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BJP plans to cash in on communal polarisation in UP

What I am saying is that people do want it and that is why it largely prevails in terms of our laws and policies BUT the people shouldn't have to care for this.

This should be the basic bread and butter that already exists- the people should not have to contend with it.

What I am pointing at is that people need to stop putting these issues up as political factors and instead focus on the tangible things that matter. On any given day MOST people don't give two hoots to any such issues, the important thing is ki bhai inflation kitni chal rahi ha- household saving rate gir raha hai ki bad raha hai.

The people have always wanted harmony, but by elevating it to a political issue the babus use it to cover the essentials- to restrain your expectations and divert focus from the issues that matter. Momentum and stamina are limited- let the people exhaust themselves catching chickens and no one will catch the the big game.

Why else do you think the whole campaign against Modi is reduced to single point agenda that he is divisive?

Only in our country can the demand for one temple be considered communal- ironic that I would concede that since I would never go to that temple myself being an atheist.:sick:

Yaar that demand should not be raised as matter is sub judice

The main things however are that muslims think that there was no hindu superstructure beneath babri masjid and it was all made up ****!!

Truth is however different as there were indeed many artifacts and pillars and a superstructure found beneath babri masjid.
So imho even though it shouldn't have been felled but muslims must realise the enoromous evidence and give that specific site for a temple.They can always make a new mosque at some distance in near vicinity

Archaeology of Ayodhya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again this is the "politically correct" response expected from the vast majority of India in an effort to be seen as Holier than the Pope.

Let the day come (never will so hypothetical) that Hindus start blowing things and themselves up and hacking minorities to death left right and center, and believe you me, then terrorism will have a religion, and it will then be saffron/hindu/hidutva/hindu fascism terrorism

it has already started with sadhvi pragya and assemanand along with col purohit being arrested
SO!? :woot:

You justify their actions of those who are doing it?

Wow! I am impressed. :lol:

Actions matter not words, bro. On paper, even the civil laws of India are the best. But in reality it is not. People see what is the reality and not what is on the paper.

People here are talking about what is being seen in actions. Not in words.

Where did you see me justify any one's action.. I am pointing out that such lunatics cannot be survived with out adequate funding.. for example, LTTE even though it was not a religious organisations was one of the most feared group.. Look at what happened to them when their main flow of fund was cut off.. Its simple mate, you cut off the money flow, all ideology will go to gutter sooner or later..
1) Who Shot and killed muslim Youth.

The brothers of the girl shahnawz qureshi sexually harassed and he deserved it. Bastards like these are the reason why rapes are increasing in India.

2) If somebody misbehave so you kill him or take him to POlice [Jungle raj hai kya].

If somebody misbehaved with my sister sexually and the mullah raj doesnt register cases on the pressure of the SP mla because the perps were muslims then I too will take the law into my hands and I am completely justified in that. What would you do ? Sit and watch your sister being ashamed ?

3) Why the Mob coming from cremation involved in arson.

Because those returning were waylaid by muslim gangs and the police also refused to arrest those who were involved in the killing of the brothers..naturally they retaliated.

4) Why BJP Politian Uploaded Facke video of muslim group beating and killing hindu youth.

There is no proof that it was the BJP politician who did it. Plus that is only the side matter..the main matter was indeed two hindu youths were brutally killed by a mob.

5) Whe else is going to benefited from this riot except BJP who feeds on killing innocent people.

LOL when did muslim rioters ever think logically while rioting ? What was the logic behind mullahs burning 59 hindus in godhra ? If people think with dicks, this is what will happen. "sarkar tumhari, police tumhari"..this was what the SP mla reportedly told the muslim mob and this emboldened them to think that nobody could touch them. Plus the proliferation of illegal weapons courtesy azam khan had also given them courage. Not only SP, but also BSP and Congress mlas like Qadir rana, saeed uz zaman were involved in giving provocative and incendiary speeches in shaheed chowk after jumma namaz in front of a mob of 15000 muslims.

The muslim rioters thought they would get away with this as usual with the backing of the muslim appeasing SP government.and they almost did get away.(govt sources hold that till saturday most of those affected were hindus)...but unfortunately they picked fight with a wrong group (jats) and as usual ended up playing victim.

EDIT: I am hearing that right now it is not even a jat-muslim clash..but a hindu-muslim clash as yadavs, gujjars, dalits all have joined with jats..way to go muslims...you are your own worst enemy.
They took the advantage of the tense situation and posted Fake pakistani video resulting in so many innocent lives and damage to the property .
3 people died now its around 30 people what a waste of lives just to gain political advantage Shame on them thousand times.

