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BJP Activists Resort to Vandalism, Attack Masjids Amidst Celebrations

... No one gives a shit. You can claim whatever you like, you pollution-ravaged turd (yes, you know what I'm talking about). Your insecurity is evident in every post of yours haha

What insecurity? BARC is literally the only well designed spacious living quarters in the whole of Mumbai. I am very proud that unlike you I never had to live in the over congested slum localities which passes for the rest of Mumbai.

If you don't give a fig, why bother with random (poorly sourced) pictures and explanations? You give mortgage just a fig! A lot more, and as is pretty clear to all, only liar here is you, you pointless, extremist twit. :lol:

LOL. I can understand your trauma, batliwala. I had to re-size the picture to post it, which explains its quality.
What insecurity? BARC is literally the only well designed spacious living quarters in the whole of Mumbai. I am very proud that unlike you I never had to live in the over congested slum localities which passes for the rest of Mumbai.

LOL what insecurity you ask? You're either stupid or purposely playing dumb. Posting random photos of ugly buildings and telling me about Chembur when I or anyone else, didn't ask for it, is insecurity enough. Go figure.

LOL the joke is on you, trust me. You have no idea who you're talking to, but as I've been made aware by other posters here, there no point dragging this "conversation" with a scumbag like yourself any further.
All hindus are not Hindutwavadis, but all Hindutwavadis are Hindus!! :D

Posting random photos of ugly buildings and telling me about Chembur when I or anyone else, didn't ask for it, is insecurity enough. Go figure.

You were the one who thought calling someone Chemubur chi mulgi/mulga is a taunt and insult and hence used it. I was just correcting you. It will be gross negligence on my part not to attempt to educate you even if you remain an imbecile.
You were the one who thought calling someone Chemubur chi mulgi/mulga is a taunt and insult and hence used it. I was just correcting you. It will be gross negligence on my part not to attempt to educate you even if you remain an imbecile.

You moron, that was after you acted like your usual self in another thread. Don't turn things around to suit yourself like a typical you-know-what. Besides, you'd be a fool not to mention that Chembur is also among Bombay's most polluted neighbourhoods (besides it being an eastern suburb filled with rickshaws, located along a highway), which I honestly don't give a greenleaf about, but you brought it up when no one asked for it. Now scram.
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You moron, that was after you acted like your usual self in another thread. Don't turn things around to suit yourself like a typical you-know-what. Besides, you'd be a fool not to mention that Chembur is also among Bombay's most polluted neighbourhoods (besides it being an eastern suburb filled with rickshaws, located along a highway), which I honestly don't give a greenleaf about, but you brought it up when no one asked for it. Now scram.

Well it is the most industrialized area in the whole of South Asia. I love rickshaws.
Well it is the most industrialized area in the whole of South Asia. I love rickshaws.

LOL if you mean Chembur has a load of industries i.e factories, then yeah, it is probably the most "industrialised" place in South Asia. :lol:
I'd rather live facing the sea, where disgusting, accident-causing rickshaws aren't allowed for miles, than in a place filled with freaking factories spewing noxious fumes all day long. Now pipe down, and enjoy.

LOL. I can understand your trauma, batliwala. I had to re-size the picture to post it, which explains its quality.

:lol: I was talking about the hideous aesthetics of that random building, not the quality of the picture itself. Wow! the insecurity...
LOL if you mean Chembur has a load of industries i.e factories, then yeah, it is probably the most "industrialised" place in South Asia.
I'd rather live facing the sea, where disgusting, accident-causing rickshaws aren't allowed for miles, than in a place filled with freaking factories spewing noxious fumes all day long. Now pipe down, and enjoy.

Yup being in the vicinity of a nuclear plant, a fertilizer plant, petroleum plants, and many many many more heavy duty national industries, it is.

But then I lived all my childhood life in and around BARC, which is very very green with the sea only a kilometer away. I know what kind of sea face Western suburbs have and the stench from Worli creek :disagree:. Thank my lucky stars I never had to live with that.


There that was my neighborhood area.


I was talking about the hideous aesthetics of that random building, not the quality of the picture itself. Wow! the insecurity...

I love my place. Unlike soviet era apartments which liter Mumbai skyline, every single house in Bangalore has character and individuality. I shudder to think about the hell hole you live in.
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I have doubt about that news Most probably fake news.But if they did wrong,then
Punish those idiots .Illiterate retards will destroy the reputation of BJP.

Padre @takeiteasy spreading lies as usual for your missionary work.
India Election Results Have Consequences May 2014 eNews
Dear Prayer Partners and Supporters,

The RSS has won control of the Central Government through its political party, the BJP. And not by a slim majority; 330 Member of Parliament seats, 278 of these directly. 272 MP seats is a majority in a 544 seat Parliament.

