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BJP: India's main opposition party appears to be returning to Hindu nationalism

The preamble sets the tone for the rest of the constitution. I can't believe that Indians are nitpicking over their own constitution.

What part of 'Preamble is not a part of the constitution' you didn't understand? It's more like a preface to a book.

Those are the values that the constitution at large aims to address, but any argument on the basis of preamble is not valid in the court of law.
What part of 'Preamble is not a part of the constitution' you didn't understand? It's more like a preface to a book.

Those are the values that the constitution at large aims to address, but any argument on the basis of preamble is not valid in the court of law.

So secularism never played any part in India.
Cause it doesn't affect us directly. As far as I know, the reservation quota for Jats has been included in the existing quota meant for the OBC.

Doesn't make as much sense as a quota on the basis of economic status would make though.
So reservation for sc st and obc don't affect you but reservation for Muslims does. Don't you think you should show some neutrality just for the sake of it! :lol:
I am saying there are a number of subtexts in the Modi campaign, and the Hindutva sloganeering is very much in play.

It is mostly a non factor. Otherwise in a country of 80%+ Hindu population, BJP would have won every election just by playing the Hindutva card.
They will get what all others get and they are getting MORE than what all others are getting. Walk into any damn government office, full of Muslim reserved employees. How they get in? It is called free quota system. It means NO MATTER WHAT you get in your grades in school or college, you will be given a job. WHY? because you are a Muslim.

Post offices, municipalities, government associations, academic boards, heck, even medical courses for doctors!!

Why? Because they are 'minority'. Why can't they work like how other communities work?

Those who are our citizens should behave like our citizens, instead of being beguiled by crazed and funded mullahs who coem fresh from Saudi back to India with their paycheques.

Talk about the Hindu community in your country (considering that you wiped out my people).

The day they are safe, you have any right to talk to us on this whole minority issue. Otherwise nothing.

Then you clearly admit that the problem is because these guys fail to integrate into any society they are a part of, except a few handful whose behaviour is like any true Indian. But majority of them have issues especially nowadays.

They should learn to accept and integrate with everyone else and live like common people, stop this whole ghettoism, stop this 'we want sharia, we want reservations, we are oh so poorly persecuted' blah blah bullshit when NO OTHER COMMUNITY is having problems.

If those people of Muslim community who cannot live under a common Uniform Civil Law that treats everyone equally, then they should pack their bags and leave the country.

Hum baki non-Hindu community ke log yahan Choot**e nahi baithe hain jo mehnat kar rahe hain hindu bhaiyon ki tarah.

If those groups of people who cannot live in our country like other people, they can get the fck out of India.

Rejecting something doesn't make things change today. Tell me, what is this factionalism they practice? I know political youth volunteers who have gone to volunteer work in rural areas for parties like AAP here, and hoping to see a 'aam aadmi' related set of issues, Muslims ask them 'hamari kaum ko kya doge agar hum vote karenge'?

Who the heck polarizes now?

Then these people should stop asking favours that is given to them at the cost of other people.

Work hard, study hard and become a proud professional with decent families. That's the way to go.

As a student I used to also feel that we people should side with them and ask for benefits that they are not getting. But as I started travelling across India I realized how much the Hindus are giving in terms of allocations, reservations, jobs, educational grants etc to Muslims and still they keep asking for more.

Sorry. If you still feel some people are not getting enough, take them into Pakistan. We are NOT feeding them freebies.

You can call us whatever you want.

NO ONE, NO OTHER community acts like a crybaby here in India other than Muslims claiming fake discrimination. Not once. Parsis are loved by everyone. Jews and even remote religions like Syrian eastern, orthodox etc are respected and liked here.

We Buddhists are respected and given our place without any questions. Heck! our holiest shrine in Bodh Gaya has more Hindu visitors than us (we are 'differentiated' only by British colonials, not otherwise).

Sikh bros are one of the strongest component of our national defense and form one of the most prosperous communities in India. Jains are well known for their business acumen and their simple way of living.

But no. Muslims want more free stuff and claim discrimination.

All other communities are fed up of their insatiable crying. Work for it or leave. Simple.

Good thing right? Where will Hindus feel safe otherwise? In Saudi Arabia? :lol:

Honestly dude, most people in India have no problem with the majority Hindus and respect them and their way of life as they respect ours.

Only Muslim community has this eternal feeling of victimization. Not just in India but crying all over the world despite having 20 times better lives than living in islamic nations.

You mean Saffron hai rang is bar?

