urgent effort under utter fear to bring in elements to help the Pakistani Army match up with the Indian Army. Now that's what people do when they are 'scared as pale'.:sick:
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Unexpectedly Zia grabbed Rajiv from the arm and took him to one side away from the media and other people present and said something to the Indian PM. Historians tell us that as Zia returned to board his plane, Rajiv Gandhi had visibly turned pale with his shoulders drooping. Zia-ul-Haq had only disclosed this conversation with a close friend. The secret was only revealed when the same friend wrote Zia's memorabilia.
Apparently Zia informed Rajiv, that "if all the Muslims in Pakistan are killed, there will still be plenty of Muslims left all over the world but if all of the Hindus in India are killed, that will be the end of the Hindu race".
Zia followed up by telling Rajiv, "Don't force me to the point where we end up killing all the Muslims of Pakistan and all the Hindus of the world". The historians further add that before Zia's plane had landed back in Pakistan, Indian troops were pulling back from the border.
Typical Pakistani bed time story, churned out with due diligence by their 'Ministry of Truth'.

Saddest part is, they actually believe their own lies.
Do you seriously think people as significant and busy as the General of the third largest army in the world, have time to pay attention to such '**** n' bull' as you posted here, even if in the lighter vein?

Zia's infamous process of 'Islamization of Pakistan' in itself was in part an urgent effort under utter fear to bring in elements to help the Pakistani Army match up with the Indian Army. Now that's what people do when they are 'scared as pale'.:sick:
Neither do i have time for an attention seeking publicity hungry no body.

Tell him to stop ranting and bring it on.
Typical Pakistani bed time story, churned out with due diligence by their 'Ministry of Truth'.

Saddest part is, they actually believe their own lies.

And i suppose Border serial 2 is in production to keep your ego up not to mention all the other mish mash of rubbish churned out to keep the Indian moral in check.
Neither do i have time for an attention seeking publicity hungry no body.

I appreciate your efforts in rationing your time. So, please act a little more wise and stop posting articles that can't fetch you anything more than a few adrenalin inducing replies.

Tell him to stop ranting and bring it on.

You are not the one on the front facing the bullets, and I am not the General's advisor either. So you and I, both know it doesn't happen like that.
And i suppose Border serial 2 is in production to keep your ego up not to mention all the other mish mash of rubbish churned out to keep the Indian moral in check.
That, I believe, is a fictional depiction of history meant for entertainment, and is sold as one too. Different from what your 'Ministry of Truth' churns out.

Unless of course you are implying that the narrative that you passed off as real historical event is also meant for entertainment. In that case, we are indeed entertained.
I appreciate your efforts in rationing your time. So, please act a little more wise and stop posting articles that can't fetch you anything more than a few adrenalin inducing replies.

You are not the one on the front facing the bullets, and I am not the General's advisor either. So you and I, both know it doesn't happen like that.

I can assure you this is article wasn't just picked out of the air, even back then there was a lot of soul scratching as to what the General could have possibly said to the Indian PM.
We are indeed merely arm chair Generals but then again so much is being written and so much is being said.
That, I believe, is a fictional depiction of history meant for entertainment, and is sold as one too. Different from what your 'Ministry of Truth' churns out.

Unless of course you are implying that the narrative that you passed off as real historical event is also meant for entertainment. In that case, we are indeed entertained.

Terminologies such as Cold Start, Surgical Strikes and Hot Pursuits are enough to keep us amused.
Terminologies such as Cold Start, Surgical Strikes and Hot Pursuits are enough to keep us amused.
All of those are 'reactionary' doctrines. Which means, as long as Pakistan doesn't give a reason, there will be no 'Cold Start, Surgical Strikes and Hot Pursuits'.
All of those are 'reactionary' doctrines. Which means, as long as Pakistan doesn't give a reason, there will be no 'Cold Start, Surgical Strikes and Hot Pursuits'.

Which goes to prove, if it was needed, all Indian policies and doctrines are Pakistan oriented. Talk about living in a nut shell.
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