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Bin Laden's widow says they lived in Pakistani house for 5 years

According to this report, she claims they only moved there 5-6 months ago. Maybe she doesn't speak English well.

Bin Laden

Sources said one of the two women taken into custody from the compound by Pakistani forces was one of Osama bin Laden’s several wives.

“She is Yemeni and became unconscious during the operation,” said an official. Pleading anonymity, he said the woman was provided necessary medical aid till she became conscious. 

“During preliminary investigations, the lady said they moved to the Abbottabad house five to six months ago,” the Pakistani official said, adding that she did not provide further information about bin Laden or his shifting to the house. 

Allegedly his daughter & wives r in Pakistani custody,,, but ALL "alleged" statements from his daughter / wife about their stay there for 5 years, have been released by BBC or Reuters...

Even Pakistani Newspapers when reported this , refered to BBC... NO SUCH INFO DIRECTLY RELEASED BY PAKISTANI OFFICIALS,,,

It's all "made-up" farse that western media is releasing...

Osama was dead long ago,,,

He was on Pay-Roll of these agencies,,, says consultant to 4 US Governments...
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Good point, I do not find them without guilt, but regarding Tablian, AQ there have been more than one instance of ISI/PA complicit with them. Hence it makes more sense to buy that story.

There have been hell lot more instances of US/CIA/FBI compliciting with them.. Why not question that before ISI/PA?.. besides, its all word of mouth, isn't it?
That could be wrong or in-spite of that ISI had a reason. It could be blamed on them so that so that nobody suspects ISI.
False flag, you mean like some claim India did with the Mumbai attacks?

Who is propagating outrageous conspiracy theories now?
Bin Laden compound is ordinary by Pakistan standards

By Christyne J. Vachon
Special to the Mercury News
Posted: 05/05/2011 08:00:00 PM PDT

Last December I spent 10 days in Pakistan. I saw hundreds of compounds like the one in which Osama bin Laden was found. Yet I have watched many television reporters and commentators ardently, almost hungrily, convincing the American people that because the compound was so large, with such high walls, so close to Islamabad, the Pakistani government must have known bin Laden was there.

This is inaccurate and irresponsible.

In Pakistan, compounds with high walls, curled razor wire, guard houses and guards are common. Based on the photos and video footage I have seen, bin Laden's was typical of others. Many are more extensive and lavish, with equal levels of protection. Bin Laden's compound was on less than an acre and hardly a mansion. His neighborhood appears typical of the Pakistani professional class.

I was in Pakistan for Rotary International. We have donated funds to improve Pakistani schools and access to those schools for girls. I met with various individuals, often in residential compounds. One I visited had three homes within its high walls -- one for the parents, two others for their two sons and their families.

Pakistanis respect the privacy of the home. It provides a sanctuary, particularly for women; traditionally the only men allowed to enter its heart are those who live there. When I was invited into traditional homes, the women of the household and I met away from the men, without our headscarves. My male colleagues were either kept in another room, near the entry, or not allowed into the home at all.

Much of the media also has obsessed about the Pakistani military installation half a mile from bin Laden's compound. My experience passing military establishments in Pakistan was that they also have high walls, razor wire and guards, just like the residential compounds. Surrounding neighborhoods function like any other, with the addition of checkpoints. There is no reason to assume that those behind the Military Academy's walls should have known who was behind bin Laden's.

The day after bin Laden's death, John Brennan, the president's assistant for homeland security and counterterrorism, held a news conference.

"I think it's inconceivable that bin Laden did not have a support system in the country that allowed him to remain there for an extended period of time," he told the media. "I am not going to speculate about what type of support he might have had on an official basis inside of Pakistan."

No American official pointed the finger at the Pakistani government. But in many media sources, speculation was as rampant as the ignorance of those doing the speculating.

Irresponsible journalism and misinformation have gotten the U.S. into more than one war in its day. Would we have invaded Iraq if more of the media had questioned President George W. Bush's claims about weapons of mass destruction more deeply, rather than contributing to the post-9/11 hysteria he fanned?

And what lies ahead for U.S. relations with Pakistan, a poor Muslim nation halfway around the world? Wouldn't we all be safer if we learned the facts?

CHRISTYNE J. VACHON is an attorney and professor of international business and law. She is a member of Rotary International and provides pro-bono work to non-profit organizations. She wrote this article for this newspaper.

Opinion: Bin Laden compound is ordinary by Pakistan standards - San Jose Mercury News


Ok, as pointed out several times, the house was nothing unusual and not y any means 'very large'. The Guardian has already released its own investigation into the value of the house, and local real estate agents put it, at max, at $250,000 dollars. From the images of the residence, it is rather dilapidated and in need of paint and repairs. The images from inside don't show much in the way of luxury either.

The only thing 'large' about the house were the grounds. One section of the grounds appeared to house a 'stable' for Cows or livestock, and was also used for burning garbage. I see nothing unusual about that since many well off people are now constructing 'farm houses' with large grounds surrounded by walls in Pakistan in rural/semi rural areas.

In terms of 'suspicious', please keep in mind Panetta's (CIA director) own statement that even after extensive surveillance through satellites, drones possibly, local CIA presence etc, for almost a year, the US was still only 60% to 80% certain that OBL might be living there. And that was after Pakistan gave them the intelligence that led to the courier who then led them to the residence - the US shared none of the intelligence after Pakistan gave them the number of the courier, so I don't see how Pakistan can be blamed here.
False flag, you mean like some claim India did with the Mumbai attacks?

Who is propagating outrageous conspiracy theories now?

Don't blame the Indians when every Pakistani has a version of what happened on that day. Every Pakistani channel has a different conspiracy . I watched Najam Sethi's show and he was totally contradicting himself so many times.
Don't blame the Indians when every Pakistani has a version of what happened on that day. Every Pakistani channel has a different conspiracy . I watched Najam Sethi's show and he was totally contradicting himself so many times.

Yeah I know - we have 'anonymous ISI agents' claiming they knew nothing in one article, and then 'anonymous ISI agents' claiming they were involved, and then other 'anonymous ISI agents' claiming they were involved, but not completely.

Radar shut down, radar jammed, radar functioning.

Eyewitnesses claiming Army ordered residents to go inside their homes an hour before ops, and electricity was cut off, and Army claiming it had no idea what was happening.

Media reports an Army chopper going down in the area around the time of the operation, and list of killed and injured indicates all SSG personnel.

Information control gone haywire and way too many loopholes in the 'official stories'.
Information control gone haywire and way too many loopholes in the 'official stories'.

Did you expect anything different AM? This is just the start of the unravelling of the carefully constructed aura of the military in Pakistan.
Who are these.... "according to officials familiar with the investigations"...!!!

&.. "Investigators engaged in piecing together the life of Osama "...!!!

Sounds like she is refering to same team who wrote rest of narrative of this stage-play...

Paper is NOT specifying that it's ISI releasing this "MADE-UP" statements from Osama's wife/daughter...

Other statements by wife/daughter were also released by BBC & Reuters & Pakistani papers printed those statements quoting BBC etc...
That Obama Sin Laden tape where he's sitting watching TV rocking back and forth is so hilariously fake.
Information control gone haywire and way too many loopholes in the 'official stories'.

Just goes to show that half of what is printed is made up by a jurno on a tight deadline. Pick the line you want to spin, add in the obligotory "official who is not allowed to speak but does any way"

In a way it seems "information control" is very tight, thats why there are so many roumors being published no one is getting hard data.

What i really want to know is has any one dialed the two "emergency" numbers stiched into osamas coat, i really want to know if Malik picks up ;)
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