Abki baar... Modi Sarkaar! :P

Hit the right nerve of pseudo victim hood of Muslims.......they don't want to participate in mainstream through hard work instead chosen the path of special care to be given their community in the name of minority of around 20 cr people Which is why I say they are not minority at first place ...... other minorities never begged like them.......
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@Tshering22 - What did I tell you? :mad:
Reservation will be there. :agree: Hell, it must be expanded for Muslims.
We should convert to Islam pronto and take this offer. :tup: This is obviously an incentive. We can't change our castes, but we can change our religion. This is obvious. :coffee:

I expected you to be more informed, or do you also see Muslims everywhere in govt offices, medical and engg colleges who got there by the help of reservation!! :P

You don't get reservation if you convert, not all Muslims get reservation but only some specific subcaste do, now if you ask me how come Muslims have caste, well according to govt, they are classes not castes.

Look I'm all for scrapping reservation altogether, but who's going to bell the cat? Is it in bjp manifesto, I didn't get time to read it yet. However I'm sick of the blatant display of double standard being touted as nationalism here.

I'm sure you already aware of these facts, but hinduvta seems to be uber cool and in thing these days. The more hinduvta you are more development, less corruption, pumped up patriotism and all that jazz. :lol:
So secularism never played any part in India.

Well, given that neither the preamble nor any section/part of the constitution defines 'Secular', we'll have to go by the usual meaning. No preferential treatment to any citizen on the basis of any specified religion, nor will the state compel anyone to practise a particular religion.

But there always has been preferential treatments to followers of particular religions. For instance, the subsidy for haj provided by the GOI, isn't it preferential treatment to Muslims? Or for that matter, even subsidies are handed out to Hindus for Kailaish Mansarovar Yatra. So it basically violates the dictionary meaning of secular.

So yes, I'd conclude India is not truly a secular state, never has been. The only reason India has been able to uphold the value of 'Secularism' is cause of it's people, proud of it.

So reservation for sc st and obc don't affect you but reservation for Muslims does. Don't you think you should show some neutrality just for the sake of it! :lol:

Just for a second, stimulate your intellectual prowess and see why we have a reservation for sc/st/obc in the first place? Cause they are historically-disadvantaged people, who suffered the most through the hands of the British/the so called high caste people/etc etc. The muslims do not need this, for they have not been subjected to any kind of oppression, cause they themselves boast about how powerful they are, ruled India for centuries, blah blah blah.

And please do read my previous post again, I'm against all reservations, except for economically backward sections, or better, make it for BPL families.
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So reservation for sc st and obc don't affect you but reservation for Muslims does. Don't you think you should show some neutrality just for the sake of it! :lol:

What about other minorities. You mean only Hindus have that quota in sc, st and obc.
muslims should not get reservation,if they are unhappy they can go to pakistan/bangladesh,thats the name of their reservation.
Apparently The Economist, The Guardian and The Washington Post are not so confident that Modi is not guilty of the offences alleged against him.

The courts have spoken, no body gives a sh** what newspapers say in this case. They can say what they want... its still not gonna change the judges decision
My Chinese origin friend, another member already told you that voting is done through Electronic voting machines, so the question of 'stuffing ballots' does not arise. Please try to use the grey matter once in a while if it's possible.

But what am I to expect from a person with Chinese blood flowing through their veins and hiding behind western flags, whose original homeland has never experienced democracy in it's entire history. To the contrary your people were mindlessly programmed into chasing four pests and other wonderful 'ideas' that culminated in tens of millions of his fellow Chinese being killed or starved to death. ;)

I say NO THANKS to fake democracy for the banana republic of India. A land of fake diplomas and criminal MPs.

"stuff ballot box" is a figure of speech. Learn some English. It will do you good since Indians proclaim to be fluent in the English language. Do not look like they are.
I expected you to be more informed, or do you also see Muslims everywhere in govt offices, medical and engg colleges who got there by the help of reservation!! :P

You don't get reservation if you convert, not all Muslims get reservation but only some specific subcaste do, now if you ask me how come Muslims have caste, well according to govt, they are classes not castes.

Look I'm all for scrapping reservation altogether, but who's going to bell the cat? Is it in bjp manifesto, I didn't get time to read it yet. However I'm sick of the blatant display of double standard being touted as nationalism here.

I'm sure you already aware of these facts, but hinduvta seems to be uber cool and in thing these days. The more hinduvta you are more development, less corruption, pumped up patriotism and all that jazz. :lol:
No no, you misunderstood. I see mostly Muslims in my state, but that is not due to reservation. That is not my concern.
My concern is that this division based on birth is harmful and unconstitutional. And I am also all for scrapping reservation altogether. I don't care for manifestos on this social matter :)

Reservation is a defeatist approach - when you don't have enough seats, you deprive one group to provide for another. Instead IMO the approach should be to provide enough seats to all. In the basic fields that is.
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