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India’s anti-Muslim fake news factories are following the anti-Semitic playbook

India is not a perfect democracy neither is US which is the oldest democracy and they are also still trying to perfect it. So we'll eventually get there.
This is the funniest thing I heard all day. Thanks.

How do Indians plan on emulating American democracy? Is it like this?

This is the funniest thing I heard all day. Thanks.

How do Indians plan on emulating American democracy? Is it like this?

View attachment 692130
and then he died....

TRUMP TRAGEDY Donald Trump superfan who worshipped 6ft statue of President dies after starving himself & praying for him to beat Covid
and then he died....

TRUMP TRAGEDY Donald Trump superfan who worshipped 6ft statue of President dies after starving himself & praying for him to beat Covid
Very sad. I'm sure he was very close to achieving spiritual awakening and a consequent eureka moment enabling ultimate understanding of democracy. Hopefully some other brave pioneer will take up the mantle of responsibility in Hindustan's most noble quest.
Very sad. I'm sure he was very close to achieving spiritual awakening and a consequent eureka moment enabling ultimate understanding of democracy. Hopefully some other brave pioneer will take up the mantle of responsibility in Hindustan's most noble quest.
He attained moksha, and nothing is higher then that, now he is one with god, where there is no death.

He discovered the shorted route, otherwise Yogis/seekers spend their multiple life times in tapasya and still cant reach to this state.
You must be Joking!

Two nation theory was between India and Pakistan. India decided to become a secular country for all religions and Pakistan a communal Islamic country just for Muslims. If two-nation theory was a success you should ideally have east Pakistan today and Bangladesh should have never existed.

India is not a perfect democracy neither is US which is the oldest democracy and they are also still trying to perfect it. So we'll eventually get there.

Partition of India can never happen, there was may situations which occurred for that to happen but it never did. May be further partition of Pakistan similar to 1971 is highly possible.
Wrong, Lawless!
TNT is between Muslims and Hindus... You can have 20 more Muslim states in South Asia and it wouldn't matter... the counter to TNT was that state will be a mother to all communities and everyone will sing Kumbaya... Which current environment in India is proving to be an inherently incorrect disposition, manifesting itself accurately of a Muslim stance that hindus being true to their duplicitous selves will not keep their word and Muslims will be subjugated, vilified and tormented under state patronage.
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You must be Joking!

Two nation theory was between India and Pakistan. India decided to become a secular country for all religions and Pakistan a communal Islamic country just for Muslims. If two-nation theory was a success you should ideally have east Pakistan today and Bangladesh should have never existed.

India is not a perfect democracy neither is US which is the oldest democracy and they are also still trying to perfect it. So we'll eventually get there.

Partition of India can never happen, there was may situations which occurred for that to happen but it never did. May be further partition of Pakistan similar to 1971 is highly possible.

What are you on about

Two nation theory wasn't even really about Muslims and Hindu

It was the reality that India was a communal shithole and that the history, tensions would make India unbearable

Bangladesh is a sovereign muslim state as per Partition and as per the two nation theory

As is Pakistan

India however is a utter hindutva extremist communal shithole,, Indians hate each other more then we hate Hindus, it's a absolute cess pit of hate

Even Indian minorities realise that Jinnah was RIGHT, they say so themselves

As hindutva extremism flourishes they all realise that Partition is the only way for India

You can't force hundreds of millions of minorities into a hindutva extremist shithole
What are you on about

Two nation theory wasn't even really about Muslims and Hindu

It was the reality that India was a communal shithole and that the history, tensions would make India unbearable

Bangladesh is a sovereign muslim state as per Partition and as per the two nation theory

As is Pakistan

India however is a utter hindutva extremist communal shithole,, Indians hate each other more then we hate Hindus, it's a absolute cess pit of hate

Even Indian minorities realise that Jinnah was RIGHT, they say so themselves

As hindutva extremism flourishes they all realise that Partition is the only way for India

You can't force hundreds of millions of minorities into a hindutva extremist shithole
why only two nations then, why wasn't there a many nations theory ?
why only two nations then, why wasn't there a many nations theory ?

There should have been

East and West Pakistan were already separate

There should have atleast been a Muslim state in Hyderabad and a couple of other places

A Sikh state in East Punjab

A Christian state in Goa

The other states should have had the option to be either independent like Tamil Nadu or North Eastern states or they could be Hindu independent states like UP

Or unite under a united Hindu states where they could be hindutva till the cows come home and everybody would be happy

But that didn't happen,, Indians rather then accept the need for separation and space for the different people's of the subcontinent, went about trying to convince EVERYone of the needs of a united India for all BULLSHIT

Now that Hindus as Jinnah predicted want a hindutva state and rashtra EVERYone is STUCK

So the only options 200+ million Indian Muslims and Sikhs and other minorities including secular Hindus have is to push back against a population getting drunk on hindutva revisionism and bigotry

You can't trap hundreds of millions of people in a Hindutva communal state, it's not possible

people are becoming tired, they want out and the only thing crossing the hindutva extremist mind is "we will commit genocide ha ha ha"

You are absolutely free to cook up whatever version of history suits Pakistan to prove that two nation theory was a success but the reality is it's an utter failure. The nonexistence of East Pakistan is the actual reality. Ironically the whole world knows which religion follows extremism and which doesn't.

Yaar Bangladesh is a free independent muslim state as per partition

Two nation theory was never about whether their would be one muslim state. it was about the need for separation from a India which Jinnah understood was a communal disaster waiting to happen

Look at the poison amongst Indians
Look at the desire to destroy one another because the other protested or something
Look at the hatefilled bigotry across Indian SM

Jinnah was RIGHT and EVERYone else was wrong and Jinnahs message is now more important for India then ever before
Because it is their home, like how I prefer Pakistan to Malaysia, to Afghanistan, to Iran, to any other muslim country.. because Pakistan is my home.

They want to fix their home, not abandon everything and move to a country that they know NOTHING of.

Your post deserves a positive rating. @Joe Shearer, can you kindly do that on my behalf ?

Even though I am a communist who does not believe in being restricted by national borders I feel more comfortable in India than I would feel elsewhere and I want to do my bit in solving the problems within India instead of emigrating to some Muslim-majority country.
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