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Blast at Xinjiang school injures 17, say China media

The title could be a little bit misleading, but still, wouldn't it be considered discrimination if those groups aren't allowed to fast in ramadan?

The title could be a little bit misleading, but still, wouldn't it be considered discrimination if those groups aren't allowed to fast in ramadan?

I'm not going to lie some discrimination exists in xinjiang it doesn't exist in any of the other muslim regions, but they were allowed to fast, I believe a few policy changes will end the problems in xinjiang.
China is doing a good job, if not the best in the world, in exterminate terrorism, to stop them before it actually happened. We set certain policies and have capable professionals in handling them. Even if situations (I'm not talking about the case her) do get out of hands, as they sometimes do, we did our best. There is no need to apologize or explain to any unconcerned third parties because we do what we must to do to safeguard the well beings of our citizens
I'm not going to lie some discrimination exists in xinjiang it doesn't exist in any of the other muslim regions, but they were allowed to fast, I believe a few policy changes will end the problems in xinjiang.
I agree with that. Thanks for the info.
Full veil is never an issue in China so I think it will very foolish for the government to follow European countries on this. It will only back fire. And what's the big deal about this as long as they don't drive cars? Some Kazakhstan students living in China saying there're more full veils in their country and they sort of get worried, not sure about their situation.

The Central Asia countries are wary of radicalism, my friend a kyrgyz who lives in xinjiang now his family lives in Kyrgyzstan their government is cracking down on veils and the hijab including raids on mosques this is due to the fear of extremists mosques funded by Oil Rich Arabs.

Why is it that the Uighurs face problems and the Hui muslims do not, is it that the Uighurs are seen to be not patriotic or a threat to China?

the uighurs aren't really integrated into society, Huis have a closer relationship with the han we related to them due to Arab, Persian, Kazakh breeding over the centuries, our people fought alongside China when all other minority groups were joining the Japanese invaders, the Uighurs on the other hand don't seem to want to integrate into the current society.
The Central Asia countries are wary of radicalism, my friend a kyrgyz who lives in xinjiang now his family lives in Kyrgyzstan their government is cracking down on veils and the hijab including raids on mosques this is due to the fear of extremists mosques funded by Oil Rich Arabs.

Sirs wearing hijab is not extremist :confused:
Sirs wearing hijab is not extremist :confused:

The central Asian countries have been cracking down out of the fear of extremism Oil Rich Arab countries seem to be funding the mosques.

Asia Times Online :: Tajikistan faces backfire on mosque closure

Qatar paying for giant mosque in Tajikistan - The National

What society? The Uighurs are living in their own land and their own society. Huis are hans, how can Uighurs who are turkic become hans in order to ''integrate'' in their own land???

Into modern chinese society ? this is for all people not just hans, huis aren't hans we are related through.
What society? The Uighurs are living in their own land and their own society. Huis are hans, how can Uighurs who are turkic become hans in order to ''integrate'' in their own land???
you tipical Indian IQ again, russia has like more than 100 ethnic groups spreading across the country, so you are suggesting Russia should be divided into hunderds of countries just like India was like before your brits master came?

Look at the picture, is that caused by tear gas?? Some brains please.
that hindi with brain? please`
Wouldn't it still be discrimination if such groups aren't allowed to fast?

I personally don't agree with this policy, but in China the rule is that if you are a CCP member, you have to give up religion. So in general CCP is against religion, but this is not only to Muslims, it is to every religion.
Pakistan should send Mujaheed to support Uighur muslim "brothers" in their fight against oppressive Han communities.. It is their duty... :pakistan:
the uighurs aren't really integrated into society,

I actually don't agree with this, there all kinds of Uighurs, and almost all of them want to leave a good life. I think the main problem now is that South Xinxiang is still very poor and it seems that there're not efficient ways to change this, the areas are :

1. So remote, transporting goods to the rest of China is more expansive than transporting goods from USA.
2. Central Asia/Pakistan is relative poor, no much business opps.
3. No water
4. No resource

So poverty really drive some of the people to be extremists. Then it becomes a racial issue. In other places, it is people against government is situation is bad, but there government becomes a symbol of "Han Chinese", so it becomes Uighur against Han. Northern Xinjiang in general doesn't have this jihad issue.
India and China should look forward to contain terrorism rather than blaming each other's system.

I agree on this.

After how many days sir After Ramadan was over? shame yourself for calling muslim. :tdown:

Nope way before and There is noting to be ashamed I myself opposed it ,didn't you have chinese flags the other day ? false flag much ?
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