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BJP MP demands renaming of Aurangzeb Road to Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Road

fanciest address in town (and possibly the country)

what difference will a name make ?
and why not...

bashing former muslim rulers is secular... after all, one must avoid being sickular at all costs.

what next, demolishing of tipu sultan's fort and palace??

No No We should praise him a lot after all he was a perfect roll model for Muslim like you who killed his father, Brother, Son, Wife along with many Hindus. How can Kalam be your ideal. Aurangzeb is fine.
fine then... how about renaming "malviya nagar" in delhi to "tipu enclave" with the necessary beautification done??

will be a start.
Tipu has controversial past apart from there are already work going on his name

Work on phase I of Tipu Road may soon begin - The Times of India

seems so... first, taj mahal became called a hindu temple by name "tejo mahalaya" and now renaming of roads... bjp wants to turn back the "sickular" school/college curriculum from "the distortion done by the evil lefties" in the decades past.

slowly but surely...
You scared?
despite the underlined fancy words you used, what you describe is simply a "dictatorship of the majority"... and what happened in 2014 was worse, a dictatorship of a religious majority.

by 'what happened in 2014' you mean the election of BJP, let me remind you that for XX years of India being a republic since 1950, the same majority elected as follows:
1950 - 1975 -> Congress
1975 - 1976 -> Indira's 'Congress' - due to MISA I am not even counting this
1976 - 1979 -> Janatha
1980 - 1989 -> Congress
1989 - 1991 -> Janatha Dal
1991 - 1996 -> Congress
1996 - 1998 -> Coliation Government with support of Congress.
1999 - 2004 -> BJP
2004 - 2014 -> Congress
2014 - present -> BJP

so mughal dynasty was disaster while vijayanagar kingdom was magnifique??

Not just Vijaynagar - look at how many advanced works of science were written before the mughal hordes of barbarians invaded and what happened after that. Math based sciences, anatomical medicine etc. The mughals were only concerned about keeping their power and forcibly converting the local populations which made it impossible for the population to carry out education and scientific inquiry. This even made it easy for the British to take over and plunder another two hundred years.

While the mughals were like the termites that stayed and consumed whatever they came across without producing anything the British were like the mercenary band of robbers who exported everything to their mother country.

certainly not in the extent of the "islamic golden age", i say !! those muslims were wastrels, i say !!

What islamic golden age? provide the details. I am talking Mughals as rulers of India and you are talking about islam? why?

ah, you mean the 5000 year old knowledge of building interplanetary flying machines and even older technique of in vitro babies... brilliant, i agree.

We don't have (yet) fully documented history for that far back but we do have the books published from around beginning of Christian era - why don't you look up what Indian scientists accomplished in the 1000 years before mughals came in? If you are Indian you should be interested in your history .
Tipu has controversial past apart from there are already work going on his name

Work on phase I of Tipu Road may soon begin - The Times of India

The project would basically involve developing the Tipu Sultan Road built by the ruler of Mysore in the latter half of the 18th century.

The 25-metre wide road has, over the centuries, been reduced to 5-8 metres at many places, and has been totally taken over by encroachers in several stretches.

that road was built by tipu... i am sure someone will soon claim he was a tyrant and bigot and ask for the road to be renamed.

You scared?

of course.

why don't you look up what Indian scientists accomplished in the 1000 years before mughals came in?

name a single mechanical "indigenous" machine.
that road was built by tipu... i am sure someone will soon claim he was a tyrant and bigot and ask for the road to be renamed.
which is being redeveloped.....

do you have problem with demand of Aurengzeb road to be renamed after Dr Kalam?

of course.
Of what? of renaming of road? Its not worth getting scared of..
what are you talking about??

in 2011, 40+ nato militaries invaded libyan jamahiriya, preceeded by thousands of nato-trained terrorists... 150,000+ libyans were killed by end of 2012... the libya war was one the the biggest conspiracies operations in history... yet i can show you through photos from this year that many libyans actively carry the green flag of the jamahiriya period.
All the while there was ground level meetings to generate consensus at all level lead by progressive intellectuals about how to respond...
Soon, the Indian regime would purge all Muslim names from India. Not just places but individuals as well.

BJP MP is asking to change the road on the name of Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam.
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