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BLA Female Suicide Bomber Kills a Pakistani Driver and 3 Chinese Teachers at Karachi University Entrance

Holy friggin Christ. This man is openly praising his terrorist wife on Twitter while living in Pakistan and is still free. How incompetent can state institutions get

Treat baloch terrorists like you treated pashtuns terrorists and only then you will see progress. This apologist behavior vs Baloch and downright genocidal against pashtun terrorists tells us what? That use of religion card is more worse then separatism? This husband should be thrown in jail. And release Ali Wazir for god sake. I'm now started to develop sympathy with PTM because of how state behave when it comes to Baloch terrorists.
Zardari and Sharif family through stealing and corruption cost Pakistan $200 billion which should have been used to develop the country. Its not just Baluchistan that suffered, its everyone.

If you can't hold your leaders accountable then there is no hope for you. Just wake the f**k up
It’s funny how BLA claim that Pakistan is robbing balochistan poor People etc blah blah, yet almost ever single BLA member has been from a middle class or above, or they’ve been to a Pakistani uni and then turnt extremist. they claim they want a independent Balochistan yet they don’t have public support (in Balochistan) and have to operate from outside of Pakistan. They say there’s no development in Balochistan that’s why they want a independent country, yet there’s billions of dollars of investment and development going on currently, and they want that to stop. Clearly we know they are full of bs.

This poverty mantra is BS. Its all brainwashing and identity/separatism. And indepedent balochistan isnt not going to happen even in thousand years. Eventually I hope people at large will wake up and start treating Baloch terrorists and its sympathisers like we did to TTP and other religious sympathisers. Clearly being apologist and bending over backward isn't working.

Let upcoming baloch terrorist know the consequence of their actions.
Her husband is openly posting that he is proud of his kafira mulhid wife

Will our state do anything? Or it would continue to treat him like a disgruntled brother which that scumbag isn't
Why isn't he arrested yet? What's the hold up
RIP. Condolences for the families who lost the loved ones in this tragedy and we stand together with them. :pakistan: :china:
Please stop this nonsense of cylinder blast and don't test the Chinese patience and intelligence by spreading rumours of these sort. Previous attack on Chinese nationals working in the construction of the Basha dam, this sort of cover up have not gone well with them. Leave it for the investigators to complete their investigations instead of trying to do their job for them, which we are not qualify to do.
Lets hope culprits get caught quickly and brought to the book to pay for there heinous crime.

Woah easy there buddy...the first step in investigation is looking at things from all angles, and not ruling out any possibility until you have evidence to do so.
Her husband is openly posting that he is proud of his kafira mulhid wife

Will our state do anything? Or it would continue to treat him like a disgruntled brother which that scumbag isn't
State institutions and resources are currently occupied with bugging phone lines of PTI leadership, twitter trends favoring PTI, abducting Social Media workers, DHA Multan, Social Media campaigns for Bajwa and ensuring enough is plundered for their generations to come. If time permits, we may hear a new ISPR song with some Chinese lyrics. Oh and a presser explaining if what the terrorists did today was Sazish or Mudakhlat.

No wonder then that she wasn't picked up by any intel.

This is definitely not the profile of someone who will go on and carry out such an attack.

The question now becomes, why did she do it? What led her to do it?

She wasn't one of the oppressed, she wasn't picked up, she was from a middle class family and living a middle class life.

Is the BLA propaganda as extreme as TTP now? TTP at least promises a better after life and their own messed up version of it, what does BLA do?

On one hand you talk about oppression, on the other hand you kill the only people in the world who are willing to come to your country and actually develop it?

There are definitely some heavy handed policies applied by FC and others in Balochistan, but I would actually lay the blame more on the sardars and tribal lords there. They keep their people in the dark and in a state of oppression, which doesn't let them groom and become members of a functioning society.
ریاست کو اس وقت سے ڈرنا چاہیے جب ناظم جوکھیو کی بیوہ بھی ایسے ہی بمب باندھ کر انصاف لے گی

جس ملک میں فوج کو سرے عام گالیاں دینے والی مریم کے لیے چار بینچ بن جائیں اور بارہ بج عدالتیں کھل جائیں تو وہاں لوگ ایسا کرنے پر مجبور ہو جائیں گے
The question now becomes, why did she do it? What led her to do it?

The fact that she targeted Chinese should be a clue that the narrative comes from countries which would suffer financially from CPEC. This includes many 'brother' countries as well as the usual suspects.

Perhaps they are selling the narrative that CPEC benefits non-Balochis at the expense of locals? Not sure.

P.S. Or maybe she is just a garden variety racist who hates Chinese. Only investigations will tell.
The fact that she targeted Chinese should be a clue that the narrative comes from countries which would suffer financially from CPEC. This includes many 'brother' countries as well as the usual suspects.

Perhaps they are selling the narrative that CPEC benefits non-Balochis at the expense of locals? Not sure.

P.S. Or maybe she is just a garden variety racist who hates Chinese. Only investigations will tell.


They say that China is stealing from them, but if there was no China, there would be no roads, no Gwadar, no irrigation projects, no nothing. You'd still be stuck at the mercy of the sardars and living in a hell hole.

The Reko Diq money, 25% of it will go to Balochistan govt. Would you rather have 25% of a 100 billion or 0 or 0 billion?
Everyone is focused on one profile ….idk if anyone came across this :whistle:

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