We have been praying for months that God would make His will clear as to the next period of work by the South India Church of Christ Mission. Would it be in a time of persecution or yet more time free from the attacks on Christ's church during the previous BJP/RSS Central Government control of the Central Government? This has been for us the No. 1 issue since Easter celebrations and evangelism.

God has made His will known today.

We are now beginning the time of the Second Great Persecution of Christ's church in India this century.

The goal once again will be to make India "Christian free." The slogan of "..,to be Indian is to be Hindu..." was heard throughout the election campaign. It will now become policy.

The vote could not be any clearer. The RSS is the Indian branch of Hitler's Nazi Party. It will stop at nothing to make India the homeland of its own brand of Hinduism, called "Hindutva." Hindutva is very much like Hitler's "Aryanism." This goes far beyond what many Hindus normally believe, as a true follower of Hindutva has to believe in one god, Ram. And the RSS are his priests. They are ruthless and driven with a Satanic energy.

Using money power, unending propaganda and a major push by RSS full time "saints", "India's Hitler", Nirendra Modi, now has control of Parliament with over half the seats. Narendra Modi looks and acts like an old-style dictator. It is not by accident. His campaign promises were like Hitler when he came to power in 1933: something for everyone, no specifics. And the very real threat of an end to India's constitutional democracy if Narendra Modi uses the full power of his majority. This is a Constitution that protects the right of a citizen to be a member of a religion of their choice.

I should be clear that the people of India did not vote for the persecution of Christians. Narendra Modi put forward the "big lie" that he and the RSS didn't care about religion, they only wanted the "development of India." No specifics, just "vote for us, and you will get what you want: jobs." The reality is that with this vote there will be persecution of Christians and Muslims, and no more jobs than before. And I anticipate a level of corruption and attempts to destroy India's Constitution at a level never seen before. Plus plenty of on-going violence, with Modi's police in charge of law-and-order.

Almost as hard news as this is the sweeping victory of Jayalithaa, the Chief Minister of the AIADMK party in Tamil Nadu. She has won 38 out of 40 Member of Parliament seats. So she is now the "Dictator of Tamil Nadu", at least until there's another election. If ever there is one. It was Jayalithaa who was Chief Minister when the RSS came to power in 1999 and it was she who passed the Tamil Nadu anti-conversion act.

Both the Central Government and the state Government in Tamil Nadu put into place "anti-conversion" laws in 2000, which lasted until 2004. These prohibited baptism of "...any person, under penalty of up to two years in prison for each person baptized and $2,000 fine." Those of you who have been prayer partners and supporters of the South India Church of Christ Mission will remember the 5 difficult years of open persecution.

The cold-hearted murder of Graham Staines and his two sons, burnt alive in their Jeep in Orissa, was the beginning of many beatings of Christians as they worshipped, killings of Christian leaders, and burning of church buildings.

There was a wide enough repudiation of the attacks on churches, Christian communities and houses, church leaders and church property that in 2004, the Congress Party swept out the BJP/RSS in a landslide. Following that, there were smaller scale regional attacks on Christian and Christian churches in Gujarat (Dangs District) and in Orissa (in the southern coastal and hill areas near to Chattisgarh.). Both these were instigated and led by the RSS. Still, in the 10 years from 2004-2014, Christians in India were able to build Christ's church, adding tens of thousands of Christians yearly in each state of India.

I have written before often of the "need to harvest the hay while the sun shines." Those years are now over, and we are at the first day of what will be an evil time until God wills India free of the RSS and its demonic leadership. During this time of darkness, the South India Church of Christ Mission will put to work the lessons learned during its 64 years.

Through the 14 years of this century, the South India Church of Christ Mission has endured 5 years of persecution, responded to the devastation of the tsunami, watched the rural areas of earlier decades change as India urbanizes, and continued to plant churches.

What we know is that in times of persecution, Jesus leads us

with a clarity sometimes lost when Christ's church is free from persecution. And that causes churches to be planted and congregations to grow. This is because the witness of each Christian is on display to neighbor non-Christians.

What the South India Church of Christ Mission learned, as it grew through the times of persecution, is that God sometimes needs to strengthen Christ's church with the heat and blood of persecution to have it grow to the next higher level. When you are a Christian in a time of persecution, you will be asked by the mob in its anger: "Are you a Christian?"

And there's only two answers possible: yes, to glorify Jesus or no, to preserve oneself.

We look now to the leadership and will of Jesus to lead His church through this Second Persecution and to be with us as we strive to do His will and be His servants. Your prayers are also a source of strength to all of us here and have been a critical part of planting the over 1000 churches to date. Whatever comes, this Mission intends to continue to praise Jesus publicly, build Christ's church and bear whatever burden or suffering Jesus puts upon us for His name's sake and for the growth of His church here in India.

