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BLA releases video message of Karachi Stock Exchange attackers including training

Lol, reading some tweets about the mystery trainer being ex-SOF etc was funny as hell, anyone who teaches Skills and Arms and marksmanship and can't get his students to adopt an isosceles or weaver stance properly is NOT a trainer.

Also look at where the bullets are going, reminds me of watching the survival series by Zahid Sahib. These #OSINT accounts on twitter are clowns sitting in mothers basements, as the former PM of UK once said in an interview "too many tweets equals a TWAT" :lol:

These c**ts are flagging around each other. Our mystery instructor can't hold a handgun properly.
Dudes with a poor stance. Elbow at weapon height.
Resting barrel on V-TAC barrier threshold.

I can conclude two things:

Either our mystery man in not a SOF guy.

If he is than, our esteemed not so friendly neighborhood SOF is poorly trained..
BLA posted this video in desperation. When BLA & Indians got trolled this was their last attempts to get some coverage. I have not touched a single aspect of this training thing my focus is mainly to find location so far vut there are so many flaws in this training. The body language of the trainer & his foot work is simply stupid. Look at his arms seems like he has used moisturizing lotion regularly.

What is worthy of note is in none of their demos do they transition to the C-clamp grip, which is a given for fast shooting especially with an AK.


His movement that is what screams that he is not SOF. Leave every thing aside and state one foot he placed with using his head and followed a path work of SOF.
If not SOF this guy has definitely had some military training because trigger discipline isnt something militants teach or follow but its drilled hard in military.
If not SOF this guy has definitely had some military training because trigger discipline isnt something militants teach or follow but its drilled hard in military.
So all you can find military related thing about this guy is trigger discipline? Select any holly wood movie they will all show about trigger discipline. Trigger discipline is something that every gun owner even knows it is written in the safety manual when you buy a new gun.
Weapons were donated to Aghan Army.

And Guess what who gifted these to BLA
Trainer was using Acog scope. Had to be Afghani. Well Pakistan better send some drones that why.
So all you can find military related thing about this guy is trigger discipline? Select any holly wood movie they will all show about trigger discipline. Trigger discipline is something that every gun owner even knows it is written in the safety manual when you buy a new gun.

You really believe Afghanis or Balochis (purely supposition here) read gun manuals.
If not SOF this guy has definitely had some military training because trigger discipline isnt something militants teach or follow but its drilled hard in military.

Trigger discipline has NOTHING to do with SOF training, trigger discipline is the fundemental basics of safe weapon handling just like NSP, remember LMFT: Load, Muzzle, Finger, Target.

Trigger discipline has NOTHING to do with SOF training, trigger discipline is the fundemental basics of safe weapon handling just like NSP, remember LMFT: Load, Muzzle, Finger, Target.
Like i said military trained. The guard you posted the picture of who do you think trained him? Rather who runs that security company and oversees the training?
Like i said military trained. The guard you posted the picture of who do you think trained him? Rather who runs that security company and oversees the training?
Who trained him?

Please stop trying to act smart.
What is worthy of note is in none of their demos do they transition to the C-clamp grip, which is a given for fast shooting especially with an AK.



No one in our region uses C-Clamp. C-Grip is popular in NATO, ISAF and Russian SOF & SF

Trainer was using Acog scope. Had to be Afghani. Well Pakistan better send some drones that why.

You got it...
Who trained him?
Why do i have to state the obvious?
Who owns all the security agencies in Pakistan?
I am not acting smart i am stating facts.
You really believe Afghanis or Balochis (purely supposition here) read gun manuals.
Sir if you think showing trigger discipline makes one military person then you are very very wrong. That is not a specification. now police is not military and they even show trigger discipline. I don't want to post taliban training videos here but if you think this person is military then those will look like aliens training to you.
Your biggest training includes physical training they used a 4 obstacle course & the part where it was designed to increase your stability was made for kids. A military person at least knows how to design that which would increase stability of the people training.
No one in our region uses C-Clamp. C-Grip is popular in NATO, ISAF and Russian SOF & SF

Who told you we don't train on or use C-Clamp, modified C-Clamp, exaggerated C and E Grip?

We trained on C-Clamp, most ITAP trained instructors teach C-Clamp.



Who owns all the security agencies in Pakistan?
Security companies are private companies, but thank you for your input.

Sir if you think showing trigger discipline makes one military person then you are very very wrong. That is not a specification. now police is not military and they even show trigger discipline. I don't want to post taliban training videos here but if you think this person is military then those will look like aliens training to you.
Your biggest training includes physical training they used a 4 obstacle course & the part where it was designed to increase your stability was made for kids. A military person at least knows how to design that which would increase stability of the people training.

Its okay, this is the problem with this generation, google is their friend. As the saying goes "a little information"...

See step 2 & 9 in above image & then go & see them in their video.
Chalo Chooro, enough of these wannabe's watch a master at work:

Former ATS Cheif Instructor ASI M.Akmal, one of the best shooters I have ever seen.
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