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BJP is moving away from secularism and towards hardliner Hindutava

I guess it is an opinion of majority since the 20% minority muslim are mostly fundamentalist believers in some book brought by some mid eastern dude.

i am going to give you a chance to edit your comments if you chose not to then i will respond in a way you will understand.
Define Secularism as a Universal Definition.

Did secularism exist 1000 years back?

What did Indic society followed then?

Secularism was inserted into Constitution in 1976.

Where was India secular in 1947?

Isn't that a fallacy?

Why didn't BJP had guts to remove those words from Constitution when they were in power...........Or do they have guts remove those words "Secular" from Constitution when they come to power..............
Yeah... now lets stay away from communism... every human being with a half way functioning brain knows that communism will end in disaster.

The core of belief in communism is what you are professing, my friend.

Look at countries like Norway, Denmark or other European countries where people dont care about religion... these countries have the highest living standards in the world.

Simply because they have lost their ancient Norse faith due to mass Christianization. Now when Christianity has failed in Europe, they've become stuck in a cultural crisis, seeing atheism as the way. BTW there is a massive Norse revivalist movement started already in Norway and Sweden and people there are voluntarily coming into its fold.

There was a recent summit in Europe in which community representatives of all ancient faiths (pre-Abrahamic religions) met from world around including Buddhist and Hindu leaders. :)

There is a reason why our country proudly wears our spirituo-cultural belief on its sleeve.

Because it is our identity.

Don't be ashamed of your identity because some cheap-rear people are pretending to be the victim in a country which has accepted more non-Hindu and non-Dharmic refugees since history than ANY other country of organized religion.
Parsis, Jews, pre-revolution Iranians, hundreds of post-Soviet Afghans, Burmese and Tibetans are some of the most well known example

All because of the loving, assimilating, adjusting nature of Dharmic faiths.... unlike organized religion.

My friend, you are Keralite aren't you?

Why are you ashamed of being a proud Hindu by your roots? :)

Your land is called God's Own Country, is one of the most beautiful places and has some of the most spiritual mainstream Hindu shrines. You are today the cradle of ancient medicine of Ayurveda and your place founded the origins of ancient martial arts that spread in entire Asia and the world later.

You should be proud of your identity rather than being ashamed of it and deny it.

Atheism is the consequence of disillusionment of Abrahamic religions that initially exterminated ancient cultures world around.

When people in these countries realized how limited organized religions are, it was late as all their pre-Abrahamic faith's texts and teachings were destroyed.

So they had nothing to return back to, leaving them craving for spiritual enrichment.

Instead, they turned to Atheism as a fresh attempt to start all over again. While many of these Atheists are adopting ancient eastern philosophies of Buddhism and mainstream Hinduism.

Your faith and your ancient culture is still strong and is attracting the entire world just like my branch of Dharma is. Whether it is West, Africa, North or Southeast Asia, our culture spread without the need of any money giving or façade of charity. Instead, people willingly adopted them whether it is my Buddhism or your ancestral Hinduism.

Be proud of who you are and don't let false victimization, weaken your faith in your roots.

Why didn't BJP had guts to remove those words from Constitution when they were in power...........Or do they have guts remove those words "Secular" from Constitution when they come to power..............

Congress has been ruling for 50+ years while BJP ruled only for 5 years.

If you don't give them absolute majority, they cannot function the way you are speaking of right now.
My friend, I hate to be the bearer of bad news to you but INDIAN SECULARISM is 3000 miles wide but only HALF INCH DEEP.

It is actually HINDUTVA MONSTER spray painted with a thin coat of SECULARISM.

At first sight of a Hindu-Muslim conflict, that half inch of Secularism paint washes off and the naked HINDUTVA MONSTER comes out roaring.

Who are we kidding...

Well as long as you dont attack Hindus, you (Muslims) will be fine. But the moment you feel like it is your baap ka raaj that you can kill Hindus and get away with it (like Muslims started the riots in Gujrat by killing Hindu pilgrims), then you will get an equal response, as you saw in 2002 in Gujrat...

Also last tim ei checked Muslims demanded a separate homeland in 1947, they carved out a separate Muslim land from Hindu land, and created their own country. Now if these muslims feel uncomfortable in India, they can always go to the land they made and fought for themselves in 1947...

i am going to give you a chance to edit your comments if you chose not to then i will respond in a way you will understand.

