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Blast at Xinjiang school injures 17, say China media

Sirs wearing hijab is not extremist :confused:

No, I think he is talking about paranoids from central Asian other countries. China doesn't have this concern, a recent picture from Kashgar, China:

Pakistan should send Mujaheed to support Uighur muslim "brothers" in their fight against oppressive Han communities.. It is their duty... :pakistan:
I think Indians in Kashmir and Mumbai are much better targets.
China of today reminds me of USA of 20 years back.. Back when the Pakistan based terrorists had not targeted the west.. It had no clue at that time on how bad they were and it used to ignore the terrorism aspect of Pakistan's foreign policy.. Look at it now!! I believe, once these Muslim terrorists will start wrecking havoc in china, the tone there will change too.. :)
You guys know these Xinjiang separatists don't have the same traction as the Tibetan one because they resort to terrorist measures? Terrorism doesn't work. These guys will learn it too.
As ETIM has amalgated with Al-Qaida, it is better that China should control the rise of extremism in Xinjiang, otherwise we would have another Afghanistan, fatal for whole region.
you tipical Indian IQ again, russia has like more than 100 ethnic groups spreading across the country, so you are suggesting Russia should be divided into hunderds of countries just like India was like before your brits master came?

For someone obsessed with racist IQ quotes, you sure are adequately dumb. Your inability to follow an argument is proof of that.

Uighurs in their homeland failing to ''integrate'' is a CPC joke, but you follow it like a trained bot and lap it up. Don't worry about my IQ, worry about your conditioning.
X tells Y : Do more

X is china, Y is ?

i hope china develops drone technology soon. :cool:
As ETIM has amalgated with Al-Qaida, it is better that China should control the rise of extremism in Xinjiang, otherwise we would have another Afghanistan, fatal for whole region.

It is a headache for China, there's indeed a trend of more extremism not only in Southern Xinjiang, but in central Asia in general. That's why China is desperate to develop economy in South Xinjiang so it won't become a hotbed of extremism. The plan is to make Kashgar a special economic zone so it will be an economic center like Urumuqi in North Xinjing. But as I mentioned earlier, it is not an easy job.
Our worst day is still miles better than your best insurgency wise.

I beg to differ, The worst insurgency India faces is the one in Manipur, since the insurgents are locals. But India can still make out how many Manipuris are with India by means of elections, poll turnout. Something China on the other hand cannot make out.

However, China has succeed to bring development to separatism hit areas, which helps in better control, unlike in India's case.

I'm all for a peaceful and stable Xinjiang, as it benefits India.
I personally am against veiling the face because I think it's unfair to me as a person. Why? Well, I show my face in the public and I expect others to show their face as well since our face is the primary identity of a person in the public. Veiling the face means denying your identity either through social/familial coercion or through self-denial by social conditioning. What is worse is that certain people expect women to veill their face, thus robbing their identity as an individual and human being. This is pure sexism.
Dear Chinese members,
Let me clear the Indian members position, all Indian members absolutely hate terrorism anywhere in world, so obviously they hate terrorism in China too.
Its just that when a terrorism incidence happens in India, we do not get any type of statements from Chinese members condemning the terrorist act. So Indian members are trying to return the favour.
And many Indian members admire the tough action taken by CCP against terrorist in Xinjiang and want similar action by Indian government against terrorists targeting India.
I hope the Chinese put these terrorists more ruthlessly in their place than we do. If they do exist in Xinjiang, they should driven out of there. The last thing we need in India is nut jobs on one sane side of the border. Go for it, just ensure they are wiped out. Human rights can be worried about, once they are kicked out.
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