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BJP: India's main opposition party appears to be returning to Hindu nationalism

I love it when Indians shed their mask and accept that they are not a secular nation. Modi fanatics almost invariably dismiss their opponents as "sickular" and admit that Modi is the antithesis to secularism.

The progressive secular elements in India are under siege from the Hindutva supporters, and Modi's rise is a barometer of the shift from secularism towards Hindutva extremism.

We are only following the great footsteps of your baba e qaum, the two nation theory is correct according to you right? Hindus and muslims can't live together right? Jinnah was a great man to envision this beautiful ideology. So even hindu nationalists, despite their nationalism and acceptance of this theory, are still dharmic people afterall. They are not going through heavily populated muslim neighbourhoods and evicting Indian muslims from their native land. Unlikely your qatil e azam who quietly watched and/or encouraged the rape and massacre of millions of migrating families from maghribi Punjab into India. When you yourselves can never accept India as a secular republic, but constantly label it a 'hindu republic' to justify the Pakistan movement, then its obvious you can never be pleased with anything India does, and it'd be better if we both mind our own business with regard to our respective countries.

Hindu nationalism might just ignite the bigger monster in this game---The Islamic Nationalism.

India already lost so much territory to Islamic Nationalism. Do they want to lose more?

India is a secular country with no place of any type of religious nationalism.

While I'm linking continents by under-sea high-tech railway systems across Istanbul, Indian leaders are trying to get cheap votes by Hindu Nationalism?

Tells you alot about quality of The Great Republic of Turkey, and backward, illiterate dark hole called India.

My Republic


What can I say now?

Safriz, your republic is pakistan. other turkish members here have already called you out on it. prove them and myself wrong by speaking in colloquial turkish with any turkish members here. but you can't, because your real ID has been banned and renamed to Safriz the Chutiya by the webmaster. quite aptly I might add :lol:
I guess you don't know that the vast majority of affirmative action and government favors go to lower caste Hindus.

But, of course, it's easier to play the victim card and blame Muslims.

I firmly believe in meritocracy and oppose reservations based on caste creed etc. If they really want to uplift the backward sections they should have reservations based on income so that all poor- be it hindu or muslim, backward or forward class can benefit.


Muslims must have first claim on resources: PM - The Times of India

Neighbors so effin scared of this man. Its not the communal tinge i blv. Its the progress that will take place ,that the jealousy phector!:yes4:
Safriz, your republic is pakistan. other turkish members here have already called you out on it. prove them and myself wrong by speaking in colloquial turkish with any turkish members here. but you can't, because your real ID has been banned and renamed to Safriz the Chutiya by the webmaster. quite aptly I might add :lol:

Hey, why not you ask Webmaster and other forum admins to check, cross-check my IP address and tell you if I am Safriz? :azn::azn::azn::azn::azn::azn:

I am not Safriz. Administrators know it.
I love it when Indians shed their mask and accept that they are not a secular nation. Modi fanatics almost invariably dismiss their opponents as "sickular" and admit that Modi is the antithesis to secularism.

There was no mask, many Indians still find it hard to accept that India is secular. It does not depend on those few, our constitution is secular.

Modi has challenged the definition of Secularism by Congress, segreggating and sowing the seeds of fear among the Muslims as was done by British.

The progressive secular elements in India are under siege from the Hindutva supporters, and Modi's rise is a barometer of the shift from secularism towards Hindutva extremism.

:lol: NVM
I thought it was secular ...
You know wrong. Everytime before coming to office I commit some atrocity on a Muslim. We only look secular. We are mushriks and hence like this only. Can't be helped.
BJP has always propounded Hindutva as one of its core goals. You may be awakening from your sleep. I don't blame you - writing a book not worth the paper it is printed on is bad enough. And you also have to publicize it in every thread. Pity.
Hey, why not you ask Webmaster and other forum admins to check, cross-check my IP address and tell you if I am Safriz? :azn::azn::azn::azn::azn::azn:

I am not Safriz. Administrators know it.

Yeah because only the 'registered Chutiya' (webmaster's words) knows what a proxy is :lol:. Have a conversation in turkish in the turkish chat thread with any of those members, then i will believe you are turkish. got it pakistani?
I love it when Indians shed their mask and accept that they are not a secular nation. Modi fanatics almost invariably dismiss their opponents as "sickular" and admit that Modi is the antithesis to secularism.

