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BJP is moving away from secularism and towards hardliner Hindutava

A Mass Murderer as PM of the country would do wonders for Indian Image.

Yeah... so much so that TIME magazine praised him while laughed at MMS.

Modi is too radical a Character to be picked by BJP, and has Polarized the Alliance.

Radical character is what we want, dude. Secoolarists have been promoting terror against Dharmic faiths for too long. Demographic warfare against the Hindus and us is not the way to go.

The Alliance partners are jumping off the Sinking Ship like rats.

Asshats like Nitish are better off away.

This Polarization has created desertions in the NDA Alliance and on the other hand it may unify and strengthen Congress and its allies.

It is actually doing the opposite. Modi's candidature has increased vote projections for BJP.

Looks like in their euphoria BJP just shot itself in the foot and is now on a Self-Destruct mission.

BJP did something for the first time sensible.

Removed suckularist vermin and started meaning business.

Dramabaazi of sickular brigade in full display :cheesy:

Bullshyt atheism was such a success..

we saw it in North Korea, Cuba and USSR...:coffee:

Move on.

Yeah... now lets stay away from communism... every human being with a half way functioning brain knows that communism will end in disaster.

Look at countries like Norway, Denmark or other European countries where people dont care about religion... these countries have the highest living standards in the world.
Dramabaazi of sickular brigade in full display :cheesy:


If TRUE , pathetic behaviour from the Congress party .

But then again we are talking about congress . You cant expect anything better from them.

India has always been secular.

Define Secularism as a Universal Definition.

It is very relevant and forms the bedrock of Indian society.

Did secularism exist 1000 years back?

What did Indic society followed then?

Back in 47 we saw a very small trailer of what can happen if we deviate from this.

Secularism was inserted into Constitution in 1976.

Where was India secular in 1947?

Isn't that a fallacy?
Funny that those who call Modi "Unsecular" actually would be hoping for a votes division on religious lines to save their corruptocracy next year. Some seculars these.
Funny that those who call Modi "Unsecular" actually would be hoping for a votes division on religious lines to save their corruptocracy next year. Some seculars these.

What is this thing called Secularism?
My friend, I hate to be the bearer of bad news to you but INDIAN SECULARISM is 3000 miles wide but only HALF INCH DEEP.

It is actually HINDUTVA MONSTER spray painted with a thin coat of SECULARISM.

At first sight of a Hindu-Muslim conflict, that half inch of Secularism paint washes off and the naked HINDUTVA MONSTER comes out roaring.

Who are we kidding...

The last thing I would like to get into is a debate on a subject like this where each person is entitled to their opinion.

You to your & I to mine.

Living in India I feel I have a better chance of seein India work from the inside while ppl like you form opinions based on what is heard, told , passed , perceived , imagined or even wished.

One does not have to kid or convince anyone , least of all a non Indian.
Please don't consider me a BJP or Modi supporter cause i support nobody and hate every politician as he is worst than a pimp and Prostitutes will bend their heads in shame if we compare them with politicians. They are worst than virus and fungi.

The second Godse shot Mahatma Gandhi the people of India should have known that Secularism could become an abusive word in India soon.

Appeasement of anybody will bring out the worst of others. Congress however has successfully till date silenced the others and continued with its pseudo secular politics.

BJP had to latch onto the next best thing, i am not supporting them but telling that it is a reaction of appeasement. Studying Janata party's morphing into BJP minutely can make us understand this properly. I am sure not today not tomorrow not in some years but surely in future the members of the Congress party at that time will answer for psuedo secular and dynastic politics and BJP for their divisive ones. Politicians are really the worst scum of this earth. Worst than those who commit genocide.
Interesting development.. but are we seeing a PTI'esque phenomenon in India or the rise of a Nazi Party?
People fighting over religion like you unable to use their reason are the most pathetic scum on the planet, responsible for so much death and destruction.
Why so angry dude ? Are u scared of something ?
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