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BLA releases Video of Ormara Attack

when you have this company in Pakistan, and it's not given to the patrolling parties, than something is seriously rotten in deep state.
there's simply no excuse.
now it's beyond doubt that ruling party is using references of martyrs only for consolidation of power. which is being threated by the Ayaz Sadiq leaks.

There must be inquiry of such insensitivity, where soldiers are being sent to petrol even without basic armored vehicles.

On side note, do we have any updates on border fencing development? or should we re-appoint General Rahil Sharif as head of army or may be appoint him as President instead of a person who is only good for expensive mushaira parties.

Anti state elements do not operate without support in power house.
Imran Khan and Zardari are two faces of same coin, with a difference that Imran Khan has more dictatorial powers.

I agree with you that anti-state elements do not operate without support, Nawaz Sharif's departure is a clear evidence of it.
There's surely enough similar-minded top ranking officials in PA and Pak govt that have had the same emotions and reactions to the video, that there will be a shift towards protecting patrol parties but hopefully also being more offensive in targeting India, the other main players and their proxies.
when you have this company in Pakistan, and it's not given to the patrolling parties, than something is seriously rotten in deep state.
there's simply no excuse.
now it's beyond doubt that ruling party is using references of martyrs only for consolidation of power. which is being threated by the Ayaz Sadiq leaks.

There must be inquiry of such insensitivity, where soldiers are being sent to petrol even without basic armored vehicles.

On side note, do we have any updates on border fencing development? or should we re-appoint General Rahil Sharif as head of army or may be appoint him as President instead of a person who is only good for expensive mushaira parties.

Anti state elements do not operate without support in power house.
Imran Khan and Zardari are two faces of same coin, with a difference that Imran Khan has more dictatorial powers.

I still stand behind Imran khan because he is good at dealing with the international community and keeps people motivated in Pakistan. Neither Nawaz sharif nor Zardari seemed as interested in changing foreign relations with the west but maintained the status quo. I had high hopes for Nawaz sharif as a businessman, he would be able to make the right reforms and improve the economy so more could be spend on the people.

It’s not about the captain as much as it is about the team he can create and lead, despite the challenges. Imran khan is doing a decent job considering the challenges.

I don’t agree that a democratically elected leader should be replaced by any other than another democratically elected leader. (I say this as I am out jogging and I just went past trump’s home on 5th ave :)

The military has many challenges and I suspect they don’t want to overspend in an area they know India is trying to push Pakistan into focusing and away from the border with India. Having said that, they need to find a cost effective way like the retrofits to provide at least basic protection for the FC troops. I don’t have any inside information, as a regular Pakistani-American civilian, on the border fence. I just read the OSINT on social media. I just find interesting items on the open internet and ask the question, why not this? I leave it to the military professionals (especially junior officers, who maybe reading this and maybe open to more out of the box thinking) to find a way because they are already putting their lives, reputations and honor on the line. I don’t know all the facts so I won’t second guess them. I merely give suggestions for their considerations.
I still stand behind Imran khan because he is good at dealing with the international community and keeps people motivated in Pakistan. Neither Nawaz sharif nor Zardari seemed as interested in changing foreign relations with the west but maintained the status quo. I had high hopes for Nawaz sharif as a businessman, he would be able to make the right reforms and improve the economy so more could be spend on the people.

It’s not about the captain as much as it is about the team he can create and lead, despite the challenges. Imran khan is doing a decent job considering the challenges.

I don’t agree that a democratically elected leader should be replaced by any other than another democratically elected leader. (I say this as I am out jogging and I just went past trump’s home on 5th ave :)

The military has many challenges and I suspect they don’t want to overspend in an area they know India is trying to push Pakistan into focusing and away from the border with India. Having said that, they need to find a cost effective way like the retrofits to provide at least basic protection for the FC troops. I don’t have any inside information, as a regular Pakistani-American civilian, on the border fence. I just read the OSINT on social media. I just find interesting items on the open internet and ask the question, why not this? I leave it to the military professionals (especially junior officers, who maybe reading this and maybe open to more out of the box thinking) to find a way because they are already putting their lives, reputations and honor on the line. I don’t know all the facts so I won’t second guess them. I merely give suggestions for their considerations.

Unfortunately we are left to choose one among 3, In that case i decide not to support either, it's not compulsion that i must support either of them.
Better abstain from voting, but now since Imran Khan is in power, i will naturally compare his performance with other two more so with predecessor.

Basic Armored vehicles should be provided at all costs, we are a nation who is wasting $billions on ill planned infrastructure, but are not willing to buy a cheap bullet proof Toyota?

If Imran Khan has sinked the economy than he should step away, rather than hiring financial experts whom once he termed as corrupt.

However, Imran Khan's job is not to micro manage institutions and even worst, hire and fire people, to the point that bureaucracy refuse to work or worst some of them resign.

Focus of Imran Khan should have been to show better understanding of public issues and discuss in parliament how to resolve them best.

