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BJP MLA beats up a horse. No confirmation whether the horse was anti-national

How do you define a personality worse than an animal. Well for now lets say a hindituva on Horse attack.

Yeah...after all as per seculars, beating a horse is much worse than beheading a cow or Goat..

Keep it up :)
If he was beating up a cop, he would have been taken into custody immediately. No question asked. Worse, he would have been attacked by the cops and he himself would have been beaten up. Cops do not take an attack on them lightly.

Those pictures are not unrelated, the violence shown in that picture is real. And it shows the BJP MLA in a violent attack mode. The only victim in the story is that horse. It does not take a genius to put 2 and 2 together.

My position is based on what my common sense tells me, not my biases.

Even beating up police dogs and police horses are considered punishable crime. It does take a genius to put 2 and 2 and come up with a 5 as you have done here. With no evidence whatsoever to claim that the MLA was beating up the horse. As if you know for certain the MLA has some Equinophobia and his protest was not against the govt of the state but against the horses of this world. Also consider this, the video posted by me showed many people being violent apart from the police, and here you are claiming only the horse was the victim. So maybe everyone present there were only beating up the horse.
If he was beating up a cop, he would have been taken into custody immediately. No question asked. Worse, he would have been attacked by the cops and he himself would have been beaten up. Cops do not take an attack on them lightly.

Those pictures are not unrelated, the violence shown in that picture is real. And it shows the BJP MLA in a violent attack mode. The only victim in the story is that horse. It does not take a genius to put 2 and 2 together.

My position is based on what my common sense tells me, not my biases.

Yes it didn't took a genius either to slip in Anti National in the news either. Another to fall for it.
It is just as worse.


Evidence ?
Do you even know which leg was broken?
It is just as worse.


Evidence ?

Where is the evidence? He is so far away from the horse that I doubt he was even aiming at the horse. He looks to be concentrating on something on the ground rather than looking at the horse. The horse went down after it stumbled and here you are making absurd argument that the MLA waving a stick 10 feet away from the front end of the horse broke its hind leg.
I don't care if they call it "Anti National" or "secular" in the news.

I am more concerned for that horse and the wider message it sends out about the people who are expected to protect "Dharma".
wider message?spread by whom? presstitutes who block news about attacks on BJP in other states? last night CPI M goons attacked BJP workers in Kerala, Mahila morcha chief getting threats to her life but yeah lets peddle lies about BJP MLA because it suits our agenda?
You do realise this is a still image ?

That he could have very well moved forward and continued that action ? What is more likely ? that the horse was pushed and it broke his leg or that it was hit in its leg and it broke ?

How about you post a video?
Even beating up police dogs and police horses are considered punishable crime. It does take a genius to put 2 and 2 and come up with a 5 as you have done here. With no evidence whatsoever to claim that the MLA was beating up the horse. As if you know for certain the MLA has some Equinophobia and his protest was not against the govt of the state but against the horses of this world. Also consider this, the video posted by me showed many people being violent apart from the police, and here you are claiming only the horse was the victim. So maybe everyone present there were only beating up the horse.

Source: BJP MLA beats up a horse. No confirmation whether the horse was anti-national | Page 3
It was an agitation where he was surrounded by Mounted Cops.

So he was hitting either the cops or the horse. Which is more likely ? They are separate photos, but they tell a single story.

The fact that in the photo its not shown whom and what the man was beating with the stick, itelf is the evidence that something is being hidden to make a photo sensational, and putting horse on the next screen.

If there was even a single photo of man beating horse with stick that would had made proper rounds on media and social media.
While the obvious vdio makes it clear horse was not harmed by any person.
Its a open and shut case.

Court does not function on ifs and buts evidence or common sense of a singular person whose bias is yet not clear, and neither on such as that stupid photoshop above.
Do you honestly expect a man drunk on power, waving a sick and acting violently to think rationally or act completely rationally ?

Your argument is that more than one man was beating up the horse ? or that they were just swiping that lathi and hitting the ground ?

I dont know whether you are in mood for trolling Manvan, but if you are the only one acting irrational despite the evidence presented here is you. Far too many uncalled for assumptions in your post which have nothing to do with reality.
Just break all his limbs? How about hacking him to death for not being secular?
Why would someone break a Horse's leg? He should be punished, if the MLA did harm the horse.
Why would someone break a Horse's leg? He should be punished, if the MLA did harm the horse.

So it's been proved that MLA broke the leg? If you'll go through the video you will see what actually happened, but as usual people love to jump the gun without getting the facts.
Yeah...after all as per seculars, beating a horse is much worse than beheading a cow or Goat..

Keep it up :)

We dont beat animal before eating them. FYI for Muslims an Injured or Sickly animal is haram to eat. It is a sin to use injured or sickly animal for hard labour as well. In Muslim belief every animal soul goes to heavens as they are innocents. In Islam killing animals for sport is also harm. We dont just take care of cows we take care of all animals.
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