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BJP plans to cash in on communal polarisation in UP

@seiko bhai, Hindus are always comfortable in their faith. I do not think it has anything to do with being ashamed of our faith. But yes, we are at pains to not offend smaller faiths because of our overpowering numbers. Because we realize that all smaller faiths, whether they grew on our land or came from outside, at the end of the day the people who follow them are our own only. So how can we fight or offend them?

So in the process of pseudo-secularism and appeasement politics and political correctness pandering to Western concepts birthed a few 100 years ago, we have forgotten what it truly means to be Hindu and Indian with a history and heritage spanning thousands of years. We have become ashamed to be Hindu because we have been programmed to believe that doing that is somehow being less Indian and anti smaller faiths.

Nothing can be smellier BS than that.

Being Hindu is being Indian, being Hindu is being secular. Hindutva is not a bad word. It is not a religious concept. As our leaders and sanghrakshaks have always taught us, Hindutva is the essence of being Indian. It is inclusive and cultural nationalism. Hence it is for ALL Indians. Hence why I believe that RSS is and should be open to ALL Indians, and not only those of us who still follow the ancestral faith.

Hindutva is not at all a bad word.. Every Indian have Hindutva culture in him.. Every religion which came to India adapted practices from this culture.. Can you see a Muslim girl with nose ring after marriage or a Christian girl with Mangal Suthra and Sindhoor other than in India? I have argued with a member here stating that Christians here in India is aping the west on marriages.. And his proof was that the groom wearing a suit:hitwall: These kind of people who do not have any idea about other religion just bashing it for the sake of it.. People do not understand that only the religion came from outside, the people who follow it are born and bought up here.. People are blaming other religions because political parties are playing pseudo-secularism.. Secularism is a beautiful concept and I am proud our nation have it..People do not understand the benefit of secularism and democracy in our country..
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Hindutva is not at all a bad word.. Every Indian have Hindutva culture in him.. Every religion which came to India adapted practices from this culture.. Can you see a Muslim girl with nose ring after marriage or a Christian girl with Mangal Suthra and Sindhoor other than in India? I have argued with a member here stating that Christians here in India is aping the west on marriages.. And his proof was that the groom wearing a suit:hitwall: These kind of people who do not have any idea about other religion just bashing it for the sake of it.. People do not understand that only the religion came from outside, the people who follow it are born and bought up here.. People are blaming other religions because political parties are playing pseudo-secularism.. Secularism is a beautiful concept and I am proud our nation have it..People do not understand the benefit of secularism and democracy in our country..

:) but typical hindutvas are still not happy. They want more from NON-Hindus.

So one wonders what a true hindutva means?
Hindutva is not at all a bad word.. Every Indian have Hindutva culture in him.. Every religion which came to India adapted practices from this culture.. Can you see a Muslim girl with nose ring after marriage or a Christian girl with Mangal Suthra and Sindhoor other than in India? I have argued with a member here stating that Christians here in India is aping the west on marriages.. And his proof was that the groom wearing a suit:hitwall: These kind of people who do not have any idea about other religion just bashing it for the sake of it.. People do not understand that only the religion came from outside, the people who follow it are born and bought up here.. People are blaming other religions because political parties are playing pseudo-secularism.. Secularism is a beautiful concept and I am proud our nation have it..People do not understand the benefit of secularism and democracy in our country..

People don't see the benefits of secularism because its most visible and audible propagators are the politicians and NOT the people. Considering that the said politicians then bend the concept to their ends, it maligns and completely distorts what secularism means. Lack of an ability to understand nuances causes issues too, for example no one is actually secular in terms of their diet, or their personal preference, or who they are going to marry and how the marriage ceremony is to be conducted etc. They don't need to be either- there is no law which states that that is necessary- secularism is required in matters of policy, implementation and laws- not personal life.

Why? Well its simple- Secular:- That which is removed from religion, is not related to religion and not influenced by it. An individual would have to be an atheist to be secular in his personal life.

Ergo when a Mantri says, "ki mai secular hoon"- he can only be truthful if he is implying that his political/professional/policy related views and actions are not based on religious tenets of wrong and right. AND that he is not a religious fanatic.

Every US congressman claims to be devoutly religious, in fact one wouldn't be capable of winning a senate seat there without burnishing one's "religious credentials". So, is the said Congressman secular?