Institutions should function by book not by prerogative of Imran Khan, who him self seek advise from dubious individuals, who don't even have basic security clearance.
Watched the video on Facebook, it seriously makes one's blood boil. 7 men died there while travelling in a tin can.

Such an attack in broad daylight on a major highway simply shows the incompetence of the high command or they believe that the poor FC soldiers are simply dispensable so doesn't matter if a few die here or there.

There is a page on FC on Facebook which is possibly run by FC soldiers and many times they have requested there to be provided with armoured vehicles instead of the tin cans.

May they all rest in peace.
We do have the HIT building tanks, why can't we restructure it to manufacture MRAPs on TOT basis from either South Africa or Turkey? If the KSEW can build the turkish frigates and the PAF building multiple aviation products, WTF is wrong with HIT? 30 years+ insurgency and the army is hell bent on using soldiers as canon fodder.
Unfortunately we are left to choose one among 3, In that case i decide not to support either, it's not compulsion that i must support either of them.
Better abstain from voting, but now since Imran Khan is in power, i will naturally compare his performance with other two more so with predecessor.

Basic Armored vehicles should be provided at all costs, we are a nation who is wasting $billions on ill planned infrastructure, but are not willing to buy a cheap bullet proof Toyota?

If Imran Khan has sinked the economy than he should step away, rather than hiring financial experts whom once he termed as corrupt.

However, Imran Khan's job is not to micro manage institutions and even worst, hire and fire people, to the point that bureaucracy refuse to work or worst some of them resign.

Focus of Imran Khan should have been to show better understanding of public issues and discuss in parliament how to resolve them best.

Institutions should function by book not by prerogative of Imran Khan, who him self seek advise from dubious individuals, who don't even have basic security clearance.

This is why we need institutions and a civil service that operates no matter who is in power. Loyal not to any party but to the nation. Unfortunately the only institution that fits that description is the military. Yes, they enjoy the perks of the job, but overall they have allowed the nation to survive the individual interests of many a political leader and had a forward looking long term plan for the nation.

The political parties need to ditch the nepotism of dynastic politics and campaign on the issues. Platforms that take into account the long term security needs of the nation and don’t look to go scorched earth when their leader is unseated.

I can understand the impulse to not vote when all the candidates on the ballot look incompetent and inept, but what motivated me change this kind of thinking myself was that I must be counted and afterwards I can demand an answer for my vote. If I sit it out the no one will see who voted for whom and, in the US, there will be polls to address why people voted for who they did.

This is why I voted for Biden; so the Pakistani-American vote is counted and our issues and those of the issues of Pakistan will have some weight when you consider how many Indian-Americans there are that were split between Biden and pro-Modi Trump. We could make the divisive break in the vote in many counties and help a Pak friendly candidate like Ro Khanna defeat a pro-BJP Ritesh Tandon.

I see PTI as a transitional party, the first real Democratic Party that ran on the issues. The other parties need to reform and operate within the long term national interest and not dynastic self engrandisment. If I support Imran khan it is because I support democracy. This is not to say his performance should not be throughly critiqued when it goes astray, but we should support him and support his efforts. If he succeeds we all succeed. If he fails we all fail. This is why I participate on this forum. I am also an amateur, I don’t pretend to be anything else, which is why I leave it to the professionals in Pakistan that are trying their best. We should push the other parties to reform so that we have more options when the 2023 elections come around.

Don’t lose hope, keep on criticizing, but always keep it constructive. It is my humble request.
Before the moderators start with the bullshit of not posting gruesome content, every Pakistani should watch this video and know about the sacrifices of the FC soldiers, and freedoms come at a cost paid by the ordinary young men.

The army and the FC commander needs to be questioned why the **** MRAPs and bullet proof vehicles have not been provided. We've been fighting this insurgency for more than 30 years plus and the army is still applying the old plug in play rules. Sometimes it feels like FC are just canon fodder.
May Allah Help us.

Even a hillbilly knows how to fortify his truck from imaginary zombie apocalypse and here we have Pakistani Military with its head stuck in its own rear for the past decade who still have not learned lesson that a hilux is a piece of sh1t!
There are many many cost effective ways to make these pickup trucks bulletproof.
Those who think Pakistan is making "indigenous" weapons can suck a lollipop because they cant even fortify a fu(king pickup truck! Shame on Pakistan military.

Those in charge of security should get this for themselves to play with.

rest of those FC + private guards losers fled the scene rather than fighting back...no wonder FC is a crap force..in other words canon fodders
you clearly need regular army to fight these highly trained militants ..Frontier Corps (FC) can't take on guerilla fighters
They can if u provide them with proper equipment ..atleast MRAPS if not gunships

We have turned FC into a police and we lack a police thats the problem

Given them airsupport in form of drones...so they can call air support

Given them MRAPS
Sorry to say this but none of this is new this has been happening for more than decade.
Beside trying to putting band aid not much has actually done by state that includes army and Political powers.
Dont you think any sane military forces would have fixed the basic issues

Most of the weapons and resources come from land ( Iran & AFG )or sea ( sindh and Balochistan) are entry points you need to cover entry area. And then you go for external sources to cut off the supply chain. Having Better protection will not only limit these scums damage capability it will destroy the enemy moral as well.

