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BJP: India's main opposition party appears to be returning to Hindu nationalism

Mate, can you please tell me, why in the world we are DEFENDING ourselves on this issue to people from other countries???

It's our Democratic RIGHT to choose anyone we like, who the hell others are to question our JUDGEMENT??

I am just trying to make him open his eyes since he is usually one of the saner Pakistanis here who is somewhat logical in his approach.

But yeah, the very worry, fear and apprehension that Pakistanis/Bangladeshis express about Modi makes me even more convinced to have him in power. That simply means we are doing it right. :azn:

What about it?

The Sachar commisson was specifically tasked to focus on the state of Indians Muslims.

That doesn't invalidate the observation that government quotas are adjusted for local demographics and lower caste Hindus are the biggest beneficiaries.

The point is not to have quota at all.

Whether it is some so-called caste or muslims, quota was suppsoed to be revoked 10 years after independence by Ambedkar himself.

It wasn't until the bloody clown of a PM VP Singh revived this whole mess and screwed up politics in India.

As I wrote earlier, in an ideal world where people behave without prejudice and treat everyone equally on merit, that would be the case.

But, in the real world, where discrimination is rife, corrective measures need to be taken. This is not a Congressi sickular plot, this is a phenomenon recognized the world over.
The choice of studying is entirely upto individuals.

Are you telling me that the reservations are not there?


Yes there have not been any reservation for Muslims until recently. Sachhar commission rings a bell? Have been living under a rock all these years?
This Bs article its only ellaborate views of the particular elite class of britain who still mourn about indian independence from hands of british .point here is that these so called class ever respected about views of indian citizens.

It is actually a very well argued article and your points do not exactly refute it in any way.

The article doesn't say anything about the dozens of charges filed against him as you have said in your earlier post. Rather it is comedic, the writer, wants him to accept a crime he didn't commit, and things like not wanting to wear Muslim cap is a show of his Muslim hate?? The article is biased to such a high degree that it is plain stupid.

It refers to those other cases but not specifically. There is no reason to disbelieve the contents of the article.

You know wrong. Everytime before coming to office I commit some atrocity on a Muslim. We only look secular. We are mushriks and hence like this only. Can't be helped.
BJP has always propounded Hindutva as one of its core goals. You may be awakening from your sleep. I don't blame you - writing a book not worth the paper it is printed on is bad enough. And you also have to publicize it in every thread. Pity.

I have to wake people up. Isn't that what you are saying I should be doing? I am not mentioning the book on every thread but only that which is relevant. Since thousands have purchased the book and many more are downloading I have to disagree with your view.
By rejecting the two nation theory, Indian Muslims believed that they would be able to participate in India as first class citizens. You are saying that non-Hindus are not first class citizens, and they can only be considered Indian if they accept India as a Hindu nation.
well, I doubt these militant Hindutva radicals can achieve that in India. I doubt even Modi, who will be in power soon will dare to enforce what these Hindutva fascists barks in this forum.
there is the sane, "sickular" Hindus and a large population of minorities not alone Muslims or Christians but Jains,Sikhs,Boudh(who don't want to get assimilated to Hinduism) etc who really don't want a Hindu Israel to happen with India.
People are awake. In India it would only work to a particular population. You can't expect to make Hindus hate themselves because they are Hindus. And thousands purchasing the book? :hitwall: Wake up first please, before you wake others up.

Don't worry I am fully awake. It isn't Hinduism that is the problem it is political Hinduism that is the trouble.
Don't worry I am fully awake. It isn't Hinduism that is the problem it is political Hinduism that is the trouble.
Last I knew there is no Hindutva movement in Bangladesh. So I don't understand why you are getting so worked up.

In India - our country our rules.
What about it?

The Sachar commisson was specifically tasked to focus on the state of Indians Muslims.

That doesn't invalidate the observation that government quotas are adjusted for local demographics and lower caste Hindus are the biggest beneficiaries.

As I wrote earlier, in an ideal world where people behave without prejudice and treat everyone equally on merit, that would be the case.

But, in the real world, where discrimination is rife, corrective measures need to be taken. This is not a Congressi sickular plot, this is a phenomenon recognized the world over.

Muslims have made their choice in 1947 for a seperate Muslim homeland, which they got in the name of Pakistan. If the ones that were left behind dont like India, they should try greener pastures in fellow muslim ummah countries like pakistan and arabs. They even have a muslim country in the name of Bangladesh if they dont like Pakistan.

Most Indians should rather be more concerned about the well-being of patriotic Indian communities like Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains than those traitorous Muslims.
Yes but then you export your ideological crap to us ...
Are you babies or what? Whatever we export do you have to accept? Seal your borders, change your script, derecognize India as a State etc. Close diplomatic missions, kill all your Hindus. Rejoin with Pakistan. Merge with Saudi Arabia / China etc Create a new country. Do whatever you want. Why bother us?
Yes there have not been any reservation for Muslims until recently. Sachhar commission rings a bell? Have been living under a rock all these years?

The question is Why? Why reservations for someone based on community?

Why not based on economic status? And it is not like they were the only poorest in the country. There were places in India including my state which barely had electricity let alone anything modern until a few decades ago, starting from state capital Gangtok.

Isn't this the same bloody government that claims equality for all? Then why on community? Why not on financial status? Are other Indians idiots or what? Or are they permanently contracted to take the load of one community who cannot relate generally to any other than their own?

My point was do you deny that they have reservations. You admitted they do.

My question is why. Hum baaki log kya gadhe baithe hain jo kaam karke upar aate hain?
The question is Why? Why reservations for someone based on community?

Why not based on economic status? And it is not like they were the only poorest in the country. There were places in India including my state which barely had electricity let alone anything modern until a few decades ago, starting from state capital Gangtok.

Isn't this the same bloody government that claims equality for all? Then why on community? Why not on financial status? Are other Indians idiots or what? Or are they permanently contracted to take the load of one community who cannot relate generally to any other than their own?

My point was do you deny that they have reservations. You admitted they do.

My question is why. Hum baaki log kya gadhe baithe hain jo kaam karke upar aate hain?
Exactly. "Hum baaki log kya gadhe baithe hain jo kaam karke upar aate hain" - this is what we are now. We should shut up and accept our fate meekly.

According to this new law, we can convert to Islam and avail of this opportunity. Kinda like jizya. Aurangzeb likes it :tup:

Professor attacked by ABVP leader in Delhi

April 8, 2014

A professor of zoology in Delhi University's North Campus, Umesh Rai, was allegedly roughed up by the Joint Secretary of the Delhi University Students' Union Raju Rawat for purportedly making derogatory remarks against BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi.

Mr. Rawat is a member of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, the student wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh.

Talking to The Hindu about the incident, Mr. Rawat said: “Some of the first-year students had complained to me that they had not received the laptops that the university is supposed to give to all such students under the new four-year undergraduate programme (FYUP).”

“When I went to speak to him (Prof. Rai) about this, he was being rude and asking me to leave. Then I told him that his attitude would not last long, since the Modi Government would come and get rid of the FYUP. It is part of the BJP manifesto. He made fun of me and said “chaiwallas were not equipped to come and take university decisions”. At this, I lost my temper and hit him,” Mr. Rawat told The Hindu.

The ABVP student leader is also alleged to have then blackened the face of Prof. Rai.

Professor attacked by ABVP leader in Delhi - The Hindu
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