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BJP MLA To Muslims: Sacrifice Sons Instead Of Animals, Do Not Visit Durga Pandals

a lot of shit happened in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic mythology that is not imitated...what can be and has to be sacrificed are mentioned in the rulebooks...and it does not include children!
It is perfectly fine to point out fallacies and stupidities in religion
You don't believe in Isralm, Judaism, Christianity I can see... I know it is an allegory.

No you can't. It's their religion, you can disagree with it, but NOT disrespect it. Calling someone else's religions names, never helps, and is counter productive.
It's all right. :)

Why don't naxals target these retards:hitwall::guns:
Calling for the death of elected individuals by terrorists is high treason.

It is disgusting. End of story. :)
Bharatiya Janata Party from Indore MLA Usha Thakur sparked a controversy with her comments on the festival of Eid al-Adha.


Talking about the ritual of sacrifice among Muslim community on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, Thakur said that according to the tales, a son was sacrificed on this day and he changed into goat. So, people should sacrifice their sons instead of innocent animals.

Bakri Eid or Eid-ul-Zuha or Eid al-Adha is one of the most celebrated festivals among Muslims all over the world. The festival is a day to commemorate the Prophet Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail on God’s command.

She also said that true Muslims should not visit any Durga pandal as the Quran prohibits idol worship.

“The Quran says that the worshipping of idols is prohibited. Therefore, any true Muslim should not go to any Durga pandal,” Thakur told media here.

Thakur said Durga Puja and Garba are not sources of entertainment, but a reflection of the faith Hindus have on their goddess.

Thakur had made similar anti-minority remarks during garba functions last year.

She had also lashed at the women by claiming that mothers across the country have gone lazy that’s why the sale of Maggi has attained such huge proportions, of late.

BJP MLA To Muslims: Sacrifice Sons Instead Of Animals, Do Not Visit Durga Pandals | Focus News
Damn ugly......:o:
This is a personal observation:
People in all countries(no matter how secular they claim to be) always want the majority religion to dominate even the lives of people who do not believe in the major religion in one way or another. I have noticed that India(Specifically Indian Hindu Right Wingers) has a weird way of doing that.Unlike other countries Indian right-wingers try to somehow mold minority faiths to be integrated into their worldview.Muslim and Christians(excluding Jews...since it is not populous enough to be considered a major world religion) put rules and regulations that support their worldview and force others to follow them,while being indifferent to what the minority feels.Indian right wingers do or try to do the same.BUT rather being indifferent to what the minority thinks they try to mold the minority's faith to suite their world view.
This is a personal observation:
People in all countries(no matter how secular they claim to be) always want the majority religion to dominate even the lives of people who do not believe in the major religion in one way or another. I have noticed that India(Specifically Indian Hindu Right Wingers) has a weird way of doing that.Unlike other countries Indian right-wingers try to somehow mold minority faiths to be integrated into their worldview.Muslim and Christians(excluding Jews...since it is not populous enough to be considered a major world religion) put rules and regulations that support their worldview and force others to follow them,while being indifferent to what the minority feels.Indian right wingers do or try to do the same.BUT rather being indifferent to what the minority thinks they try to mold the minority's faith to suite their world view.

true enough.

they do this not only through the traditional "under bharat mata's benevolent gathering" but newly through the "ghar wapsi" program - "all were happy hindu before the evil invaders came and converted at the point of sword or the zing of the coins".

and "ghar wapsi" is the hindutva version what i find many muslims irritatingly use the term "revert".

far right fascist, muthalik and the holy cows are expendable too afaic. :butcher:

by "far right fascist", are you describing them or yourself??

if not, where are you??
I am not saying they burn people now...I am using it as an example of a stupid idea that deserves to be called out just like many other stupid ideas like getting stoned for adultery in Islam.I hope you don't think calling stupid things stupid is anti-intellectual!

Absolutely .

Stupid things are STUPID and people who support it for whatever reasons have pea nut size brain.

If you look these stupid things deeply, these rituals / customs are to cage and enslave people by..... people managing religion / power hungry people.
That is what happened as per mythology, when the son turned to bakra. She was correct.

Nop buddy, the story is a bit different, she isn't correct , the son didn't convert into a lamb, when Abraham removed his bindfold, he saw the son safe at some distance, he had sacrificed a lamb instead, the son was replaced with lamb, didn't convert !!!
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