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BLA releases Video of Ormara Attack

That was a question in a way. Trigger happy guy.
I asked same question to DG-ISPR as well.
Apparently ISPR press release said it was OGDC, but OGDC won't travel without registration plate. SUV being OGDC can only be as truthful as rest of the press release by ISPR.

You are moved at the word "Jernail" as if they are never escorted like that. And as if it was a blasphemy against Brahmann "Jernails" to say that soldiers took shahadat while escorting them!

You want the proof? As if the "Jernails" who lie all the time (see below) would have let the truth out. Of course I'm not in military nor in journalism. Holy Brehman's claimed that it was an "encounter" and that "Security Forces responded effectively" and that "substantial losses were also incurred to the terrorists". . . . all lies.

Your post has been reported for fabricating lies and propaganda.
Its really unacceptable. These forces should be adequately equipped and trained and duly supported. We are giving indians a foothold in baluchistan.
Tracking down these insurgents is not so difficult task. I don't know why these people don't get caught.
And one thing more. I hear something is going on in maharashtra. I think we need to kill one or two people over there as well as in UP. If we can't do it then our armed forces and intelligence agencies are not effectively doing their duties, means there is no use of giving your life without the fulfillment of purpose.
All such escorts should have UCAV cover, what else are all those UCAV's for? And each UCAV should not only be armed with 8-12 Hellfire type Missiles but also machine guns to take out these bloody insurgents.

Furthermore, the UCAV's could also be later on used to track deliberately left alive insurgent(s) to lead back to their hideout for extraction and interrogation.
{ Video removed! }
Before the moderators start with the bullshit of not posting gruesome content, every Pakistani should watch this video and know about the sacrifices of the FC soldiers, and freedoms come at a cost paid by the ordinary young men.

The army and the FC commander needs to be questioned why the **** MRAPs and bullet proof vehicles have not been provided. We've been fighting this insurgency for more than 30 years plus and the army is still applying the old plug in play rules. Sometimes it feels like FC are just canon fodder.
May Allah Help us.
Pakistan must sealed the border from iran & afghanistan & PA must need to replased these helix cofin on urgent basess may ALLAH protect our Armed forcess..
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This is one video, there are tens of such videos if not hundreds. Wonder when will our army leadership wake up and provide MRAPs and gunships to these soldiers.
There are only few makrani tribes in Pakistan and I don't think it's a big deal to track down these guys.
My blood is boiling... Really.
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People here talking about intelligence failure.

When your lower field Intelligence cadre are random picked up sepoys and havildars from random units. You'll gain nothing.

Also, they hire matric pass losers for basic surveillance who have no specialized Intelligence training or basic IQ. Someone pointed out above and the guys who were shot dead by Davis were poor lads hired on contract in cheap.

Even I've been contacted by these guys while investigating about a friend regarding his cantt pass and seriously I felt horrible seeing their level.
Bulshit they caought them!!! My blood is boiling and u are buying their crap of nabbing them. We are cowards simple as that!!!!!
Those folks were caught the same day. The video must have been passed on because it's the video that delivers them cash.
Can MRAPs withstand rocket launchers , IEDs? No they cant..
It's not just about the medium of tansport.. the Intel first does reiki of the routes before goaheads. There is air surveillance via drones. There is engineering core that runs a scan on the route for IEDs and then there is a long convoy moving not a few vehicles.. hitting them is not a childs play like you put it .In most cases the offender is caught and hanged by the balls.
This is so sad. These handfuls of terrorists must be hunted down.

All future convoys must-have drone coverage where a drone is typically 2-5 km ahead of the convoy.
{ Video removed! }
Before the moderators start with the bullshit of not posting gruesome content, every Pakistani should watch this video and know about the sacrifices of the FC soldiers, and freedoms come at a cost paid by the ordinary young men.

The army and the FC commander needs to be questioned why the **** MRAPs and bullet proof vehicles have not been provided. We've been fighting this insurgency for more than 30 years plus and the army is still applying the old plug in play rules. Sometimes it feels like FC are just canon fodder.
May Allah Help us.

Generals be like --- hmm, what should we spend the budget on? More Land Cruisers for a third world country's army's high command, clubs/golf courses or MRAPs?
All these miscreants should be hunted down; no matter if they run into Afghanistan, Iran or India for that matter. Time to learn a few tricks from Mossad and KGB.

The only trick to learn is how to grow balls. Certain capabilities and the men to execute the missions exist --- but nobody uses them because, well, the leadership is ball-less.
Someone please find Bajwa and make him see this. I've seen it and now im regretting it.
Poor men work for a few thousands are dying. No one fking cares for them. As long as DHAs and lavish golf clubs are growing, Bajwa is happy. Never seen such a coward leading strong 500k army. Never in history have seen so much dirt being thrown at armed forces while higher command sleeps. What a shame...
@PanzerKiel Sir, why don't you bring back your snipper and send each one of these to hell. I know things don't work like that but still saying it out of frustration.

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