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BJP plans to cash in on communal polarisation in UP

Your post is honest. Thanked :)

"same amount of radicals are there in every religion" - Absolutely. Radicals and fundoos are everywhere. But the threat they pose is what matters. In one particular community the fundoos pose too great a threat to ignore. Look at ME. Not a nice picture.

The reason they are so dangerous is that they have 'religious sanction'. For example if I follow the Bible to the letter or behave like Jesus Christ, I will be like a happy go lucky do goodin' hippy. The World will be a nice place - people will shun violence and so on.

But to understand the motivation of groups like al Qaida you need to go back to their scriptures. It is almost impossible to demotivate them because they have verses in their favor. Read it and you will get your answers.

Mate every radicals and fundoos are greatest threat to.. Just they need adequate funding that is all.. Just look at commies, they were growing like nothing when USSR was their.. Funding was not a problem for them.. But look at them now.. Their area of influence is diminishing.. Some people join these kind of organisations just for money not for any religious affiliation.. Not too long ago, some people from Kerala went to Kashmir to fight Jihad and died.. Investigation found out that, they went in for the money.. Most of them were pretty criminals and quotation gangs... Just control the flow of money and you will get a terrorist free country :)

do u work in HAL or DRDO??:omghaha:

Not even close.. I am only a civilian.. You identify an fighter air craft as Sukhois, Mirages and Migs, I identify it as a plane.. That is my knowledge about defense related stuffs :partay:

No. not in every religion.

You don't see every religion making problem in 2 dozen different countries around the world.

You don't see religion related violence and demand for religious laws being implemented in foreign lands that don't have these religions.

You don't see other religion's communities beheading and capturing others and threatening extermination of a complete another religion calling themselves as 'freedom fighters'.

You don't see other religions whining all day about discrimination in other countries and asking for benefits, special concessions and other things, except a couple of them.

You don't see all religions massacring communities that are world-renowned for their peaceful and content life.

Which is why I said, Do your research online without any bias.

From Sweden to Philippines, from UK to Africa, from Canada to India and from Russia to Southeast Asia, there is only one religion that is notoriously seen making problems.

Open your damn eyes.

I will not do your homework.

Other religious bigots do not do it because they do not get adequate funding.. With sufficient amount of money every religious fundoos can do the same amount of damage mate..
Mate every radicals and fundoos are greatest threat to.. Just they need adequate funding that is all.. Just look at commies, they were growing like nothing when USSR was their.. Funding was not a problem for them.. But look at them now.. Their area of influence is diminishing.. Some people join these kind of organisations just for money not for any religious affiliation.. Not too long ago, some people from Kerala went to Kashmir to fight Jihad and died.. Investigation found out that, they went in for the money.. Most of them were pretty criminals and quotation gangs... Just control the flow of money and you will get a terrorist free country :)

Honestly speaking - slightly disappointed.

What you are saying is true for the small foot soldiers. They don't matter much in the bigger picture.
The masterminds are highly motivated. Money or no money - they truly honestly believe in it.
The motivation of top leaders for example - they are highly educated, affluent and extremely fanatic. That is the source.
Honestly speaking - slightly disappointed.

What you are saying is true for the small foot soldiers. They don't matter much in the bigger picture.
The masterminds are highly motivated. Money or no money - they truly honestly believe in it.
The motivation of top leaders for example - they are highly educated, affluent and extremely fanatic. That is the source.

But dear, foot soldiers are our concerns not the masterminds.. With out foot soldiers, they are nothing..
Mate there are Madrassas who gave education to Hindu children in who cannot afford schooling.. I think @Contrarian mentioned it in this forum.. Banning all Madrassas is also wrong.. Even though I was not an RSS member, I was active in ABVP during college times.. People from RSS used to come to colleges to take classes and I never encountered any communal speeches from them.. They mainly focused on Nationalism..

Bro you misunderstand. My protest was about equating shakhas with madrassas based on what each stood for. I have no interest in blanket banning all madrassas as long as they remain within the law and do not provide shelter for activities against the nation. Its up to the Muslim community to decide what kind of future they want for the kids. Madrassa education amongst solely Muslim kids or education in general schools amongst kids from all faiths and sections of society, provided for all Indian kids by the government.