David Morris

Source: the missions network - India Election Results Have Consequences May 2014 eNews

First stop illegal religious conversion.Then talk about your rights.
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Yup being in the vicinity of a nuclear plant, a fertilizer plant, petroleum plants, and many many many more heavy duty national industries, it is.

But then I lived all my childhood life in and around BARC, which is very very green with the sea only a kilometer away. I know what kind of sea face Western suburbs have and the stench from Worli creek :disagree:. Thank my lucky stars I never had to live with that.


I love my place. Unlike soviet era apartments which liter Mumbai skyline, every single house in Bangalore has character and individuality. I shudder to think about the hell hole you live in.

More insecurities manifesting itself on this forum eh? Posting rosy pics doesn't take away from the fact that Chembur is polluted as shyte, but that's not what this is about. Besides, who said anything about Bangalore city, you pea brain? Insecurity, much? Also, you seem to be confused by Bombay's geography - make up your mind about what area you'd like to insult next. The western suburbs, Worli, Napeansea Sea road, walkeshwar? Which is it? haha dufus.
Your comprehension skills are pretty terrible, but then, that comes as no surprise given your history of taking things out of context, and posting utter bullshit that is totally tangential to the subject. You can shudder all you like, the fact of the matter is that you're a low life, an extremist talker, with nothing else to offer. :lol:
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More insecurities manifesting itself on this forum eh? Posting rosy pics doesn't take away from the fact that Chembur is polluted as shyte, but that's not what this is about. Besides, who said anything about Bangalore city, you pea brain? Insecurity, much?
Your comprehension skills are pretty terrible, but then, that comes as no surprise given your history of taking things out of context, and posting utter bullshit that is totally tangential to the subject. You can shudder all you like, the fact of the matter is that you're a low life, an extremist talker, with nothing else to offer. :lol:

What insecurities? Chembur is same like any other congested overcrowded locality in Mumbai. Even worse are the areas you live in with that godawful stench from Worli.

Those rosy pictures were my backyard. The place I lived the first 20 years of my life before moving to Chembur for a couple of years.

You spoke about the tenement I lived in Bangalore, and I was just letting you know that even tenements in Bangalore are gorgeous and full of character and I own a bunch of them.

My comprehension skills are adequate enough to put dolts like you in their place.
Nice - a Pakistan Defence thread being used to settle which area of Bombay is worth living in. :)
Nice - a Pakistan Defence thread being used to settle which area of Bombay is worth living in. :)

What to do, some slum dwellers from Mumbai seem to think they are superstars just because they happen to live in Western Suburbs. Need to bring them down to earth for a bit before they are lost forever.

The western suburbs, Worli, Napeansea Sea road, walkeshwar? Which is it? haha dufus.

Oooooo, you live in Walkeshwar/Napeansea Sea Road area? Are you sure you don't live in Antilia at Altmount Road? Am I speaking to Mr. Ambani himself? Oh My God. Mr. Ambani I feel so sorry I called you the progeny of Daruwali aunty and Batliwala uncle. Hope you will find it in your Antilia size heart to forgive my transgression.
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What insecurities? Chembur is same like any other congested overcrowded locality in Mumbai. Even worse are the areas you live in with that godawful stench from Worli.

What insecurities you ask? :lol: sure. Dense is dense.

Those rosy pictures were my backyard. The place I lived the first 20 years of my life before moving to Chembur for a couple of years.

No one gives a shyte. Your insecurity made you post those pics, as usual when no one asked.

You spoke about the tenement I lived in Bangalore, and I was just letting you know that even tenements in Bangalore are gorgeous and full of character and I own a bunch of them.

That was in response to your low quality comments that you've been excreting since the pink revolution beef thread..where you insulted other members just because of their choice of diet. Good for you. Again, no one gives a rats behind about your living arrangements in whichever god forsaken city you choose to live in? The sooner you understand that, the better. How insecure are you?

My comprehension skills are adequate enough to put dolts like you in their place.

Right! Keep telling yourself that. Not only do you have awful comprehension skills, you're totally delusional too :lol:

It would be easy to pay heed to some of the advice the other members have generously dispensed, which is to stop paying attention to a low life like yourself, but then...

What to do, some slum dwellers from Mumbai seem to think they are superstars just because they happen to live in Western Suburbs. Need to bring them down to earth for a bit before they are lost forever.

Oooooo, you live in Walkeshwar/Napeansea Sea Road area? Are you sure you don't live in Antilia at Altmount Road? Am I speaking to Mr. Ambani himself? Oh My God. Mr. Ambani I feel so sorry I called you the progeny of Daruwali aunty and Batliwala uncle. Hope you will find it in your Antilia size heart to forgive my transgression.

Your backward, tacky mentality is pretty evident given how you jump topics and try to get on the family bandwagon. How typical of you, you extremist turdbreathe. Again, please go back to primary school. Your comprehension skills seem to fail you everytime. :lol:
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