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BLA releases Video of Ormara Attack

@PanzerKiel Sir, why don't you bring back your snipper and send each one of these to hell. I know things don't work like that but still saying it out of frustration.
Being located much nearer to this location, and because i also wear a uniform.....you can imagine my frustration, and frustration of others like me as well.

Dear, troops to space ration is very unfavorable to us in Balochistan. FATA was a small area, we pumped in half of our army there and then achieved the desired results. Even then it took such a long time.

Balochistan, well its 44 % of our country's land mass.....imagine....almost half of total Pakistan....its true that militants number hardly hundreds, but looking for them in such a vast area is very difficult. Same goes for our deployments as well, since we are stretched too thin, so we have to make a hard choice of prioritising our assets.....we first secure our high value assets......

Moreover, problem of FC remains. They fall directly under Ministry of Interior, whatever little funds, weapons, equipment they get or have, is given by MOI, not by PA. Their budget etc is all separate. Its due to these problems that FC is given regular army officers in order to bring some semblance so that they are able to do something, otherwise, their fighting capability is very limited.

Measures have already been taken in order to ensure that such incidents do not happen in future. I cant comment on this since they are still classified. But inshAllah you'll see new platforms VERY shortly.
FC comes under Ministry of Interior which is headed by Ijaz Shah who authorises purchases and budget. The IG's (Generals) and other officers from Pakistan Army who are posted to FC for 2-3 years will provide FC soldiers whatever Ministry of Interior authorises them to do.

Please raise the issue with Ijaz Shah.

Please forward this to families of fc soldiers who you guys use as cannon fodder

Tell those families that they should protest in front of Ijaz Shah office or something since army leadership isn't responsible for their safety and wellbeing
Being located much nearer to this location, and because i also wear a uniform.....you can imagine my frustration, and frustration of others like me as well.

Dear, troops to space ration is very unfavorable to us in Balochistan. FATA was a small area, we pumped in half of our army there and then achieved the desired results. Even then it took such a long time.

Balochistan, well its 44 % of our country's land mass.....imagine....almost half of total Pakistan....its true that militants number hardly hundreds, but looking for them in such a vast area is very difficult. Same goes for our deployments as well, since we are stretched too thin, so we have to make a hard choice of prioritising our assets.....we first secure our high value assets......

Moreover, problem of FC remains. They fall directly under Ministry of Interior, whatever little funds, weapons, equipment they get or have, is given by MOI, not by PA. Their budget etc is all separate. Its due to these problems that FC is given regular army officers in order to bring some semblance so that they are able to do something, otherwise, their fighting capability is very limited.

Measures have already been taken in order to ensure that such incidents do not happen in future. I cant comment on this since they are still classified. But inshAllah you'll see new platforms VERY shortly.

Take a step back and ask two questions:

1. Are you fighting the right war?
2. Are you using the right approach to fighting the war?

Imagine a different world. In this world, you are backing the Pakistan Tehrik Taliban for the formation of a purely Islamic government within some corner of Afghanistan that is adjacent to Pakistan. You are training their army and airforce, raising their LEAs, providing them education, making trade flourish through CPEC. You are providing them your nuclear umbrella so nobody can come willy nilly and bomb them using drones. All of a sudden half your problems disappear.

Now imagine an even better world. In this world, the Safe Cities project has been successfully completed across Balochistan. You have camera tracking of movement using advanced facial recognition software. When you kill terrorists, you are able to track their movements back to their source. Nowhere is safe for a terrorist in urban areas of Balochistan. Well trained Baloch LEAs monitor sub-urban and remote areas close to their cities. The law mandates proper GPS equipment on any vehicles leaving urban areas, and a real-time command centre monitors them using drones.

Now more than 75% of your problems go away. Not only that, you are a modern country whose people are happy to be living in it.

Question: Why are we fighting the wrong war, using the wrong tools?
FC comes under Ministry of Interior which is headed by Ijaz Shah who authorises purchases and budget. The IG's (Generals) and other officers from Pakistan Army who are posted to FC for 2-3 years will provide FC soldiers whatever Ministry of Interior authorises them to do.

Please raise the issue with Ijaz Shah.
You make it sound like the Ijaz Shah and the other arms of government are from differant country. This is not about whose turf this is but a broader review by the federal government on priorties and resources and that includes allocation of DEFENCE budget and how it is used. Given tight financial times and limited resources I would suggest allocations to the navy are capped for now and savings made allocated to the FC.

If you do a serious review of the threats any idiot can tell insurgency poses one of the biggest risks to Pakistani state. Not only does it cause damage and threat to national unity but it drives away investment in regions like Balochistan which badly need it. Furthermore it hits international headlines and damages Pakistan's image by perpetuating the narrative touted by our friendly Ganga neighbours that Pakistan is a unstable, violent and lawless land.

