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‘Emerging superpower’ to ‘failed state’: How perceptions of India changed drastically under Modi



May Great Modi be Eternal Prime Minister of India forever

Modi does not have that advantage to declare India's PM for ever like great Xi who declared himself President till he is alive.
Correction as India has average annual growth of 7% in the 2000s and not 9% as the article implies.

It did ok but not spectacularly at all. In the 2010s this had fallen to 6% a year average.

IS it GDP growth rate Market price?
Rss indians consistently lie. In modi first term, the method to measure gdp growth was radically changed, allowing india to project faster growth.

After note ban rss proclaimed poverty has fallen despite masses of people losing work across country. Coronavirus been ravaging India since 2020, Rss still saying poverty is falling.

If poverty is falling why consistently ranked low on happiness index. Someone is lying and its nots me. Average indians are clinging on to bjp because of majoritism.
When Modi came to power and India was considered emerging superpower, India was 10th largest economy. It is 5th today in 7 years and set to become third by 2025 yet some people try to portray it as faildd state. Let these people enjoy. Those who has added 25 pc more poor in 3 years get excited particularly because of this sort of troll articles. The reality is that India is fifth largest economy yodat and third largest in PPP.
Is India flailing or failed? And is federalism saving some Indians from the Union government’s collapse?

The decade from 2000 to 2010 saw India break from its traditionally slow economic pace to grow at an impressive average annual rate of 8.8%. This period of economic growth in turn encouraged a spurt of national confidence as many Indians started to characterise themselves as citizens of an emerging superpower. Most famously, President APJ Abdul Kalam predicted that India would not long remain a developing country and by 2020 would become a fully developed, industrialised country.

If anything, however, this served as a sobering reminder as to just how hard it is to predict long-term economic growth. With the rise of Narendra Modi, India’s economy took a hit. Faced with disruptive policies such as demonetisation and the new Goods and Services tax, growth has plummeted since 2016.

By 2019-’20, growth had falled to just 4%. Worse was to come with pandemic. The first Covid wave and ensuing unplanned lockdowns saw the economy contract by an incredible 7.3% in 2020-’21 – the worst performance since at least independence and also the worst performing global economy during the pandemic.

However, even this unprecedented economic hit was minor compared to the brutal second wave that struck India beginning March 2021. While the official death count is about three and a half lakh, The New York Times estimates anywhere between six lakh to 42 lakh Indians might have died, with the state in many places simply melting away.

India was clearly very far from conducting itself as a superpower. On the contrary, analysts and experts were asking a much grimmer question: was India now a failed state?

On May 9, with the second wave in full swing Yamini Aiyar, President of the Delhi-based think tank Centre for Policy Research wrote in the Hindustan Times that “India has transitioned to a failed state”. “The ‘fiction’ of India’s health system is now exposed,” she argued. “And as hapless citizens struggle to find oxygen, basic medicines, hospital beds, the once sound and functional ‘head’, or more specifically the national government, is no longer visible. Indeed, it has abdicated from all responsibility, from leadership and governance.”

Aiyar wasn’t the only one to point to the collapse of the Indian state. The UK-based Economist magazine held that the “state has melted away in India”. Closer home, India Today magazine ran a hard-hitting cover for its May 17 edition calling India “the failed state” – the words placed on a cover photo of a line of dead bodies. Ruchir Sharma, chief global strategist at the investment firm Morgan Stanley, wrote in the Financial Times that the pandemic had illustrated that the state was “broken”, with India looking mediocre on healthcare compared even to countries such as Pakistan or Bangladesh.

When veteran journalist Saeed Naqvi narrowly survived Covid in Delhi, his daughter Farah Naqvi wrote a harrowing account of state failure in the Indian capital in an essay titled, “What we did when our government collapsed.”

Battling Covid in Delhi “felt like commandeering a small war room in the kind of failed states my father once reported from,” Naqvi wrote, describing the complete state of collapse in the city.

In the Indian Express, economist Ashok Gulati wrote about the chaos in India during the second wave, from dead bodies floating in the Ganga to politicians concentrating on elections. “The government seemed to have lost control and many declared India a failed state,” he wrote. Former bureaucrat Harsh Mander delivered the second JB D’Souza Memorial Lecture on June 3. Its pithy title: “The collapse of the Republic”.

Interestingly, so pervasive was this analysis that the Bharatiya Janata Party itself started to use the phrase “failed state” in order to push back against criticism and argue that the Modi government had in fact not collapsed. On May 18, the BJP’s national in-charge of social media angrily tweeted out that sedition charges should be filed against the Opposition given that they had allegedly tried to “project their country as a failed state in managing the pandemic”.

A fortnight later, BJP leader Swapan Dasgupta mounted a defence of the Modi government in a column in the Economic Times, going on to mention disapprovingly that “the country has even been taunted as a ‘failed state’ by the punditry”.

Flailing to failed

Yamini Aiyar explained to Scroll.in that unlike in many other examples where the paradigm is mostly used for conflict, state failure in India is a result of institutional breakdown. “A failed state is a state that loses its legitimacy and is unable or unwilling to perform its basic sovereign functions,” she said. “State failure is often associated with violence and conflict. India is ‘failing’ because its institutions are weakening and losing legitimacy.”

