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BJP MLA To Muslims: Sacrifice Sons Instead Of Animals, Do Not Visit Durga Pandals

Frankly; What is so wrong in what she said?

If the story of Abraham sacrificing his son is to be replicated by Muslims, they need to behead their sons on id-ul-adha and pray to allah that he turns into a goat before the axe falls.Why should an innocent animal suffer for lack of balls amongst muslims to replicate what abraham did?

Their screaming murder just because they are not allowed to slaughter cows on id-ul-adha is stupid. If they feel so strongly about Islam, they should start by chopping off their son's head.
@Icarus @Irfan Baloch @waz @Jango @Slav Defence This nut case need serious help
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Have you heard what was he said ?
Owaisi is one example ,there are other example like Aslam Khan in UP in this same category .You should hear some Friday preachings also.But unfortunately liberal,highly moralised media cant show that in public.You know that will expose the real extent of secularism.

we have same theories popular in Pakistan, people in interior sind believe that Punjabi are given free pay checks by govt.
That is what happened as per mythology, when the son turned to bakra. She was correct.

Any true practicing Muslim will agree with her. Why are the Hindus here having problem with that? Want to force Muslims to attend Durga pujas? :azn:

Nothing. The city elites are breaking their heads - that's all. Though they supported BJP, they never came out to vote. So their voice will not be heard. Sorry. :)

10 years back, BJP moved away from Hindutva to a large extent. That was the major reason for defeat. People voted on caste lines instead.

Accha? She won with a greater share of votes this time. For MAKING speeches like these. Honest, straightforward and the Truth.

Umm you are as misinformed as the lady....a lot of shit happened in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic mythology that is not imitated...what can be and has to be sacrificed are mentioned in the rulebooks...and it does not include children!
It is perfectly fine to point out fallacies and stupidities in religion...but it is quite another thing and trying to dictate and interpret what other religions say and people practice...specifically when you neither have the authority or the professional qualification to do so! Religion in general is stupid...I can say Hinduism is stupid...but I cannot dictate what Hindus should do during their rituals...specifically when I do not believe in it in the first place!
Umm you are as misinformed as the lady....a lot of shit happened in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic mythology that is not imitated...what can be and has to be sacrificed are mentioned in the rulebooks...and it does not include children!
It is perfectly fine to point out fallacies and stupidities in religion...but it is quite another thing and trying to dictate and interpret what other religions say and people practice...specifically when you neither have the authority or the professional qualification to do so! Religion in general is stupid...I can say Hinduism is stupid...but I cannot dictate what Hindus should do during their rituals...specifically when I do not believe in it in the first place!

No you can't. It's their religion, you can disagree with it, but NOT disrespect it. Calling someone else's religions names, never helps, and is counter productive.
No you can't. It's their religion, you can disagree with it, but NOT disrespect it. Calling someone else's religions names, never helps, and is counter productive.
I can actually...its called freedom of speech and with it comes freedom to offend.Religion is just an idea...and any idea can be stupid!
I can actually...its called freedom of speech and with it comes freedom to offend.Religion is just an idea...and any idea can be stupid!

Well in reality you can, but that shows your level of intellect, and lack of respect.

Conclusion - reflects badly on you, no one else.
Well in reality you can, but that shows your level of intellect, and lack of respect.

Conclusion - reflects badly on you, no one else.
Lack of respect has nothing to do intellect...do you have any respect for the practice of Burning your widow with your dead body?? It is always more intellectual not to respect stupid ideas...intellect is calling a spade a spade...if the spade feels offended about it then it's not my problem!
Lack of respect has nothing to do intellect...do you have any respect for the practice of Burning your widow with your dead body?? It is always more intellectual not to respect stupid ideas...intellect is calling a spade a spade...if the spade feels offended about it then it's not my problem!

Dude....wake up. Its 21st Century now. no one burns widows and its a crime.

As far as freedom of speech is concerned, there is only one religion globally acknowledged as totally untolerant. Will not go further on this as this is futile....

I must say that the lady BJP member is stupid of the highest order.
Why don't naxals target these retards:hitwall::guns:
On reading this an oft repeated thought comes to mind.

Back in 47 the division between India & Pak was 1/4 the 2/3rd .

Going by this India should have 3 times the number of idiots than Pakistan does.

The views expressed indicated that my views are correct.

Dude....wake up. Its 21st Century now. no one burns widows and its a crime.

As far as freedom of speech is concerned, there is only one religion globally acknowledged as totally untolerant. Will not go further on this as this is futile....

I must say that the lady BJP member is stupid of the highest order.

I am not saying they burn people now...I am using it as an example of a stupid idea that deserves to be called out just like many other stupid ideas like getting stoned for adultery in Islam.I hope you don't think calling stupid things stupid is anti-intellectual!
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