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BJP Activists Resort to Vandalism, Attack Masjids Amidst Celebrations

No one gives a shyte. Your insecurity made you post those pics, as usual when no one asked.

LOL. Considering you are the photographer in this forum and elsewhere whose only contribution is posting pics, that is really rich. Your life on display to earn a few applause. So who is insecure here?

No one gives a shyte. Your insecurity made you post those pics, as usual when no one asked

I call it education. Hopefully you will learn to be less of a braggart here on.

That was in response to your low quality comments that you've been excreting since the pink revolution beef thread..where you insulted other members just because of their choice of diet. Good for you. Again, no one gives a rats behind about your living arrangements in whichever god forsaken city you choose to live in? The sooner you understand that, the better. How insecure are you?

Everyone can see the quality of posts from you and how respectful you were of majority of Indian's sentiments when you were posting pics of Beef roast.

Right! Keep telling yourself that. Not only do you have awful comprehension skills, you're totally delusional too
It would be easy to pay heed to some of the advice the other members have generously dispensed, which is to stop paying attention to a low life like yourself, but then...

But for your itching to get smacked now and then.
LOL. Considering you are the photographer in this forum and elsewhere whose only contribution is posting pics, that is really rich. Your life on display to earn a few applause. So who is insecure here?

Hahaha. I may be whatever, and may have contributed nothing, but what has been your contribution to anything so far? A few "insults"? :lol:

If you knew any better, you'd know why I joined this forum in the first place.

Everyone can see the quality of posts from you and how respectful you were of majority of Indian's sentiments when you were posting pics of Beef roast.

Keep telling yourself that, you delusional freakshow. We are all aware of your multiple IDs and the things you've said to people here just because they disagree with your view on beef consumption. The thread in question was about India's beef exports to the freaking world. If you didn't like it, you shouldn't have checked it out. The majority of members on that thread consume beef as an integral part of their diet, so don't conjure shyte up. Comprehension fail! Again! No surprise there.
It is typical of tacky low lifes like yourself to get on the family bandwagon when you have nothing substantial to add, or when you've run out of "insults".
Hahaha. I may be whatever, and may have contributed nothing, but what has been your contribution to anything so far? A few "insults"? :lol:

If you knew any better, you'd know why I joined this forum in the first place.


It is for people to tell me if I contributed anything or not. When I say people, I mean people with full functioning brain, not dolts like you.

Keep telling yourself that, you delusional freakshow. We are all aware of your multiple IDs and the things you've said to people here just because they disagree with your view on beef consumption. The thread in question was about India's beef exports to the freaking world. If you didn't like it, you shouldn't have checked it out. The majority of members on that thread consume beef as an integral part of their diet, so don't conjure shyte up. Comprehension fail! Again! No surprise there.
It is typical of tacky low lifes like yourself to get on the family bandwagon when you have nothing substantial to add, or when you've run out of "insults".

Ooooooo Baby Innocent from Bandra. All his life and actions are just in response to others. Baby likes only turd talks. Baby calls every one turds. Baby calls people extremists. Still Baby Innocent is sooooooo innocent. Baby thinks in a thread about beef exports people with differing opinions should walk away so that Baby Innocent is not disabused of his delusions and ingrate ways.

Baby Innocent go and ask Momma Daruwali to change your diapers, it is nappy time.
It is for people to tell me if I contributed anything or not. When I say people, I mean people with full functioning brain, not dolts like you.

You really have a problem, don't ya? Seek help before it's too late.

Baby Innocent from Bandra. All his life and actions are just in response to others. Baby likes only turd talks. Baby calls every one turds. Baby calls people extremists. Still Baby Innocent is sooooooo innocent. Baby thinks in a thread about beef exports people with differing opinions should walk away so that Baby Innocent is not disabused of his delusions and ingrate ways.

Baby Innocent go and ask Momma Daruwali to change your diapers, it is nappy time.

You reap what you sow. Insulting and bad mouthing a number of members about their beliefs and lifestyle, is different from sharing your opinion in a decent way, and it doesn't even take an Einstein to figure that out. Comprehension fail again. :lol: got more?
A lot of hindus like me respect christianity a lot(I would put Indian christian community ahead of us in being tolerant and open mindedness) but not really very fond of evangelism or saving souls.
They do have a point about Modi & Co but they are quite biased themselves( evangelical christians) so wont take their source seriously.
You really have a problem, don't ya? Seek help before it's too late.

You reap what you sow. Insulting and bad mouthing a number of members about their beliefs and lifestyle, is different from sharing your opinion in a decent way, and it doesn't even take an Einstein to figure that out. Comprehension fail again. :lol: got more?

My, my, my. You are turning into an incorrigible masochist, aren't you. Sorry, I am not into S&M and don't encourage addicts.
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