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BJP: India's main opposition party appears to be returning to Hindu nationalism

Why does it takes over a month to run an election in India?

Don't they have computers there?

Or do they count the votes with punch cards like Florida?
There are millions of voters, there is always fear of terrorist/naxalite attacks on polling booths and its a nightmare task to manage such a large of voters. So India divides its elections over a period of time for security and management purposes.

BTW India uses electronic voting machines, not punch cards or ballot boxes.
Walk into any damn government office, full of Muslim reserved employees.

This is only your prejudice talking. Once again, government programs are heavily favored toward lower caste Hindus, but you don't "see" them because they don't stand out to you. The Muslims stand out to you because you look for them and ignore all the lower caste Hindus who got in because of reservations.

Then you clearly admit that the problem is because these guys fail to integrate into any society they are a part of

Not at all.

What I am saying is that Indian Muslims face an ongoing and daily stigma by those Hindus who can't get over the past. There are many Hindus, even on this forum, who never stop talking about "foreign" faiths and indigenous faiths. This obsession with indigenous faiths is an ongoing campaign to keep Indian Muslims marginalized as aliens.

Modi wave is all about economy and inflation, the Hindutva is being dragged into all this by others for the sake of scaremongering.

Modi's statements about safeguarding Hindu rights are a fact and not a figment of people's imagination.
They will get what all others get and they are getting MORE than what all others are getting. Walk into any damn government office, full of Muslim reserved employees. How they get in? It is called free quota system. It means NO MATTER WHAT you get in your grades in school or college, you will be given a job. WHY? because you are a Muslim.

Post offices, municipalities, government associations, academic boards, heck, even medical courses for doctors!!

Why? Because they are 'minority'. Why can't they work like how other communities work?

That's a blatant lie. Until recently there has been no reservation for Muslims unlike for lower caste Hindus. Muslims who enjoy reservation now also are from lower "caste" (I know Muslim lower caste sound like oxymoron, but hey this is South Asia!) and it has come up too recently for govt office and medical institutions to be filled up by Muslims!

I'm not sure how did you come up with this fiction, I tend to ignore political topics because of "you are either with us or against us" nature of argument but pitched in because a very good friend of mine, a Muslim by birth and himself an accomplished doctor, did get into medical not because of any reservation but his talent!
This is only your prejudice talking. Once again, government programs are heavily favored toward lower caste Hindus, but you don't "see" them because they don't stand out to you. The Muslims stand out to you because you look for them and ignore all the lower caste Hindus who got in because of reservations.

Are you seriously telling me about my country, dude? I live here daily. I interact with public offices more than what you see on TV and read in newspapers.


Not at all.

What I am saying is that Indian Muslims face an ongoing and daily stigma by those Hindus who can't get over the past. There are many Hindus, even on this forum, who never stop talking about "foreign" faiths and indigenous faiths. This obsession with indigenous faiths is an ongoing campaign to keep Indian Muslims marginalized as aliens.

Well they should behave like any other common man. If they start bringing their religion into everything, then naturally people will get pissed. Half of our culture in our country is incompatible with your sharia. So how is it our fault if the want to bring in every specific rule of their religion into public life?

Those who behave like normal people, NEVER complain.

Man you really need to stop lecturing me about my country where I live in. The level of interaction we have here with each other is much more than any report can make you see.

Modi's statements about safeguarding Hindu rights are a fact and not a figment of people's imagination.

SO how is it wrong to safeguard the rights of Hindus? You don't want their rights to be safeguarded?

If they will not feel safe in India, where will they feel safe? Just because they are quiet and don't get violent like your religion, so they should be continuously oppressed and denied their rights?

Let's face it; India is a Hindu majority country and Hindu culture has to be respected. We don't have problem because we are similar to them in many ways.

Muslims keep feeling marginalized because by showing their victimhood they can milk free benefits that the governments dole out to them.

No more of that nonsense. Either work for your stuff, integrate with the local society or get lost. Simple.

That's a blatant lie. Until recently there has been no reservation for Muslims unlike for lower caste Hindus. Muslims who enjoy reservation now also are from lower "caste" (I know Muslim lower caste sound like oxymoron, but hey this is South Asia!) and it has come up too recently for govt office and medical institutions to be filled up by Muslims!

I'm not sure how did you come up with this fiction, I tend to ignore political topics because of "you are either with us or against us" nature of argument but pitched in because a very good friend of mine, a Muslim by birth and himself an accomplished doctor, did get into medical not because of any reservation but his talent!

The choice of studying is entirely upto individuals.

Are you telling me that the reservations are not there?

This is only your prejudice talking. Once again, government programs are heavily favored toward lower caste Hindus, but you don't "see" them because they don't stand out to you. The Muslims stand out to you because you look for them and ignore all the lower caste Hindus who got in because of reservations.

Not at all.
What I am saying is that Indian Muslims face an ongoing and daily stigma by those Hindus who can't get over the past. There are many Hindus, even on this forum, who never stop talking about "foreign" faiths and indigenous faiths. This obsession with indigenous faiths is an ongoing campaign to keep Indian Muslims marginalized as aliens.
Modi's statements about safeguarding Hindu rights are a fact and not a figment of people's imagination.