The reason why I would place the navy at lower priorty to FC is simple. Pakistan at this point can't afford to have more than a beefed up coastguard. Pakistan has limited global or high seas trade or investments to defend. The only danger is Indian naval blockade which could snuff Pakistan. This is well neigh impossible.

  • wars between Pakistan and India are weeks affairs and not long enough for blockades to make a differance. This is even more so in age of nukes.
  • if Indians actually wanted to blockade it already has the disparity to do it.
  • no wars between Pak and India historically involved naval action that was of strategic import or made a jot of differance in how these wars ended. Non.
  • the push to expand the navy is just a institutional inertia driven by white uniformed admirals who want to increase their prestiage and hang more medals on their chests for farting on the high seas while playing pirate games with global navies which hold NO value to Pakistan.

What is absolutely essential given a review of the threats Pakistan faces in 2020 is a massive investment in FC which must be increasd in manpower and equipped with assets commensurate with threats. The Turkish Jandarma shopuld be used as a template. The FC needs -

  • probably 50% increase in manpower.
  • a dedicated helicopter wing or air wing with close support aircraft like Tucanos and or drones for air recons.
  • MRAPS in the range of 600 plus
  • improved firepower
  • a intelligence wing
  • improved communications
This would take significant resouces and these should be 'gouged' from naval allocation and some extra funding from other heads and done so on a war footing aiming to have a FC fot for purpose and ready to face the challanges Pakistan faces from internal insurgents well into the next few decades.

The problem is FC is is not a "show off" outfit and fighting insurgents in wilds of Balochistan not exactly romantic compared to naval bases with star studed admirals living in their naval contonments. Instead some poor boy sat in bak of a Toyota gets shot like as if he is a clay pigeon quickly forgotten the next day by the media but cried over by his his family for decades. As there are plenty of poor boys ready to don the uniform for paltry rupees to get shot it the powers that be don't give a flying frigg.

That is sad.
These attacks are going to be (Allah forbid) more frequent and more deadly before some sort of solid action is going to be taken. Seriously we all have seen what happened when TTP started to operate in Pakistan it took us more than decade and Allah knows how many shahdats in our midst before we pushed them back and eliminated them.
We all know who is financing them and who is going to benefitted from this unrest. Pakistan could target them in Afghanistan where they are being recruited and trained. ISI need to up their game. As far Mraps are concerned MRAPs are not invincible you all know that right. We need to counter them effectively. There is a very famous saying Nip the evil in the bud.
What is absolutely essential given a review of the threats Pakistan faces in 2020 is a massive investment in FC which must be increasd in manpower and equipped with assets commensurate with threats. The Turkish Jandarma shopuld be used as a template. The FC needs -

  • probably 50% increase in manpower.
  • a dedicated helicopter wing or air wing with close support aircraft like Tucanos and or drones for air recons.
  • MRAPS in the range of 600 plus
  • improved firepower
  • a intelligence wing
  • improved communications

All the above done already (plus a SF wing while helis were sent back to US) except MRAPs.
Has Ijaz Shah requested MRAPs for FC from EME wksps and depots?
The problem is FC is is not a "show off" outfit and fighting insurgents in wilds of Balochistan not exactly romantic compared to naval bases with star studed admirals living in their naval contonments. Instead some poor boy sat in bak of a Toyota gets shot like as if he is a clay pigeon quickly forgotten the next day by the media but cried over by his his family for decades. As there are plenty of poor boys ready to don the uniform for paltry rupees to get shot it the powers that be don't give a flying frigg.

That is sad.
There is an atmosphere of desperation already here, itching to point fingers towards Pakistani Military's top brass to blame for this loss. However that desperation or hatred is so blind and uncanny that members don't even know what to blame else than DHA plots, bullet proof cars and like you said flashy Naval boats. I can reply in detail about Navy VS FC procurements but I have discussed FC and such incidents so many times and this issue just keeps going in circles.

Look at the incident rationally. Those are desperate to blame "Army Top brass" or Army officers know by now that FC is commanded by Army officers and drawbacks can be identified so this is where fingers can be pointed towards the Army officers serving in FC. This incident is a failure in intelligence and planning. Forget the drones. There was no under cover advance party - whether travelling in a 1990s indus corolla or a public transport bus. Call it recon on the route. Troops in plain clothes on ground inter mixed with public or undercover intel agents watching the routes could have spotted the movement of insurgents taking positions.

Next, during convoy movement, the areas for potential ambushes are marked on the map. These are usually turns, such as in this incident. The ambush was set up after the turn. Tight spots like bridges or where road narrows or where convoy has to slow down. The vehicle slows down on the turn and then attains speed again. So although the spot was not perfect yet the gamble paid off. Convoy speed used be 65 Kmph in early 2000's which changed to firstly 80kmph and then to 100 Kmph and some even to 120 kmph.

