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Bin Laden's widow says they lived in Pakistani house for 5 years

Well Mr Osama was in Pakistan , ok he was for 5 years he enjoyed living in Pakistan wonderful

The bottom line is , he was in Pakistan with no passport , and extended his stay that is a petty crime

USA on other hand , violated Pakistani airspace and killed citizens inside Pakistan , which is an act of war

Now , in any case , Mr Osama was a wanted fugitive but US rules do not apply in Pakistan

Sure some folks credit him with things , he may or may not have done ( we will never know) thanks to you know who .. THE BRAVE SEALS lol who can't see difference between an unarmed man and women and children with no weapons:agree:

So what if Osama was in Pakistan - really ... what about it ?

Did we know ? No , did our intelligence know about it ? No

I mean Osama could have been hiding in home in Nabraska :smokin: the SEALS would have air lifted him and dropped him in that home , and splashed some blood later

The bottom line is US messed up , they lost an ally Pakistan for a none sense strike

What US did was , they took Pakistan in Dark Ally and saying we got your back , and then put a dagger in Pakistan's back , and ran for light when they saw light in tunnel

All the soliders and Pakistani army men hurt in meaningless war in waziristan and other areas wasted while US had knowledge about the compound for years
I'm suspicious of the story. Unattributed source - why? - yet contains specific believable fact of the name of OBL's wife. A great deal of "padding". Disinformation from an official source?

talk about 'disinformation from offical source' , have a look at this , lies and more lies and even more lies still

firefight to no firefight
livefeed to no livefeed
pictures to no pictures

You people should not talk about 'disinformation from offical source'
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Heres another shock specially for me
Cool story bro.

Makes 100% sense when Al Qaeda's number three bombed the ISI HQ in 2009.

Why are you people intentionally looking over things?

That could be wrong or in-spite of that ISI had a reason. It could be blamed on them so that so that nobody suspects ISI.
translation please. thank you

It says that Osama's wife has said that they first lived in Haripur's village shah mohammad for 2 and half years, (haripur is neibouring disrict of abbottabad in the south). She also claimed that they lived there with whole family and then moved to ABTD where they were found last week.

Shocking for me because its my home town.
That could be wrong or in-spite of that ISI had a reason. It could be blamed on them so that so buddy suspects ISI.

com'on yar. Yesterday there was a report that CIA had setup a secret base just outside Osama house in ABTD. So If ISI was protecting OSama or if they knew anything ofcourse they would have tried to guard that area and i doubt then CIA would have any chance of getting so close to OSama's house.
Also these reports are coming out after ISI's investigation with osama's wife, Do you think ISI is so stupid to make things public if they were involved in this all???
I think our military and ISI perhaps completely failed to find out what is happening there.
Osama lived in Haripur before moving to Abbottabad | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

OSAMA was living in Haripur in Pakistan before, what else is left to be heard. ISI should be prosecuted, they for their own interest has led Pakistan to failure, without telling the truth fooling the people.

and whose going to prosecute the ISI ? you ?

So they say OBL and his family were in Pakistan , then what ?
Right now there really isnt anything that we have got to loose in terms of percieved negativity about our country so why should we give two fucks about where OBL lived.
translation please. thank you

Here you go...

OBL was living in a village of Haripur before coming to Abbottabad
Islamabad… The Yemeni window of OBL has told to investigators that OBL was living in Haripur before coming to Abbottabad.. She said that OBL with his children and grand children was living in a village Chak Shah Mohammad Khan near Haripur Hazara for two and half years. This village is about 2 kilometers South-East ofHaripur.. This shows that OBL left tribal area in 2003. Another report states that in after 2001 attack of US in Tora-Bora, the US and Pakistan thought that OBL is hidden in tribal area near the Pak-Afghan border that means both the Intelligence officers were looking for him in the wrong direction… According to report, the leader of AQ, collectively, lived peaceful life for about seven and a half years in Haripur and Abbottabad.. In May 2009, police arrested Abdullah al Misr from Malik Yaar waleej.. Another person, Indonesian Umer Patek was also arrested from Malikpura..She told the investigators that she got injured due to a bullet in leg by Americans.. She also attested that OBL was unarmed when the American seals attacked, and before he could get to his Kalashnikov, American seals killed him..
:End of Translation

Now lets analyse..

First of all.. this is another “word of mouth”.. nothing solid! so no proof!

Secondly, when a person is on the run, he is always active, (even if he is “being protected”, he still fears betrayal), the “navy seal operation lasted 40 min (courtesy Obama)”..

so are they trying to tell us that he couldn’t get to his gun in the first (let say) 15 min???

was he keeping his gun in a trunk which was buried deep in the ground and he had to shovel it out??

Was the Blast outside or gunfire not good enough for a person to wake up if he is sleeping??

Anyways, another pile of Bullshit!!
HALE AND HEARTY: Amal, the youngest of Osama’s three wives also told investigators that her husband was hale and hearty and had recovered from his kidney ailment. “He was not on dialysis,” the official said.

Osama’s Yemeni wife told investigators that he had undergone two kidney surgeries in Afghanistan’s south-western Kandahar province during Taliban regime and had recovered thereafter, using homemade medications including water melons.



As i have said before in many posts, lie through your teeth, and then keep tying the knots of broken string of events...

the "Kidney dialysis required" report came AFTER Afghanistan was attacked and Taliban were ON THE RUN..

and two kidney operations and then healing through homemade medicine???

LOL, i guess doctors from all DEVELOPED and HIGHLY EXPENSIVE Hospital throughout the world should go to Taliban and learn how to do Kidney operations with knives, spoons and forks and then get the ingredients of those "homemade" medicines..

Bunch of Bullcr@p!!
Another gem:

Amal, who according to these officials, spent the last night with her husband and gave an account of what had transpired, told investigators that she had just moved with her husband to their bedroom and switched off the lights when they heard gunshots.

Before Osama could reach out for his Kalashnikov, the Navy SEALS team burst in and shot at her husband, confirming again that he was unarmed.


So he was not sleeping, not even lying down, they just switched off the lights.. and they heard the gunshots!!

Osama was trying to reach to his Kalashnikov, (which obviously was not near him, otherwise he could have got it).. so If seals shot him when he was running, the bullet holes should be on his back.. not "precise" shots in the head and chest! (moving target, those who have EVER shot a gun would know what i am saying)..

Bunch of Cr@p!!! Rubbish!!
That could be wrong or in-spite of that ISI had a reason. It could be blamed on them so that so buddy suspects ISI.

In same Logic.. It might be the case that US is making up all this OBL bullshit because he died Long time ago, and they didn't tell that in order to invade Iraq (for oil) and Afghanistan (for strategic position in the area).. and now they are trying to close OBL chapter using it as a reason to invade yet another country, Pakistan..

Why don't you implement the same logic to US?? cuz its not in YOUR favor??
In same Logic.. It might be the case that US is making up all this OBL bullshit because he died Long time ago, and they didn't tell that in order to invade Iraq (for oil) and Afghanistan (for strategic position in the area).. and now they are trying to close OBL chapter using it as a reason to invade yet another country, Pakistan..

Why don't you implement the same logic to US?? cuz its not in YOUR favor??

Good point, I do not find them without guilt, but regarding Tablian, AQ there have been more than one instance of ISI/PA complicit with them. Hence it makes more sense to buy that story.
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