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BJP is moving away from secularism and towards hardliner Hindutava

:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

What does secularism REALLY mean in India?

Hindu bashing, Muslim and Christian appeasing. Announcing schemes, money, aid to Muslims. Special universities, colleges to muslims. Break down Hindu temples, nail hindu leaders.

Will be proud to be a Indian than a sick secularist!

For you guys in north and south. In NE it is Buddhist bashing and attempts to convert us to organized religion. So count us in.

BJP (non secular) is 100 times better than these secular Congressies, They are b@st@rds...

Agreed to that.

Hindu bashing in north, south, east and west while Buddhist and animist targeting in NE is a common agenda of these so called secularists.

If you oppose them, you become a 'communal lunatic'. :coffee:
Yes, and I like US version of secularism, a strict separation of religion from state. Indian version of secularism is not secularism, its minority appeasement.
I think India too is following the same path......................
I think India too is following the same path......................

I dont think so, I wish India was more in US path. In US scholarships are not given to students belonging to religious minorities, in India it is. In USA they proudly call themselves a secular nation with Christian Jewish roots/foundations. In India Hindu leader that says that is called communal. USA has one common civil law for all its people, in India we have different social law for religions like Hindu/Muslim etc. I think India is a lost case, it has screwed up too much in the name of secularism....
What is this thing called Secularism?

secularism means seclusion of past from the present to create confusion, so corrupt regimes
and corporate powers can continue loot and profit from the exploitation of indian youth,resources .
I dont think so, I wish India was more in US path. In US scholarships are not given to students belonging to religious minorities, in India it is. In USA they proudly call themselves a secular nation with Christian Jewish roots/foundations. In India Hindu leader that says that is called communal. USA has one common civil law for all its people, in India we have different social law for religions like Hindu/Muslim etc. I think India is a lost case, it has screwed up too much in the name of secularism....
Being Neutral I agree with you on these Points...................Uniform Civil code.........Reservation based on Financial Condition..........But in India 90% Reservation enjoyed by ST & Sc ..............and they are Hindus.............But no Political Party in India has guts to implement all these....................
If you are a Supporter of Modi..................Check these ................he has done all these in Gujarat.................[http://www.indianexpress.com/news/v...ion-of-temples/388528/..................About RSS man SUNIL JOSHI you know..............

A vast Majority of Modi Supporters like me support him because he is good Administator ...Does not matter If he Breaks Temples or not and a Majority of Us are True Secularists not Pseudosecularists and We will approve of those Temple Breakdowns if they were say Built on Illegal lands.
Bjp has a Support base on right wings, so they sometimes utter some shallow Religious rants to carry them along. I personally think BJP needs to stop Saying Hindutva /temple Bs and focus on Development Only , that will give them huge Dividends.
The link is not working .

shwa Hindu Parishad, marginalised in the state by the Modi Government, is trying to pull its act together to confront the Chief Minister who is working zealously to demolish unauthorised temples coming in the way of development.

The state Government in the past week has brought down over 90 religious structures, mostly temples, annoying saffron groups — VHP, Bajrang Dal and others — and a section of politically inclined sadhus.

The government action has displeased the saffron workers to such an extent that VHP's national leader Ashok Singhal, who was here to do spot assessment of the situation, had to calm their frayed nerves.

State VHP leaders who had worked hard to see Modi coming to power in 2002, now call him an opportunist. "Not temples, he is demolishing Hindutva," said VHP state secretary Ranchod Bharwad.

"When there was Hindutva wave in the state, he rode it to grab power. Now when all Indian states are vying to destroy Hindutva, Modi wants to take the lead," he said.

The demolition of temples is a double whammy for VHP, which is yet to come to terms with the arrest of the party's general secretary Ashwin Patel and slapping of sedition charges on him for circulating anti-Modi SMSs after the July 26 blasts in Ahmedabad. The VHP had made a din and its leaders had courted arrests then. But Modi had paid no heed.

Behind the unprecedented temple demolition drive is a survey done by the Gadhinagar Collector that had revealed encroachment of pubic space and roads in the state capital by over 310 religious structures.

The demolition drive began quietly around Diwali, and was noticed only after six temples were razed. Soon, it took a political turn.

A Mandir Bachao Samiti has been formed consisting saffron groups, political parties like Maha Gujarat Janta Party- formed by BJP rebels- and others

VHP-Modi face-off on demolition of temples - Indian Express
f*****k secularism.....Hindustan is land of Hindu ..........modi must come in power....he is hard core RSS guy.......only he can change india
Good , that shows he is a development oriented politician who doesnot allow religious politics from hampering growth .

May Be.............This was done long back in Kerala by CPM CM , EK Nayanar...................
For you guys in north and south. In NE it is Buddhist bashing and attempts to convert us to organized religion. So count us in.

Agreed to that.

Hindu bashing in north, south, east and west while Buddhist and animist targeting in NE is a common agenda of these so called secularists.

If you oppose them, you become a 'communal lunatic'. :coffee:

+ looting Indian money and stashing them in foreign banks, these guys an do only are scums who can do only scams....and do you know when congress is in power beaurocrazy is at worse and babus at large? they look for appeasing the administers and looting the poor man.

These masquerade vested interests can only fool an L board, not the experienced ones..

f*****k secularism.....Hindustan is land of Hindu ..........modi must come in power....he is hard core RSS guy.......only he can change india

RSS has f@cked India in ways that are beyond imagination, one of the patrons in disturbing social harmony.
Modi is a choice because he is an able administrator and visionary....
What is this thing called Secularism?

Some insecure parties who are afraid of eradicating poverty/corruption for the common and prey on sucking the minorities like mangoes.Thus leaving the common man suffer including the minorities.

These Sickular parties are responsible for instigating riots against minorities in the past but FAILED to punish those responsible.
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