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BJP Activists Resort to Vandalism, Attack Masjids Amidst Celebrations

haters gonna hate,,,n u let that agitate u,,:disagree:

now lets not start comparing,,,,rather,dont u think ,it will be more fruitful if we(the country as a whole) continue to do what we just did in these elections....

It was because the Hindu nationalists finally chose to fight back and not accept every insult thrown on them in silence, that people finally became aware of the wrongs and the resultant thumping victory for BJP. How else will you educate people if not by cutting through all the lies and propaganda spread by the secular establishment?
It was because the Hindu nationalists finally chose to fight back and not accept every insult thrown on them in silence, that people finally became aware of the wrongs and the resultant thumping victory for BJP. How else will you educate people if not by cutting through all the lies and propaganda spread by the secular establishment?
well,,,,i wud disagree that d huge margin of victory was solely due to the hindu nationalist(as will most of the political pundits)...
about cutting through lies n propaganda,,,,,well u gotta have tact,if u wish to be taken seriously:agree:
well,,,,i wud disagree that d huge margin of victory was solely due to the hindu nationalist(as will most of the political pundits)...
about cutting through lies n propaganda,,,,,well u gotta have tact,if u wish to be taken seriously:agree:

What else was it if not people disbelieving the lies about "butcher of Gujarat?" and the immense love for Mr. Modi. The entire social media campaign was by Hindu nationalists. Unlike what you believe, much of the cadre of RSS comes from the middle class. The social media campaign was also by Hindu nationalists. All political pundits in India got it wrong and have always been wrong about everything about this country. Just because the media ignores and despises Hindutva supporters they do not talk about them. Their attitude being much like an Ostrich with its head buried in sand.

Modi effect: 2,000-odd RSS shakhas sprout in 3 months - The Times of India
As a progeny of Batliwala uncle and Daruwali aunty, I do not expect you to have understanding of the world more than what you lift from ragtag magazines you read. Understanding of sacredness of life, balance in nature, wisdom, these are things least expected of you. Now go back to wallow in the filth you come from.

Way to go, turdxtremist. Never mind where I come from, but it is clear that your existence is the result of a cheap experiment gone horribly wrong at BARC, Chembur. :cheesy: Keep spewing more garbage, because quite frankly, that's all you've ever been good for. It's all talk and no action from the likes of you, as usual. You're neighbourhood is listed as 'restive' 'cause of extremist trash like yourself. Enough said.

Retard. :lol:
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Way to go, turdxtremist. Keep spewing more garbage, because quite frankly, that's all you've ever been good for. It's all talk and no action from the likes of you, as usual. You're neighbourhood is listed as 'restive' 'cause of extremist trash like yourself. Enough said.:lol:


Imbecile, we just voted in power a hardcore Hindu nationalist.

My neighborhood being listed as restive comes as a surprise because it is a majority Hindu area with hardly a sprinkling of Muslims and it has always voted for BJP. No history of riots either.

Go and suck an egg you filth.
This happens in my native place and i came to know about it now in pdf ..amazing
This only means that the entire news is either fake or might be an exaggerated one as none of the national news agencies or newspapers have reported this incident.Plus i'll always take any news posted by Mr.takeiteasy with a pinch of salt as he is a well known anti-Hindu troll and probably a false flagger....:coffee:
Imbecile, we just voted in power a hardcore Hindu nationalist.

So? There is a difference between a nationalist and an extremist, you imbecile.

My neighborhood being listed as restive comes as a surprise because it is a majority Hindu area with hardly a sprinkling of Muslims and it has always voted for BJP. No history of riots either.

Go and suck an egg you filth.

The only person who's surprised is you, you extremist internet warrior. Now be quiet, like you're used to being in real life, and crawl back to your tenement in Bangalore.
that is yet to be confirmed

What is there to be confirmed? The selection of Varanasi seat to contest from? The Ganga arti on being elected? The chant of Har Har Mahadev?

What are you expecting a Hindu hardcore to be like? Strap a bomb and explode? Send minorities to gulags? Minorities to be asked to wear an armband distinguishing them from majority? Minorities being denied jobs. Minorities kidneys and liver being extracted to be fitted into the patients from majority communities?
Credible local newspapers from mangalore only report of a minor clash, with the BJP supporters celebrating their victory by bursting firecrackers close to a mosque and the muslims objecting to it. No injuries or property damages are resported..

So, we have already started witnessing 'secularism khatre mein' type news after Modi's landslide win.
What is there to be confirmed? The selection of Varanasi seat to contest from? The Ganga arti on being elected? The chant of Har Har Mahadev?

What are you expecting a Hindu hardcore to be like? Strap a bomb and explode? Send minorities to gulags? Minorities to be asked to wear an armband distinguishing them from majority? Minorities being denied jobs. Minorities kidneys and liver being extracted to be fitted into the patients from majority communities?
now,,,this post has tact,,,,plenty of it:tup:
use it more often..
So, we have already started witnessing 'secularism khatre mein' type news after Modi's landslide win.

This type of news article is not completely surprising really, and I feel like we'll be hearing a lot more of this in the weeks to come. This urge by some sections of the media to paint Modi-Ji as a Hindu extremist, will diminish with time.
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