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BJP MLA To Muslims: Sacrifice Sons Instead Of Animals, Do Not Visit Durga Pandals

Unfortunately I can't read Urdu. But how is this news? .

This is news because media knows people are so touchy touchy about religion . They don't even truly know her intent and already want to sacrifice her .Now where have I seen this oh in this thread :D
Fanatics can be seen in everywhere ,everysects.
Noone is perfect.

Is she the next PM candidate?

Fanatics have a real good chance of becoming PM in India, ask Modi if you don't believe me...
No it is not known at all. She has not taken part in riots. She had no history of violence. Only speeches reported by the same media houses.
You name any personality and I can write 5 articles showing him/her as a devil. You can try anyone - From Gandhi to Teresa etc etc...
That's Not the Point Whether you Like or Hate Gandhi or Teresa Its Not Matter Personal Opinion is a Personal Opinion That'z It.Gandhi Views are Eternal Now Like His Name.
This is news because media knows people are so touchy touchy about religion . They don't even truly know her intent and already want to sacrifice her .Now where have I seen this oh in this thread :D
It doesn't matter what her intent is, she is a politician and she should have watched her mouth. But looking at the picture I am guessing she is a rural lady probably minimally educated and unaware of the sophistication or reach of the modern media market. The media uses these yokels to push their own agenda which is basically to undermine the right. Marxist and Muslim leaders continuously make worse statements, I do not find any PDF threads on that. Recently a local muslim politican in my area made a statement that Muslims should "force" Hindus to sell their houses to muslims at below market prices by refusing to allow bidding...I have not seen this news even on page 20 of a regional paper...because it does not suit the media. To highlight the fact that india has plenty of idiots of all hues, saffron, green and red.,,,and none of these idiots fortunately have any say in national policy making...nor do everyday Hindus or Muslims bother to listen to them.
And BJP dumb ******* should sacrifice their daughters to Maa Kali on Kali pooja .....

I don't why Hindus have so much Problem with Muslim.... First they Tease Muslims then they Cry...
She had also lashed at the women by claiming that mothers across the country have gone lazy that’s why the sale of Maggi has attained such huge proportions, of late.
our politicians
I agree:Muslims should not visit druga worship idol then.
However,the actual story was that Abraham(A.s) was prophet[the messenger of Allah] and Allah wanted to test as if Abraham (AS) loves him more than his family and son.In order to test him,''He'' instructed him to sacrifice his son.Abraham(AS) saw that thrice and then he took to his son,telling him what he was instructed.To prevent son's love to overtake god's command,he tied cloth around his eyes and began to put him for sacrifice.As he put him in,his test was completed,Allah commanded archangel Gebriel(a.s) to replace him with animal and then they were told that they and their generations will be given honor and respect and their lineage is chosen for last prophet(PBUH).
In the memory of honor given by Allah to them,we celebrate this event.
So,what she has to do with it?If I am sacrificing cow or goat or camel,it is my choice.What hindus will feel if we told them that they should not do this and that.It appears to me as if she is mocking such glorious event.
Religious discussions not allowed!

If this continues....BJP will be in opposition in next general elections.they are repeating same mistake what they did a decade back..
That is exactly what I have been telling the Hindu brigade!
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