Another thing is spotters in convoy, usually the soldier manning LMG or officer with binoculars checking hill tops, trees, sides of roads, behaviour of traffic ahead of them like sudden brakes or driving pattern, basically looking for signs of trouble on the road and off the road.

Then seating position of the troops. In the Military escort vehs, the soldiers sit with their guns ready, looking outwards, covering almost 360 deg of vehs. This position helps in firing with in 3 seconds after the attackers are spotted and bringing down the first attacker in next 2 seconds and so on. Thats a response time of 5 seconds to kill the first attacker expected from SSG. This was FC so could have gone upto 7 or 10 secs but seating position should have been concise. Its seen that one of the Hilux was carrying supplies, which is again debatable that why should escort vehicle carry supplies. It not only adds to weight but also compromises seating positions for firing.

There are other planning and technical flaws too for this convoy preparation, i have just mentioned a few. This is where the responsible officer is taken at task. Not DHA plots or other crap of accusing top brass seen in all the pages. OGDCL provided own security guards so the company was serious about safety of its employees.

The insurgents took their leisure time to set up and position themselves. They had prioritised targets from the time the convoy left from premises. Its like they had an insider or at least spotters at different locations updating them of movement. They knew which vehicle to hit to set the trap, its the first and last usually. Their targets were not company employees, their targets was the security contingent. Silver pickup could have been targeted also after the first white hilux crashed. When a vehicle crashes, it will become immobile and unmounted troops are sitting ducks, therefore next target is chosen and taken out, but they didnt. This is an intelligence failure of the FC wing. The intelligence reports are another story where agencies have their own sources and contacts and reporting system. You never know if one of the agencies might have reported to FC about potential threat or activity but proper measures were not taken.

Everybody can cry and scream and curse here, but will someone pick up a pen and write to MOI ? No. All these sympathisers of FC in this thread will not take practical step whatsoever. If somebody has taken any practical step then please come forward as it will be inspirational.
But inshAllah you'll see new platforms VERY shortly.
Will you give a tutorial on convoy movement especially the changes which take place when its a mix of heavier (MRAPs) vehs and light vehs (pick ups/SUVs). Also the planning, intelligence, movement orders and firing orders etc ?
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I have not read other posts so I don't know this has been requested before or not. But I humbly request to all fellow Pakistanis, Chinese (and other humanists) to report this video to youtube "as something that promotes terrorism".

This is because it does promotes terrorism. Read the comments on youtube. Granted most of them are indian pretending to be baloch but there are genuine terrorist sympathizers and they should not be encouraged.

It will take few minutes of your time but please report this to youtube.

Such videos will also have negative effects on Kashmir where India uses such incidents to demoralized their freedom movements as if Pakistan was in eminent danger and their cause is lost for ever.

Plus it might encourage others wanna be terrorist having their own reasons.

Information is power. Such videos are made and used to encourage others to join such terrorist acts. Hence they should not exists.

On operational side, FC should have two or even three different sets of of vehicles having 2 or 3 km (or more) distance between each set so that if one gets attacked others behind them can get prepared to attack the attackers (having some sort of emergency button that under attack people can press to let the others behind them know that they are under attack. Creating such a system is straightforward.)

If there was even a single vehicle say 3 km behind them, they could have engaged the terrorists upon arrival. But sadly that was not case.

It was extremely painful to watch and these monsters should have never been allowed to escape. May they rotten in hell. ameen.

Still this kind of videos should not be there on youtube for everyone to watch. So please spend few minutes and report this video to youtube as promoting terrorism.

These martyred have families and children. We don't want them to see this including the miners who might accidentally end up seeing the most traumatizing event of their lives. Also these terrorist should not be allowed to celebrate their actions by posting such videos. We owe these sodiers to say the very least.

Please include a brief version of following information in your report (should you choose to):

1. This terrorism Promoting video is posted by a globally recognized terrorist organization called BRAS (Baluch Raji Ajohi Sangar). The youtbube account that uploaded the video uses the first two words of this Terrorist organization namely Baluch Raji as its name. All of its three sister factions, Republican Army (BRA), Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA), and Baluchistan Liberation Front (BLF) are on Pakistan, China, US, and UN terrorist organizations List.
2. The video show cases acts of terrorism as heroic achievement. The family members of the deceased who might stumble upon this video will suffer from unimaginable psychological shock and harm. Such videos should not be allowed on youtube.

Since there is 500 character limit. I did not posted the brief version of the above since copying and pasting it to youtube report would turn it into a coordinated effort which is not the right impression.

The point is such videos should not be on youtube. Its much better that way. The damage is done. But future damage must be prevented.

May Allah keep Pakistan and her armed forces safe. Ameen.

