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BJP MLA beats up a horse. No confirmation whether the horse was anti-national

Just break all his limbs? How about hacking him to death for not being secular?

Sickular logic -
Hitting a horse with Lathi should result in broken bones BUT
cutting head of cow is a matter of choice ;)
Let me tell you the real story, as its from my state. There was a massive BJP rally against alleged corruption of Congress which is a ruling party in Uttarakhand. Horse mounted Police was on duty at some location. Due to the loud din and hungama in the rally this horse got scared and accidentally hit one party worker. Seeing this, the local BJP minister got angry and took the baton from the hands of policeman and started mercilessly beating that horse. Other party workers too joined in. Rest is upto you for discussions.
Let me tell you the real story, as its from my state. There was a massive BJP rally against alleged corruption of Congress which is a ruling party in Uttarakhand. Horse mounted Police was on duty at some location. Due to the loud din and hungama in the rally this horse got scared and accidentally hit one party worker. Seeing this, the local BJP minister got angry and took the baton from the hands of policeman and started mercilessly beating that horse. Other party workers too joined in. Rest is upto you for discussions.

That BJP MLA is a moron and must be booked and law must take it's course.
There can be no justification for animal cruelty.
How do you define a personality worse than an animal. Well for now lets say a hindituva on Horse attack.
I read the news. The doc said the Horse's legs might have to be amputated. Various news channel did mention that BJP MLA started beating it in frenzy and his followers followed suit.

Shame on the moron BJP MLA if the news is true. Poor creature. I hope he rots in jail.
I read the news. The doc said the Horse's legs might have to be amputated. Various news channel did mention that BJP MLA started beating it in frenzy and his followers started his actions.

Shame on the moron BJP MLA if the news is true. Poor creature. I hope he rots in jail.
This is what really happened.

I still wonder why people take whatever media peddles as the gospel truth. :tsk:
Wonder if the media will ponder if the horse belonged to religious minority or backward caste?
I am not sure that is the complete video.

A horse's leg does not just break when it is pushed and it stumbles. Don't be so quick to write off the actions of that BJP MLA. The Media is no saint, but I have seen alternate video where it looked like he was attacking the horse.

If found guilty, BJP should suspend that MLA from the party till he does prayashchit for his evil deed. Before promising to protect Dharma, let the BJP practice it first.

A man who can do this to an innocent animal is not a man you want to represent you in ANY party.

Can you post the alternate video? Also "looked like" is not good enough. If it is a video you are saying, then it must showing him attacking the horse, not just looks like.
Don't be so quick to dismiss facts. Can you tell me what this man was Hitting ?


This is a LOT worse than attacking a religious minority or a backward caste.

They can FIGHT BACK. The poor horse CANNOT.

What next ? Beating up children ?

They are 2 separate photos. How do you know it is the horse he is attacking, I do not see both the horse and him in one single photo.
Don't be so quick to dismiss facts. Can you tell me what this man was Hitting ?


This is a LOT worse than attacking a religious minority or a backward caste.

They can FIGHT BACK. The poor horse CANNOT.

What next ? Beating up children ?

Where is the image that any body is beating the horse? There are 2 different images. Nobody is seem to be beating the hourse.
From video, it seems that they wanted to get that police man down so they pushed the horse in order to get the police man down.

They did not push the horse. They were trying to get the police man down. The horse tripped, maybe the ground was uneven and when the horse stepped back, it lost its footing and balance.
They did not push the horse. They were trying to get the police man down. The horse tripped, maybe the ground was uneven and when the horse stepped back, it lost its footing and balance.

Exactly, but they are getting nothing against BJP to propagate so they discovers so many things. First Suite boot ki sarkar, than fair and than intolerance than fair and lovely and than horse beating etc.
There is no clear video which is why I am not taking any position on this.

That is why I said "looked like".

But the violence in that video was self evident and it is unlikely he would be beating up Cops. It is more than probably that he was hitting the horse.

You are taking a position when you dismiss an obvious video showing the horse stumbling but are quick to post 2 unrelated pictures to support your argument. The BJP MLA could very well have been beating some cop who would have fallen down. There is no reason to believe that he will beat up a horse which has lost its balance rather than the cops who are out there lathi charging the crowd.
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