BS..the riots did not start because of the video...dont lie. It started because of the sexual harassment of a hindu girl by a muslim, the killing of her two brothers by a mob, emboldenment because of the thinking that the state machinery was behind them as SP was in power, proliferation of illegal firearms courtesy Azam Khan and the attacking on the hindus returning from the mahapanchayat. The jihadis brought it upon themselves.
u r bid late take time to go through all the post bye :woot:

The brothers of the girl shahnawz qureshi sexually harassed and he deserved it. Bastards like these are the reason why rapes are increasing in India.

If somebody misbehaved with my sister sexually and the mullah raj doesnt register cases on the pressure of the SP mla because the perps were muslims then I too will take the law into my hands and I am completely justified in that. What would you do ? Sit and watch your sister being ashamed ?

Because those returning were waylaid by muslim gangs and the police also refused to arrest those who were involved in the killing of the brothers..naturally they retaliated.

There is no proof that it was the BJP politician who did it. Plus that is only the side matter..the main matter was indeed two hindu youths were brutally killed by a mob.

LOL when did muslim rioters ever think logically while rioting ? What was the logic behind mullahs burning 59 hindus in godhra ? If people think with dicks, this is what will happen. "sarkar tumhari, police tumhari"..this was what the SP mla reportedly told the muslim mob and this emboldened them to think that nobody could touch them. Plus the proliferation of illegal weapons courtesy azam khan had also given them courage. Not only SP, but also BSP and Congress mlas like Qadir rana, saeed uz zaman were involved in giving provocative and incendiary speeches in shaheed chowk after jumma namaz in front of a mob of 15000 muslims.

The muslim rioters thought they would get away with this as usual with the backing of the muslim appeasing SP government.and they almost did get away.(govt sources hold that till saturday most of those affected were hindus)...but unfortunately they picked fight with a wrong group (jats) and as usual ended up playing victim.
u r bid late take time to go through all the post bye :woot:

Its funny to see the same media that totally blacked out the riots news before saturday (when muslims were rioting) apparently not to inflame passions (as claimed by rajdeep) now screaming in full volume about the riots (after the hindus started hitting back)...but then who cares about them..let them keep barking.
dna special: Jolly canal killings triggered the Muzaffarnagar riots

Satyender Kumar Baliyan shudders as he recounts how he escaped the massacre at Gang Nahar, popularly known as Jolly canal, last Saturday.

Baliyan, 24, was among a group of 2,000 villagers returning home after attending the Mahapanchayat hosted by several Jat communities of western Uttar Pradesh in nearby Kawal village, when they were ambushed by a mob, armed with assault rifles and other sophisticated weapons.

“Since, I was with the NCC for more than three years during my school days, I could easily tell that our assailants were using AK47 rifles and other weapons,” he told dna at the site of the massacre. The mob set on fire 18 tractor trollies and three motorbikes of the villagers.

Local people say the Jolly canal massacre turned into the communal riots of Muzaffarnagar, in which the official death toll is 45. But local people say the number is much higher.

Eyewitnesses say after the mass killings, the attackers dumped the bodies in the canal, which meets the Ganges river in adjoining Haridwar district. So far, six bodies have been fished out.

“We were unarmed. And they(attackers) ambushed us like Naxals. They started firing indiscriminately,” Baliyan said.

Omkar Singh Rana of Baseda village, cannot find his elder brother Brijpal Singh Rana since the attack on Saturday. “It is not only my elder brother... there are hundreds of people who have gone missing after the massacre. Though six bodies have been found, we are sure there will be many more,” Rana told dna.

The villagers accused the local administration of not acting swiftly.

The police allowed the attackers to flee, some said. “The district administration has not made any effort to track the missing persons or find the bodies. Even the water flow in the canal was not controlled; it was deliberately increased to sweep away the dumped bodies,” said Bhanwar Singh, pradhan of Baseda village.

The district administration has registered 40 missing complaints till Wednesday. But often cases are not registered because officials think people might have migrated to other parts of the state.

District magistrate Kaushal Raj Sharma admitted that the number of missing persons is more than the registered cases. “In case of the Jolly canal, we have recovered six bodies so far. Work is on to trace others, if any,” he said. “But in some cases people have migrated to other places. And since there is no contact with family members, they lodge missing complaints.”

The Jat community went on the rampage after the killings at Jolly canal. “Blaming Muslims for the Jolly canal attack, Jats set our houses on fire and killed our women and kids.”

dna special: Jolly canal killings triggered the Muzaffarnagar riots - India - DNA
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