Main reasons you won't see Army doing much against these scums in Afghanistan, iran is without these accidents, army will lose its relevance in national theatre.
Yes india still is the main priority but how much damage has Pakistan taken because of WOT why Pakistan still has not made any long term changes.

Sorry to say this but these soldiers of Pakistan are expandable for the stats just like civilians

The biggest excuse everyone provides is Pakistan is waiting for uncle sam to leave. But reality is somewhat different.
1 This whole region is complicated so with little investment Pakistan can protect its interest in Afghanistan and Iran. But this will only happen when someone actually wants change
So, here are a few observations.

1. Those who conducted this operation, were not killed by any subsequent follow up forces, since the video made it out to people across the border in AF and has since been released out to the public. The propaganda that they were engaged and killed by a follow up convoy, was just well, false information.

2. The quality of the video and the time that it's taken to come out, suggests that this was not transferred via cell phones (quality drops for such videos, given compression algorithms - while this is a 1080p video) but either via high speed internet connection, or via a physical drive. I'd wager against a high speed internet connection, since they are far and few such connections in Balochistan. So the drive did make it across the border.

{ Video removed! }

3. There is a cell phone ringing during this operation and tactical radios being operated, so those who conducted the op are not worried about being captured by any method of electronic or overhead surveillance.

4. Those making videos were using a gimbal setup with the camera (the video is entirely stabilized and does not shake at all), this shows that this was to be a high profile shoot out, with maximum kills and achieving this very objective - Pakistanis being shown in HD video that they can be taken on and that their military cannot do much about it.

5. If you guys noticed, when the second FC vehicle - on the other side of the road - was being approached by the terrorist, one went in, the other stood watch - after taking position away from the vehicle. These guys are trained for these ops, not regular militants.

All in all a shit-show and shows that Pakistani authorities take this fight too easy. Two drones overflights from Pasni and later Ormara or Gwadar would have been more than enough to provide overwatch. We don't need MALEs for this.
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The third country like us, the pick-up heliux is to war vehicles to what the AK-47 is. Its solid axle design and solid frame make it the perfect vehicle for uneven terrain. The ruggedness of the chassis enables to mount heavy machine guns or anti-aircraft guns or portable rocket launchers atop the pick-up. In the absence of these weapons, the same space is used to transport up to a dozen soldiers at a time.

Consider a battlefield scenario: A bunch of Soldiers or a few heavy weapons need to be transported through a dodgy bridge across a river. While this bridge may not be able to support an armoured personnel carrier, like the MPV, or a battle tank or heavy armor ATV weighing several tonnes, a nimble pick-up truck can easily cross it. And the advantages against the tanks do not stop there.
youTube is replete with battlefield footage from the Syrian war and the Libyan uprising of insurgents using rocket launchers mounted on pick-ups to target tanks, and even employing anti-aircraft guns mounted on the vehicles to bring down military helicopters or low-flying MiG fighter jets.

All we need here good drones surveillance and good body armors for front liners.

Screen Shot 2020-11-08 at 8.08.41 PM.png
Can MRAPs withstand rocket launchers , IEDs? No they cant..

Yes they can...
Whole crew is safe. MRAP just flipped.

Now to the RPG part. This video is of 101st Airborne in firefight. Later in this video you'll see MRAP is fully functional. Even its reverse alarm is working. Additional cage armour protected the MRAP.
The third country like us, the pick-up heliux is to war vehicles to what the AK-47 is. Its solid axle design and solid frame make it the perfect vehicle for uneven terrain. The ruggedness of the chassis enables to mount heavy machine guns or anti-aircraft guns or portable rocket launchers atop the pick-up. In the absence of these weapons, the same space is used to transport up to a dozen soldiers at a time.

Consider a battlefield scenario: A bunch of Soldiers or a few heavy weapons need to be transported through a dodgy bridge across a river. While this bridge may not be able to support an armoured personnel carrier, like the MPV, or a battle tank or heavy armor ATV weighing several tonnes, a nimble pick-up truck can easily cross it. And the advantages against the tanks do not stop there.
youTube is replete with battlefield footage from the Syrian war and the Libyan uprising of insurgents using rocket launchers mounted on pick-ups to target tanks, and even employing anti-aircraft guns mounted on the vehicles to bring down military helicopters or low-flying MiG fighter jets.

All we need here good drones surveillance and good body armors for front liners.

View attachment 686939
Yes our pickups are useful in transporting troops in less threat environments and for SF/SOF for long range patrolling in open rugged field not on paved roads where highly likely you'll ran into ambush or IED.

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