The progressive secular elements in India are under siege from the Hindutva supporters, and Modi's rise is a barometer of the shift from secularism towards Hindutva extremism.

If you thought "Hindutva extremism" was the reason most people would be voting for BJP, you couldn't be more wrong. Majority care about good governance much more than Hindutva.
Yeah it is always you Muslims who keep whining about this and that despite being over-pampered. Compared to your own Islamic countries, our countries minorities are living a golden life. NO OTHER community keeps demanding and crying like babies like Muslims do in non-Muslim liberal countries.

The issue is not what Muslim countries do around the world.

This is an issue about Indian citizens who happen to be Muslim. You are measuring their rights by their religion and not their citizenship.

Neither my community, nor jews, no parsis, nor sikhs, nor jains nor christians like orthodox, syrian eastern etc.... none others make a hue and cry like you do.

The Hindu animosity towards Muslims is unique because of Indian history and foreign conquests. Comparison with other religious minorities is not applicable.

We are only following the great footsteps of your baba e qaum, the two nation theory is correct according to you right?

But Indian Muslims rejected the two nation theory; they believed Hindus and Muslims could live in peace.

Are you suggesting Indian Muslims were wrong?

I firmly believe in meritocracy and oppose reservations based on caste creed etc. If they really want to uplift the backward sections they should have reservations based on income so that all poor- be it hindu or muslim, backward or forward class can benefit.

Nice idealistic words, but they fall short in the face of reality and human nature.

If there was no such thing as discrimination, and everyone treated others equally, then it would make sense. However, when there is documented discrimination on a large scale, then it becomes necessary to level the playing field.
If you thought "Hindutva extremism" was the reason most people would be voting for BJP, you couldn't be more wrong. Majority care about good governance much more than Hindutva.

I am saying there are a number of subtexts in the Modi campaign, and the Hindutva sloganeering is very much in play.
The issue is not what Muslim countries do around the world.

This is an issue about Indian citizens who happen to be Muslim. You are measuring their rights by their religion and not their citizenship.

The Hindu animosity towards Muslims is unique because of Indian history and foreign conquests. Comparison with other religious minorities is not applicable.

But Indian Muslims rejected the two nation theory; they believed Hindus and Muslims could live in peace.

Are you suggesting Indian Muslims were wrong?

How convenient, you (and your Quaid) expect hindus to be some giant, devilish monolith, yet when majority of Indian muslims voted for two nation theory in 1946/47 by casting ballot for Muslim league, and only a few dissented (like the respectable Maulana Azad who I consider one of the greatest Indians in modern history), then suddenly that decision gets rubbed out in the sands of time.

Whether the decision they made was right or wrong, is for them to figure out - not for other Indians to judge. The ones who are unhappy with India can try to improve it, exercise their democratic rights, or as a last resort migrate to the two muslim states that exist in the name of Islam created on the subcontinent and leave this evil hindu majority, constitutionally secular one for us to improve.
How convenient, you (and your Quaid) expect hindus to be some giant, devilish monolith, yet when majority of Indian muslims voted for two nation theory in 1946/47 by casting ballot for Muslim league, and only a few dissented (like the respectable Maulana Azad who I consider one of the greatest Indians in modern history), then suddenly that decision gets rubbed out in the sands of time.

Whether the decision they made was right or wrong, is for them to figure out - not for other Indians to judge. The ones who are unhappy with India can try to improve it, exercise their democratic rights, or as a last resort migrate to the two muslim states that exist in the name of Islam created on the subcontinent and leave this evil hindu majority, constitutionally secular one for us to improve.

By rejecting the two nation theory, Indian Muslims believed that they would be able to participate in India as first class citizens. You are saying that non-Hindus are not first class citizens, and they can only be considered Indian if they accept India as a Hindu nation.
The issue is not what Muslim countries do around the world.

This is an issue about Indian citizens who happen to be Muslim. You are measuring their rights by their religion and not their citizenship.

They will get what all others get and they are getting MORE than what all others are getting. Walk into any damn government office, full of Muslim reserved employees. How they get in? It is called free quota system. It means NO MATTER WHAT you get in your grades in school or college, you will be given a job. WHY? because you are a Muslim.