One of the things I would personally change about the RSS is that the cadre are only drawn from amongst us Hindus. I would have all Indians join the RSS. Because Nationalism and love for the country and our shared civilization is not solely a Hindu prerogative.
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A temporary solution. But the devils will remain. Besides there are just too many educated and affluent radicals around. :cry:
But dear, foot soldiers are our concerns not the masterminds.. With out foot soldiers, they are nothing..
Honestly speaking - slightly disappointed.

What you are saying is true for the small foot soldiers. They don't matter much in the bigger picture.
The masterminds are highly motivated. Money or no money - they truly honestly believe in it.
The motivation of top leaders for example - they are highly educated, affluent and extremely fanatic. That is the source.

Seiko and you is right. The politicans on the top can crush such movements if they use right combinations of targetting the elite masterminds. Reeducate the foot soldiers ,help them monetarily and they will repent and change their views.
Seiko and you is right. The politicans on the top can crush such movements if they use right combinations of targetting the elite masterminds. Reeducate the foot soldiers ,help them monetarily and they will repent and change their views.
It is easier said than done. Go to a madrassa and check their text books - especially on Tarikh(History)...you will know.
Bro you misunderstand. My protest was about equating shakhas with madrassas based on what each stood for. I have no interest in blanket banning all madrassas as long as they remain within the law and do not provide shelter for activities against the nation. Its up to the Muslim community to decide what kind of future they want for the kids. Madrassa education amongst solely Muslim kids or education in general schools amongst kids from all faiths and sections of society, provided for all Indian kids by the government.

One of the things I would personally change about the RSS is that the cadre are only drawn from amongst us Hindus. I would have all Indians join the RSS. Because Nationalism and love for the country and our shared civilization is not solely a Hindu prerogative.

I too think about it.. I always wanted RSS to be a neutral organisations which stands for nationalism.. It can be act as a second line of defence for our country if needed.. It can be a good organisation if it promote national interest rather than any religious promotion..
It is reforming. The older generation saw riots - so were not so flexible. The current generation has already ushered in changes.
I too think about it.. I always wanted RSS to be a neutral organisations which stands for nationalism.. It can be act as a second line of defence for our country if needed.. It can be a good organisation if it promote national interest rather than any religious promotion..
A temporary solution. But the devils will remain. Besides there are just too many educated and affluent radicals around. :cry:

An ideology and organisations cannot survive with out the foot soldiers..If these people do not have adequate support it will be easier for government to take action against them.. Just look at Madani of Kerala.. Kerala government still worships him because of vote bank politics.. But TN government arrested him and send him to jail because, he do not have much support in Tamil Nadu..
It is easier said than done. Go to a madrassa and check their text books - especially on Tarikh(History)...you will know.

I know about the sunnis .Thats why I say they are merciliess.They are educated to be ruthless. I have seen them twist suras in favor of genocide. But then ,via infiltration by intelligence agencies ,it is possible to tone down the type of indoctrination from violent to peaceful.Stop the saudi funding and replace with Iranian one or fund yourself and take control of madarassa.
I too think about it.. I always wanted RSS to be a neutral organisations which stands for nationalism.. It can be act as a second line of defence for our country if needed.. It can be a good organisation if it promote national interest rather than any religious promotion..

So you need a non state actor!!!! Why so? Is your state organization that weak so that you need a 2nd line of defense? How about asking UN and America to help you out. How about UN troops in your troubled area?
It is reforming. The older generation saw riots - so were not so flexible. The current generation has already ushered in changes.

It will take time mate.. There were times that, Hindus in general do not feel proud of their religion.. I mean they were reluctant to affiliate with Hinduism.. May be it was because of the secular nature.. But what we see is the resurrection of Hinduism.. People are actually being proud to be a Hindu.. In this forum itself, 2 years before people get away with abusing Hinduism and only 2-3 people like KS and Chacha Choudary actully countered these..Now you see more and more people actually try to defend the religion which they believe, which is very nice to see but we also see some pure blood kind of theory too which is very disturbing.. RSS is benefiting a lot from the new found phenomena and it will take time to evolve to a neutral organisation..

So you need a non state actor!!!! Why so? Is your state organization that weak so that you need a 2nd line of defense? How about asking UN and America to help you out. How about UN troops in your troubled area?

By second line of defense, I dont mean an organisation who run around with rocket launchers and guns in peace time... I am talking about a civilian organisation who can take care of themselves if our primary defense in breached. Just like a contingency plan.. Nothing fancy.. And about US and UN, why we need an external force to solve the internal matter?

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