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BJP: India's main opposition party appears to be returning to Hindu nationalism

really? muslems particularly are threat for our country, we had muslems before independence and they took our land which is now called pak and bd, today muslems in our country are involved in terrorism and are killing innocents, we learn from Russias example, judt because of its muslem population it was broken up in 90, but the same cannot happen in US because it treats its muslems as third class citizens,

I wouldn't call all muslims as bad, there have been many great Muslims who have propelled our nation like Dr. Kalam, who helped our nation so much in the development in the ISRO and the ballistic missiles. But as for those who try to harm our nation, I say shoot them and throw them in a ditch. If they want a country just for Muslims then there is Pakistan which was specially created for them, by their founding fathers. Our soldiers and fore fathers have given too much blood for the nation, and there will be no compromise to any person whether it be Kashmir or any other part of the country
I wouldn't call all muslims as bad, there have been many great Muslims who have propelled our nation like Dr. Kalam, who helped our nation so much in the development in the ISRO and the ballistic missiles. But as for those who try to harm our nation, I say shoot them and throw them in a ditch. If they want a country just for Muslims then there is Pakistan which was specially created for them, by their founding fathers. Our soldiers and fore fathers have given too much blood for the nation, and there will be no compromise to any person whether it be Kashmir or any other part of the country
Firstly we have to educate muslims youth.make them common citizens by aplying Uniform civil code.without it they will never come in Main line of development

Yes, I was precisely referring to that very instance.

Though I'm no fan of his, but I do concur with his statement. Muslims, of all Indians, do suffer through the hands of the police at times. (Just so you think if I have any fancy source to back this up, I do. Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs did cite this in their report)

But yes, his basic intention was just to politicize the issue, and so, the word 'Indian' would sound much better.
Someone from a country with 30 million population can't fathom what it is like holding elections in a country of 850 million.

So don't spend time trying to understand it.

It takes over a month for the cheats to stuff the ballot boxes. What's to fathom?
I wouldn't call all muslims as bad, there have been many great Muslims who have propelled our nation like Dr. Kalam, who helped our nation so much in the development in the ISRO and the ballistic missiles. But as for those who try to harm our nation, I say shoot them and throw them in a ditch. If they want a country just for Muslims then there is Pakistan which was specially created for them, by their founding fathers. Our soldiers and fore fathers have given too much blood for the nation, and there will be no compromise to any person whether it be Kashmir or any other part of the country

C'mon mate, there's absolutely no need to validate the contributions of Muslims to our nation.

Muslims are on par with Hindus in terms of making India what it is today, their contribution to our advancement is no less.

Actually, talking of advancement, people belonging to all religions have contributed to our development, and so, it'd be playing fair to them if we just get over the 'Hindu Muslim Sikh Christian' issues, India first.

Just let these trolls continue, thats what they are best at.
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Narendra Modi is talking only about development and growth of India while all other parties and Media is dragging him in Hindutva for no reason and deliberately demonising him. Its like whole system and Media has joined hands to demonise one man who is only and only talking about development. Remember what he said many times in his speeches 'Govts. Only religion should be our constitution, and only aim should be India first'. I sense that there are lots of anti-national type people who are threatend by this man and trying to stop at anycost.
Firstly we have to educate muslims youth.make them common citizens by aplying Uniform civil code.without it they will never come in Main line of development
Education means zilch. Kafeel Ahmed, a doctorate holder from Bangalore, drove a Jeep laden with petrol bombs(IIRC), rammed into Glasgow airport terminal building, in a suicide attack.-- shows education has no effect once brainwashed. same for Hindu or Muslim terrorists.

India must insulate it's *Sunni* Muslims from outside influence. it is the radical ideologies from countries in middle east which attracts a large group of Muslims. once these radicals takes over Sunnis, the moderate ones will be silenced and they face the tag of "murtad" if they oppose Islamists agenda.
Has the OP ever read the BJP manifesto?

The only time Hindu and Muslim are mentioned in the entire Manifesto are only once at the last page which is about harmonizing together and moving towards national unity and development.

And besides, if Hindu nationalism has become a synonym for development, then honestly we don't care. Let it be that way.

Firstly we have to educate muslims youth.make them common citizens by aplying Uniform civil code.without it they will never come in Main line of development

Educating doesn't make squat. Remember, that despite all the secular bon homie some so-called liberal ones are coming up with, still muslims don't want Uniform Civil Code (UCC). Because they are so used to getting pampered and given freebies, government jobs, reservations, having multiple wives, government by their own religious laws that they refuse to become common with other people..

If you don't believe me then take a look; everytime in India the subject of minority is raised, only muslim community comes forward whining and cribbing about not begin given enough, cheated etc. NO OTHER community has ever complained or whined all the time and works just like common Hindus.
It takes over a month for the cheats to stuff the ballot boxes. What's to fathom?

My Chinese origin friend, another member already told you that voting is done through Electronic voting machines, so the question of 'stuffing ballots' does not arise. Please try to use the grey matter once in a while if it's possible.

But what am I to expect from a person with Chinese blood flowing through their veins and hiding behind western flags, whose original homeland has never experienced democracy in it's entire history. To the contrary your people were mindlessly programmed into chasing four pests and other wonderful 'ideas' that culminated in tens of millions of his fellow Chinese being killed or starved to death. ;)
More fabricated victimhood and Muslim-bashing by the BJP Hindutva crowd.

The comment was made in the context of harassment of Muslim youths by Indian police.

If you read the article, Shinde also said, "ensure that no innocent person is subjected to undue harassment".

Yeah it is always you Muslims who keep whining about this and that despite being over-pampered. Compared to your own Islamic countries, our countries minorities are living a golden life. NO OTHER community keeps demanding and crying like babies like Muslims do in non-Muslim liberal countries. Neither my community, nor jews, no parsis, nor sikhs, nor jains nor christians like orthodox, syrian eastern etc.... none others make a hue and cry like you do.

So you know what? If development means Hindu nationalism to protect Indian culture, then so be it. We don't mind it if the Hindus want to be proud of their identity. They don't interfere with anyone else unless provoked and this is the reason why organized religions like you don't get along with either them or us or our kind as a whole.
Hindu nationalism might just ignite the bigger monster in this game---The Islamic Nationalism.

India already lost so much territory to Islamic Nationalism. Do they want to lose more?

India is a secular country with no place of any type of religious nationalism.

While I'm linking continents by under-sea high-tech railway systems across Istanbul, Indian leaders are trying to get cheap votes by Hindu Nationalism?

Tells you alot about quality of The Great Republic of Turkey, and backward, illiterate dark hole called India.

My Republic




What can I say now?
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