Post offices, municipalities, government associations, academic boards, heck, even medical courses for doctors!!

Why? Because they are 'minority'. Why can't they work like how other communities work?

Those who are our citizens should behave like our citizens, instead of being beguiled by crazed and funded mullahs who coem fresh from Saudi back to India with their paycheques.

Talk about the Hindu community in your country (considering that you wiped out my people).

The day they are safe, you have any right to talk to us on this whole minority issue. Otherwise nothing.

The Hindu animosity towards Muslims is unique because of Indian history and foreign conquests. Comparison with other religious minorities is not applicable.

Then you clearly admit that the problem is because these guys fail to integrate into any society they are a part of, except a few handful whose behaviour is like any true Indian. But majority of them have issues especially nowadays.

They should learn to accept and integrate with everyone else and live like common people, stop this whole ghettoism, stop this 'we want sharia, we want reservations, we are oh so poorly persecuted' blah blah bullshit when NO OTHER COMMUNITY is having problems.

If those people of Muslim community who cannot live under a common Uniform Civil Law that treats everyone equally, then they should pack their bags and leave the country.

Hum baki non-Hindu community ke log yahan Choot**e nahi baithe hain jo mehnat kar rahe hain hindu bhaiyon ki tarah.

If those groups of people who cannot live in our country like other people, they can get the fck out of India.

But Indian Muslims rejected the two nation theory; they believed Hindus and Muslims could live in peace.

Are you suggesting Indian Muslims were wrong?

Rejecting something doesn't make things change today. Tell me, what is this factionalism they practice? I know political youth volunteers who have gone to volunteer work in rural areas for parties like AAP here, and hoping to see a 'aam aadmi' related set of issues, Muslims ask them 'hamari kaum ko kya doge agar hum vote karenge'?

Who the heck polarizes now?

Nice idealistic words, but they fall short in the face of reality and human nature.

If there was no such thing as discrimination, and everyone treated others equally, then it would make sense. However, when there is documented discrimination on a large scale, then it becomes necessary to level the playing field.

Then these people should stop asking favours that is given to them at the cost of other people.

Work hard, study hard and become a proud professional with decent families. That's the way to go.

As a student I used to also feel that we people should side with them and ask for benefits that they are not getting. But as I started travelling across India I realized how much the Hindus are giving in terms of allocations, reservations, jobs, educational grants etc to Muslims and still they keep asking for more.

Sorry. If you still feel some people are not getting enough, take them into Pakistan. We are NOT feeding them freebies.

You can call us whatever you want.

By rejecting the two nation theory, Indian Muslims believed that they would be able to participate in India as first class citizens. You are saying that non-Hindus are not first class citizens, and they can only be considered Indian if they accept India as a Hindu nation.

NO ONE, NO OTHER community acts like a crybaby here in India other than Muslims claiming fake discrimination. Not once. Parsis are loved by everyone. Jews and even remote religions like Syrian eastern, orthodox etc are respected and liked here.

We Buddhists are respected and given our place without any questions. Heck! our holiest shrine in Bodh Gaya has more Hindu visitors than us (we are 'differentiated' only by British colonials, not otherwise).

Sikh bros are one of the strongest component of our national defense and form one of the most prosperous communities in India. Jains are well known for their business acumen and their simple way of living.

But no. Muslims want more free stuff and claim discrimination.

All other communities are fed up of their insatiable crying. Work for it or leave. Simple.

I am saying there are a number of subtexts in the Modi campaign, and the Hindutva sloganeering is very much in play.

Good thing right? Where will Hindus feel safe otherwise? In Saudi Arabia? :lol:

Honestly dude, most people in India have no problem with the majority Hindus and respect them and their way of life as they respect ours.

Only Muslim community has this eternal feeling of victimization. Not just in India but crying all over the world despite having 20 times better lives than living in islamic nations.


Neighbors so effin scared of this man. Its not the communal tinge i blv. Its the progress that will take place ,that the jealousy phector!:yes4:

You mean Saffron hai rang is bar?

Abki baar... Modi Sarkaar! :P
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I am saying there are a number of subtexts in the Modi campaign, and the Hindutva sloganeering is very much in play.

Modi wave is all about economy and inflation, the Hindutva is being dragged into all this by others for the sake of scaremongering.
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