P.S. Note this post is not directed at OP. You did the right thing to post it here so that now we know about it. It should not be on youtube however.
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There are even armoured hilux available in Pakistan by Striet group buy this if you do not want to buy MRAP and if I caught any of these alive I would have skinned those mfukrs alive.
Bright,young and articulate young students ambushed the unconstitutional FC and killed those who undermined civilian supremacy.Truly a huge struggle in order to fulfill the righteous goal of democracy.Vote ko izzat do.
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cowards, our LEA's need some protection :(
All the above done already (plus a SF wing while helis were sent back to US) except MRAPs.
Has Ijaz Shah requested MRAPs for FC from EME wksps and depots?

There is an atmosphere of desperation already here, itching to point fingers towards Pakistani Military's top brass to blame for this loss. However that desperation or hatred is so blind and uncanny that members don't even know what to blame else than DHA plots, bullet proof cars and like you said flashy Naval boats. I can reply in detail about Navy VS FC procurements but I have discussed FC and such incidents so many times and this issue just keeps going in circles.

Look at the incident rationally. Those are desperate to blame "Army Top brass" or Army officers know by now that FC is commanded by Army officers and drawbacks can be identified so this is where fingers can be pointed towards the Army officers serving in FC. This incident is a failure in intelligence and planning. Forget the drones. There was no under cover advance party - whether travelling in a 1990s indus corolla or a public transport bus. Call it recon on the route. Troops in plain clothes on ground inter mixed with public or undercover intel agents watching the routes could have spotted the movement of insurgents taking positions.

Next, during convoy movement, the areas for potential ambushes are marked on the map. These are usually turns, such as in this incident. The ambush was set up after the turn. Tight spots like bridges or where road narrows or where convoy has to slow down. The vehicle slows down on the turn and then attains speed again. So although the spot was not perfect yet the gamble paid off. Convoy speed used be 65 Kmph in early 2000's which changed to firstly 80kmph and then to 100 Kmph and some even to 120 kmph.

Another thing is spotters in convoy, usually the soldier manning LMG or officer with binoculars checking hill tops, trees, sides of roads, behaviour of traffic ahead of them like sudden brakes or driving pattern, basically looking for signs of trouble on the road and off the road.

Then seating position of the troops. In the Military escort vehs, the soldiers sit with their guns ready, looking outwards, covering almost 360 deg of vehs. This position helps in firing with in 3 seconds after the attackers are spotted and bringing down the first attacker in next 2 seconds and so on. Thats a response time of 5 seconds to kill the first attacker expected from SSG. This was FC so could have gone upto 7 or 10 secs but seating position should have been concise. Its seen that one of the Hilux was carrying supplies, which is again debatable that why should escort vehicle carry supplies. It not only adds to weight but also compromises seating positions for firing.

There are other planning and technical flaws too for this convoy preparation, i have just mentioned a few. This is where the responsible officer is taken at task. Not DHA plots or other crap of accusing top brass seen in all the pages. OGDCL provided own security guards so the company was serious about safety of its employees.

The insurgents took their leisure time to set up and position themselves. They had prioritised targets from the time the convoy left from premises. Its like they had an insider or at least spotters at different locations updating them of movement. They knew which vehicle to hit to set the trap, its the first and last usually. Their targets were not company employees, their targets was the security contingent. Silver pickup could have been targeted also after the first white hilux crashed. When a vehicle crashes, it will become immobile and unmounted troops are sitting ducks, therefore next target is chosen and taken out, but they didnt. This is an intelligence failure of the FC wing. The intelligence reports are another story where agencies have their own sources and contacts and reporting system. You never know if one of the agencies might have reported to FC about potential threat or activity but proper measures were not taken.

Everybody can cry and scream and curse here, but will someone pick up a pen and write to MOI ? No. All these sympathisers of FC in this thread will not take practical step whatsoever. If somebody has taken any practical step then please come forward as it will be inspirational.

Will you give a tutorial on convoy movement especially the changes which take place when its a mix of heavier (MRAPs) vehs and light vehs (pick ups/SUVs). Also the planning, intelligence, movement orders and firing orders etc ?

Great post!

I also feel the same way, there is a very high chance that they had inside information. To me it seems, that the insider relayed the info that, this particular convoy is a good candidate. They are lightly armed, no recon party etc etc. It also seems to me that they were hit where they didn't expect it, the convoy was probably not given all the due precautions (light protection, no survey party) because the FC (or who ever was in charge) deemed this area to be safe. This all points to a highly mobile adversary in that region. Where they can converge on location on short notice. Scary stuff.

Another thing to note is that, the cameraman continues to stay close to the location and he is filming the helicopters that arrived to help. He is about 5 km away. Thats not very far, they should have been caught. Can FC request a UAV from the airforce to arrive to help, perhaps later the FC can pay the cost of using it?

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