In one the state like kerala where Muslims are there in high percentage unlike rest of the country, the Muslim share is 12% in Kerala government jobs and 8% in professional educational institutions. Irrespective of their social and economic status, all Muslims are eligible and it will be filled by Muslims only or will lie vacant. That means they can apply in the normal way or if competition is tuff, they still get the jobs ahead of more deserving ones.

Similarly, in Bihar, 3% of them have benefited from job quotas. The panchayat bodies, too, have Muslims among the 20% reserved for EBCs. ''Many Muslims have benefited from job reservation and a number of backward Muslims became IAS and IPS through this facility.''

In Karnataka, exclusive quota of 4% in government jobs and education came into force in October 1986 when Ramakrishna Hegde was CM. It's still in force.

West Bengal government has 10% quota for Muslims categorized as backward on parameters like education, occupation and livelihood.

PS: The Tamil Nadu government introduced quota for Muslims and Christians through an ordinance in 2007, and later fixed 3.5% each for Muslims and Christians. Christians gave up their part of the quota, and their share was given to Hindu backwards.
Modi's statements about safeguarding Hindu rights are a fact and not a figment of people's imagination.

That's called cherry picking, in almost every rally he talked about development, the strong back of business community shows the faith in his model, i don't think you brand corporate sectors as evil 'yindoo' too. BTW you seems to exaggerating his comment out of your imagination, he only said accepting Hindus from Bangladesh (who feel persecution in Bangladesh on the hand of Jamatis and draconian enemy property act.)
Are you seriously telling me about my country, dude? I live here daily. I interact with public offices more than what you see on TV and read in newspapers.

People see what they want to see. They subconsciously filter out things which they consider "normal" and not worth noticing.

Well they should behave like any other common man. If they start bringing their religion into everything, then naturally people will get pissed.

While I don't deny that there might be some Muslims who make an issue of religion, the fact is that it is the radical Hindus who make it an issue. The radical Hindutva crowd simply cannot live down the past and are obsessed with differentiating between indigenous faiths and alien faiths. That obsession keeps the religious divide alive.

Let's face it; India is a Hindu majority country

Of course it is, but Modi is running to represent all Indians, not just the majority.

In one the state like kerala where Muslims are there in high percentage unlike rest of the country, the Muslim share is 12% in Kerala government jobs and 8% in professional educational institutions. Irrespective of their social and economic status, all Muslims are eligible and it will be filled by Muslims only or will lie vacant. That means they can apply in the normal way or if competition is tuff, they still get the jobs ahead of more deserving ones.

Similarly, in Bihar, 3% of them have benefited from job quotas. The panchayat bodies, too, have Muslims among the 20% reserved for EBCs. ''Many Muslims have benefited from job reservation and a number of backward Muslims became IAS and IPS through this facility.''

In Karnataka, exclusive quota of 4% in government jobs and education came into force in October 1986 when Ramakrishna Hegde was CM. It's still in force.

West Bengal government has 10% quota for Muslims categorized as backward on parameters like education, occupation and livelihood.

PS: The Tamil Nadu government introduced quota for Muslims and Christians through an ordinance in 2007, and later fixed 3.5% each for Muslims and Christians. Christians gave up their part of the quota, and their share was given to Hindu backwards.

What are the comparable quotas for lower caste Hindus in all these cases?
People see what they want to see. They subconsciously filter out things which they consider "normal" and not worth noticing.

While I don't deny that there might be some Muslims who make an issue of religion, the fact is that it is the radical Hindus who make it an issue. The radical Hindutva crowd simply cannot live down the past and are obsessed with differentiating between indigenous faiths and alien faiths. That obsession keeps the religious divide alive.

Of course it is, but Modi is running to represent all Indians, not just the majority.

What are the comparable quotas for lower caste Hindus in all these cases?

And Modi has been voted for equally by Muslims too.
What are the comparable quotas for lower caste Hindus in all these cases?

Around 7-15% for tribals, which usualy never gets filled, OBC's (other bckwrd caste) get equal quota of that of Muslims.
And Modi has been voted for equally by Muslims too.

Mate, can you please tell me, why in the world we are DEFENDING ourselves on this issue to people from other countries???

It's our Democratic RIGHT to choose anyone we like, who the hell others are to question our JUDGEMENT??
Around 7-15% for tribals, which usualy never gets filled, OBC's (other bckwrd caste) get equal quota of that of Muslims.

In some parts of India, the Hindu lower caste quotas are much larger than those for Muslims.

Bottom line, the quotas are adjusted to represent the local demographics, and Muslims are not disproportionately favored compared to lower caste Hindus.

This scare mongering that Congress looks out for Muslims (and not Hindus) is pure demagoguery and outright false.
In some parts of India, the Hindu lower caste quotas are much larger than those for Muslims.

Bottom line, the quotas are adjusted to represent the local demographics, and Muslims are not disproportionately favored compared to lower caste Hindus.

This scare mongering that Congress looks out for Muslims (and not Hindus) is pure demagoguery and outright false.

The point is not to have quota at all.

Whether it is some so-called caste or muslims, quota was suppsoed to be revoked 10 years after independence by Ambedkar himself.

It wasn't until the bloody clown of a PM VP Singh revived this whole mess and screwed up politics in India.
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