Whats wrong in what he said? Its 100% true...
Why didn't BJP had guts to remove those words from Constitution when they were in power...........Or do they have guts remove those words "Secular" from Constitution when they come to power..............

The word secular was simply not needed because if the Hindus and other Dharmic communities were not secular by nature, there would have been no organized religion in India after independence.

Whereas even before 1976, Indians exhibited natural secularism to a marvellous extent. Our Armed forces named non-Hindus are commanders of armed forces and the positions of president. Our people were supportive of non-Dharmic countries during the USSR era much before the word 'secularism' was inserted into our Constitution.

Infact, secularism is not needed for Dharmic cultures (Buddhist, Hindu, Sikhs, Jain etc) because we all have been naturally tolerant.

It was state enforced in a conservative Europe and Turkey because before them, Organized religion was in full force and didn't tolerate existence of other faiths since the beginning.

So the government had to invent a word and define it so as to keep people tolerant of those who are not like them.

Christian Europe, Islamic empires hence needed a civil, law-based, state-explained word called secularism.
Well as long as you dont attack Hindus, you (Muslims) will be fine. But the moment you feel like it is your baap ka raaj that you can kill Hindus and get away with it (like Muslims started the riots in Gujrat by killing Hindu pilgrims), then you will get an equal response, as you saw in 2002 in Gujrat...

Also last tim ei checked Muslims demanded a separate homeland in 1947, they carved out a separate Muslim land from Hindu land, and created their own country. Now if these muslims feel uncomfortable in India, they can always go to the land they made and fought for themselves in 1947...

Whats wrong in what he said? Its 100% true...

If the 250 million Indian Muslims who are 20% of India's Population decide to leave India, They will bring with them 20% of India's land from today's India. Just let us know when you are ready for this.....:omghaha:
If the 250 million Indian Muslims who are 20% of India's Population decide to leave India, They will bring with them 20% of India's land from today's India. Just let us know when you are ready for this.....:omghaha:

Wet dreams, they will get the Pakistani minority Shia treatment .... Land has already been given to them in 1947...

I have said it before and I will say it again, dont attack hindus and you will be fine. Attack Hindus and face the consequence which you did in 2002...
If the 250 million Indian Muslims who are 20% of India's Population decide to leave India, They will bring with them 20% of India's land from today's India. Just let us know when you are ready for this.....:omghaha:

Why not try now?

The best part for you is that A 'killer' like Modi has some of the largest muslim supporters. :azn:

What will you tell them?

Besides, you can say ta-ta to your dreams because the era of stupid ahimsuck gandhians is gone to donate any more land. :D
If the 250 million Indian Muslims who are 20% of India's Population decide to leave India, They will bring with them 20% of India's land from today's India. Just let us know when you are ready for this.....:omghaha:

Pakistanis have been seeing the same wet-dream for past 66 years .

The only thing that happened in these years is that you lost half your country ...... :omghaha:
If the 250 million Indian Muslims who are 20% of India's Population decide to leave India, They will bring with them 20% of India's land from today's India. Just let us know when you are ready for this.....:omghaha:

This we call 'muh main Ram bagal main churi'.
Pakistanis have been seeing the same wet-dream for past 66 years .

The only thing that happened in these years is that you lost half your country ...... :omghaha:

We would love for you to alienate 250 million Indians inside India. That will be Pakistan's dream come true to have a fifth column inside India of 250 million Indians. We are ready for that so go ahead, put your money where your Fiilthy mouth is....:omghaha:
If the 250 million Indian Muslims who are 20% of India's Population decide to leave India, They will bring with them 20% of India's land from today's India. Just let us know when you are ready for this.....:omghaha:

Those who don't want to live in India are welcome to move there a$$ out. We will not give an inch of our land..

What if those 250 million revert to there original religion from alien religion?

We would love for you to alienate 250 million Indians inside India. That will be Pakistan's dream come true to have a fifth column inside India of 250 million Indians. We are ready for that so go ahead, put your money where your Fiilthy mouth is....:omghaha:

Reverting them to there original religion is also an option... :P

Imagine 250 million more Hindus...
Those who don't want to live in India are welcome to move there a$$ out. We will not give an inch of our land..

What if those 250 million revert to there original religion from alien religion?

Reverting them to there original religion is also an option... :P

Imagine 250 million more Hindus...

You just terrorized the hell out of him.

Now he won't be sleeping for 2 months straight.
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