Aiyer posits her thinking in contrast to earlier conceptions of India being a “flailing state” – a term used in an influential 2009 paper by Lant Pritchett, an economist at Harvard University, where he described India’s elite government institutions existing alongside the state failing to deliver even basic services to its people.

India, he argued, was “a nation-state in which the head, that is the elite institutions at the national (and in some states) level remain sound and functional but that this head is no longer reliably connected via nerves and sinews to its own limbs”.

“The way I interpret Pritchett’s ‘flailing state’ paradigm is that although India was failing its people, the veneer of functionality of institutions remained sacrosanct,” Aiyer said. “The IAS functioned and was seen to be meritocratic. It was the same with the judiciary, the Reserve Bank of India – these institutions were functioning with all their anomalies.”

The difference from Pritchett’s 2009 description and now, Aiyar argued, is that even the “veneer of functionality at the top is now gone”.

“The state can’t get vaccine policy right, the Reserve Bank of India abdicated its job during demonetisation,” she said. “If every institution that is supposed to provide checks and balances fails to function, then India is mimicking a failed state”.

Federalism as a shield

Balveer Arora, Chairman of the Centre for Multilevel Federalism at the Institute of Social Sciences, agrees with Aiyar that India can now be characterised as a failed state, going on to add that federalism explains why there was state collapse in some places but yet in others, the government managed to function – at times even quite well.

“The failed state paradigm has to be juxtaposed on a federal system in order to look at the impact at the failure of the Centre,” Arora said.

Arora argues that, as a result, India’s federal structure is now its greatest defence against state failure. “A failed central state does not necessarily mean a failed federation,” he explained. “We need a nuanced failed state paradigm since, despite the failure of the Centre, some states have performed admirably. By no stretch of imagination can states such as Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra be called ‘failed’”.

Arora sees this as a silver lining: “Classical federal theory provides for these islands of hope. One of the benefits of federalism: you can oppose authoritarian rule since there will always be pockets that resist.”

Failed state – or bad decisions?

However, the “failed state” debate is far from settled. “I don’t fully agree with the characterisation,” said Neelanjan Sircar, a political scientist at Ashoka University. “A failed state is one which is unable to carry out the functions of state. Not one that carries it out badly due to poor decision making.”

Sircar says that the “flailing state” paradigm still holds in many ways. “We have at one hand a state that can do direct benefit transfer schemes at scale and collect detailed information on citizens but at the same time, fail to carry out a vaccine drive,” he explained. “In a failed state, there is no plausible way to do a vaccine rollout. But we know that’s not true in India.”

Sircar says much of what we are seeing now is a consequence of extreme centralisation of power. “Centralisation can give speed but it also means there is no check on bad decisions,” he said. “Moreover, it means that state-level leaders command no power by themselves. This can be disastrous if an emergency like Covid hits.”

Shekhar Gupta, editor of the Print, also disagrees with the “failed state” labelling. “If India was a failed state already, we might not have known how badly we were failing,” he wrote in an opinion piece on May 8. “As long as a nation’s own media, civil society, even individual citizens are free to bring the bad news to all, hold the mirror to the most powerful ruler in at least four decades, we are not a failed state yet.”

While India debates whether it is a “failed state” or not, the fact that the debate is being had at all points to an incredible regress in a country that was, until not very long ago, dreaming of being a superpower.

Scathing analysis.
Show will begain in summers , and india will get full chance to show it's capabilities, as Chinese are preparing a long war at Thier own terms then we will see where India stands?
Op is funny.

Modi just announced free vaccine to all and free food till October to 90 crore people.

India's standing has only gone up. Ask Imran..who kept on howling at every forum for many years that Modi is a fascist....nobody heard him...now even he has got tired and came to his senses.
India is a Failed state because : India has Major Gobar Arya expert views :

people try to portray it as faildd state.

People don't try to portray it, they see pictures of you people dumping bodies in rivers and getting black fungus infections because of a nationwide fetish for cow shit and start wondering why exactly you guys were billed as the next world superpower for the last 30 years.
Stop saying negative things about Modi, Modi hay to mumkin hay
Modi is our man in India and Inshallah agli 2 bars bhi Modi Sarkar.
In 2020, India's per capita GDP is US $1930, which is similar to China's GDP in 2004.
But do Indians know that China's economy grew by 11.39% in 2005, 12.72% in 2006 and 14.23% in 2007.

At that time, China's economic growth was accelerating, but now India's economic growth has stagnated.

What's more, the $1930 in 2004 is different from the $1930 in 2021, don't forget inflation, and China will not calculate cow dung into GDP.
I don't think most of the members have read the article other than the headline.

It says that India (As a single country or central entity) collapsed under the brilliant leadership/governance of the BJP partly due to their mismanagement and also their prejudiced policies. It further clarifies that the federal structure of India prevented the country from being a headless chicken as states in India are like smaller countries and this was what saved India from total collapse.

So the failed state in this context refers to the central government.

The article also tries to counter the "failed state" narrative by saying that consequences due to short term bad decisions do not necessarily make a country a failed state, which is also a correct assessment.

In my opinion, India is far from being the definition of a failed state. It's more of a case of incompetent rulers at the helm making stupid decisions. But that is to be expected from a country with uneducated voters who vote based on their caste/religion and not merit of the candidate.
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