The answer is simple- the same Congressman is NOT secular when he says that his religious views stand against birth control and abortion and ergo a law must be made to render them unlawful. The very same Congressman, if he states that yes personally he may find certain activities to be unacceptable according to his religion but he will not enforce his views upon the people through legislature is indeed secular- after that he can go and spend the rest of the day in a Church, Mosque, Mandir, Synagogue it doesn't matter. Being religious does not make a leader communal or not secular- letting his/her religion/religious prejudices seep into his/her politics does.

In fact by the above parameter the erstwhile RSS member and ex-PM of the nation Vajpayee jee was the MOST secular leader we've had. One needs to understand what secularism means in the context of governance, politics and legislature.

In India the form of secularism that prevails is at best inter-communal tolerance in its benign form (as found in the general communities, and no this does not mean hugging and clapping each other on the backs- it means sharing the same space with compromises on BOTH sides and sans conflict) while on the other hand of the spectrum we have the politicization of the term secularism in order to propagate vote-bank politics- this is the sinister form.
Unfortunately in India - Secularism lies in the eyes of the beholder.
People don't see the benefits of secularism because its most visible and audible propagators are the politicians and NOT the people. Considering that the said politicians then bend the concept to their ends, it maligns and completely distorts what secularism means. Lack of an ability to understand nuances causes issues too, for example no one is actually secular in terms of their diet, or their personal preference, or who they are going to marry and how the marriage ceremony is to be conducted etc. They don't need to be either- there is no law which states that that is necessary- secularism is required in matters of policy, implementation and laws- not personal life.

Why? Well its simple- Secular:- That which is removed from religion, is not related to religion and not influenced by it. An individual would have to be an atheist to be secular in his personal life.

Ergo when a Mantri says, "ki mai secular hoon"- he can only be truthful if he is implying that his political/professional/policy related views and actions are not based on religious tenets of wrong and right. AND that he is not a religious fanatic.

Every US congressman claims to be devoutly religious, in fact one wouldn't be capable of winning a senate seat there without burnishing one's "religious credentials". So, is the said Congressman secular?

The answer is simple- the same Congressman is NOT secular when he says that his religious views stand against birth control and abortion and ergo a law must be made to render them unlawful. The very same Congressman, if he states that yes personally he may find certain activities to be unacceptable according to his religion but he will not enforce his views upon the people through legislature is indeed secular- after that he can go and spend the rest of the day in a Church, Mosque, Mandir, Synagogue it doesn't matter. Being religious does not make a leader communal or not secular- letting his/her religion/religious prejudices seep into his/her politics does.

In fact by the above parameter the erstwhile RSS member and ex-PM of the nation Vajpayee jee was the MOST secular leader we've had. One needs to understand what secularism means in the context of governance, politics and legislature.

In India the form of secularism that prevails is at best inter-communal tolerance in its benign form (as found in the general communities, and no this does not mean hugging and clapping each other on the backs- it means sharing the same space with compromises on BOTH sides and sans conflict) while on the other hand of the spectrum we have the politicization of the term secularism in order to propagate vote-bank politics- this is the sinister form.
chaddo yaar..................lets laugh abit

:) but typical hindutvas are still not happy. They want more from NON-Hindus.

So one wonders what a true hindutva means?

What you meant by a typical Hindutva?? With these kind of talking, you cannot complain them calling a terrorist typical Muslim right?
@RazPaK do not post that idiot yaar.. He do not have a spine unless he is surrounded by his followers.. On seeing some policemen, he was crying like a lady denying everything he said.. So try some other mard e moimeen..

How about being a double agent for the Hindutva Brigade ?? You will get twice the incentives .... :azn:

Not interested.. White master gives me new cloths and they teach me to speak English :D
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What you meant by a typical Hindutva?? With these kind of talking, you cannot complaint them calling a terrorist typical Muslim right?
@RazPaK do not post that idiot yaar.. He do not have a spine unless he is surrounded by his followers.. On seeing some policemen, he was crying like a lady denying everything he said.. So try some other mard e moimeen..

Not interested.. White master gives me new cloths and they teach me to speak English :D

Hold up! WHAT? All that the goras gave me was a kettle and a pin, and then an admonishment about my proclivity for wearing only a loin cloth.:angry:
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@Dillinger, yet another post of your's worth reading mate.. :tup: You really deserve the Jn Think Tank tag!! Hope to see more posts from you outside Nawsar..

Nope!! They offer bacon and beef also :P

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